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CSS: Responsive Navigation Menu

CSS: Responsive Navigation Menu
Previously I wrote a tutorial on how to make a mobile navigation for responsive design, now I've discovered a new technique to produce a responsive menu without having to use Javascript. It uses clean and semantic HTML5 markup. The menu can be aligned left, center or right. Unlike the previous tutorial where it is clicked to toggle, this menu toggles on hover which is more user friendly. It also has an indicator to show the active/current menu item. View Demo Responsive Menu The Purpose The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how turn a regular list menu into a dropdown menu on smaller display. This trick is more useful on navigation with a lot of links like the screenshot below. Nav HTML Markup Here is the markup for the navigation. <nav class="nav"><ul><li class="current"><a href="#">Portfolio</a></li><li><a href="#">Illustration</a></li><li><a href="#">Web Design</a></li><li><a href="#">Print Media</a></li><li><a href="#">Graphic Design</a></li></ul></nav> Center and Right Alignment Related:  TUTORIELS

HasLayout et bugs de rendu dans Internet Explorer 6-7 Le HasLayout, dont vous avez sans doute entendu parler au détour d'un tutoriel ou sur un forum, est une spécificité du navigateur Internet Explorer pour Windows, qui affecte les versions 5 à 7 incluses. Il s'agit d'un mécanisme interne du moteur de rendu d'Internet Explorer. Le HasLayout intervient dans le positionnement des éléments et plus généralement dans le calcul de l'affichage des pages web. Bref, c'est une question de cuisine interne. Pourquoi s'en occuper, s'il s'agit de cuisine interne ? Eh bien parce que cette cuisine-là n'est pas invisible, et que ses conséquences se font sentir dans nos pages web. Concrètement, qu'est-ce-que c'est? Les explications détaillées sur le HasLayout peuvent être trouvées dans l'article On Having Layout. On retiendra surtout que, pour Internet Explorer, tout élément d'une page HTML peut avoir deux états: soit il a le layout, soit il ne l'a pas. Mais qui a le layout? Un exemple de différence de rendu lié au layout On pourrait multiplier les exemples.

R. M. Menu CSS+JS Comparing PIE to Other CSS3 Products – CSS3 PIE: CSS3 decorations for IE PIE is not the first product by far to provide some level of CSS3 support in IE. It can be difficult to tell what the differences are between all the products out there, so I'm going to attempt to cover several of the major ones here, and clarify their similarities and differences with PIE. An aside: some of these comparisons are based on fairly cursory evaluations of the projects. As a result there may be some inaccuracies. Dean Edwards's IE7.js (and IE8.js, IE9.js) This is the granddaddy of all IE shims, and probably the first major attempt at implementing CSS3 features in IE. It is implemented as a series of drop-in .js scripts, the main focus of which is working around IE layout bugs and implementing advanced selectors. Conversely, PIE doesn't attempt to implement any CSS3 selectors. The big downside with IE7.js as I understand it is performance. Keith Clark's Selectivizr This project, like IE7.js, implements CSS3 selectors only. Aaron Gustafson's eCSStender Drew Diller's DD_roundies

Creating 3D worlds with HTML and CSS by Keith Clark Last year I created a demo showing how CSS 3D transforms could be used to create 3D environments. The demo was a technical showcase of what could be achieved with CSS at the time but I wanted to see how far I could push things, so over the past few months I’ve been working on a new version with more complex models, realistic lighting, shadows and collision detection. This post documents how I did it and the techniques I used. View the demo(best experienced in Safari) Creating 3D objects In today’s 3D engines an objects geometry is stored as a collection of points (or vertices) each having an x, y and z property that defines its position in 3D space. With CSS transforms this is turned on its head. Creating objects from rectangles seems limiting at first but you can do a surprising amount with them, especially when you start playing with PNG alpha channels. All objects are created in JavaScript using a small set functions for creating primitive geometry. Lighting A second stab at lighting

Menus Responsive Css2Less CSS Tutorials CSS Beginner Tutorial A step-by-step guide to CSS basics. Go here if you’re comfortable with basic HTML. Applying CSS - The different ways you can apply CSS to HTML.Selectors, Properties, and Values - The bits that make up CSS.Colors - How to use color.Text - How to manipulate the size and shape of text.Margins and Padding - How to space things out.Borders - Erm. Borders. Things that go around things.Putting It All Together - Throwing all of the above ingredients into one spicy hotpot. CSS Intermediate Tutorial Various odds-and-sods building on the basics of CSS. Class and ID Selectors: Make your own selectors without the need for sticky-backed plastic! CSS Advanced Tutorial Exploiting the versatile depths of CSS. Rounded Corners: Corners.

First Time User Experiences LESS « The Dynamic Stylesheet language CSS Color Module Level 3 Abstract CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language for describing the rendering of HTML and XML documents on screen, on paper, in speech, etc. It uses color-related properties and values to color the text, backgrounds, borders, and other parts of elements in a document. This specification describes color values and properties for foreground color and group opacity. These include properties and values from CSS level 2 and new values. Status of this document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. The (archived) public mailing list (see instructions) is preferred for discussion of this specification. This document was produced by the CSS Working Group (part of the Style Activity). A separate implementation report contains a test suite and shows that each test in the test suite was passed by at least two independent implementations. A complete list of changes to this document is available. Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 3.1. Example(s):
