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Foolproof Pan Pizza

Foolproof Pan Pizza
SLIDESHOW: The Pizza Lab: Foolproof Pan Pizza [Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt] It's time for another round of The Food Lab. Got a suggestion for an upcoming topic? Email Kenji here, and he'll do his best to answer your queries in a future post. I've got a confession to make: I love pan pizza. I'm not talking deep-dish Chicago-style with its crisp crust and rivers of cheese and sauce, I'm talking thick-crusted, fried-on-the-bottom, puffy, cheesy, focaccia-esque pan pizza of the kind that you might remember Pizza Hut having when you were a kid, though in reality, most likely that pizza never really existed—as they say, pizzas past always look better through pepperoni-tinted glasses. It would arrive at the table in a jet black, well-worn pan, its edges browned and crisped where the cheese has melted into the gap between the crust and the pan. If only pizza that good were also easy to make. The way I see it, there are three basic difficulties most folks have with pizza: Problem 1: Kneading. Related:  Bread

How to Make Your Own Tortillas Edit Article Two Methods:Flour TortillasCorn TortillasCommunity Q&A Nothing tastes better than fresh tortillas! If you dislike those leathery ones often found in the grocery store that tear when you wrap them and get soggy when you add ingredients to them, then you can easily make your own. Soggy and leathery is not authentic and definitely not worth it. Homemade corn or flour tortillas are much more delicious, and are a smarter choice as you know exactly what is going in them. Steps Flour Tortillas <img alt="Image titled Make Your Own Tortillas Step 13" src=" width="728" height="485" class="whcdn" onload="WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');">1Gather your ingredients. Corn Tortillas Community Q&A Add New Question Can I use a food processor to mix the ingredients? Ask a Question Tips Warnings

Leftover Pizza + Waffle Iron = Delicious Crispy, Gooey, Cheese-Stuffed Snack [Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt] Below you will see a slice of pizza. It is cold. Some people like to eat it cold. Some people microwave their slices. Some people like to reheat their pizza in a toaster oven or an oven. Still others, the true scholars who have studied the art and science behind the best way to reheat pizza will heat their cold slices in a skillet on the stovetop, a method that brings that slice completely back from the dead, rendering it nearly indistinguishable from the original. Today, I'm going to reveal to you a method that is superior to any of these. We're not the first people to think about making pizza in a waffle iron. What we're doing is a little different, and a heck of a lot easier. Step 1: Top as Desired Place any toppings (which will soon become stuffings) on the upper left quadrant of the slice, Try to go relatively easy here so that you don't end up squeezing them out down the line. Step 2: Fold it Step 3: Trim it Trim off the exposed crust. Step 5: ??????

Classic Scones 340g all-purpose flour20g baking powder1/2 tsp salt50g unsalted butter, diced80g caster sugar100ml milk3 large eggs60g raisins or sultanas Preheat the oven to 390 (365 fan) and line a baking tray with parchment paper. In a medium bowl whisk the flour, baking powder and salt together. Add the diced butter and using your fingers or a pastry blender rub in the butter until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Mix in the sugar then make a well in the middle and pour in the milk, two of the eggs and the raisins. Using a wooden spoon mix together until it just comes together to form a soft wet dough. Tip the dough out onto a well floured surface and gently knead by folding the dough in half and then turning through 45 degrees and repeating until the dough is smooth. Lightly flour the surface of the dough and roll out to about 2.5cm inch thick. Best served warm with clotted cream and jam.

Recipe: Waffled hash browns — Will It Waffle? I had made waffles for breakfast. (Yeast-risen. 3/4 white flour, 1/8 whole wheat flour, 1/8 cornmeal. But that is enough waffle talk.) Now it was time for lunch. Would hash browns waffle? As it turns out, yes and no. Here is the key: Don't slice the potatoes, shred them. Slicing produced limp potatoes with inadequate waffleization. But shredding produced waffled hash browns with a fantastic amount of crunch on the outside and tiny pockets of silky smoothness inside. And it couldn't be easier. Ingredients: PotatoesSaltPepperButter Directions: 1.

SACO Foods Recipes: Biscuits Supreme 3 cups flour 5 Tbsp SACO Cultured Buttermilk Blend 4 tsp baking powder 1 Tbsp sugar 1 tsp salt 3/4 tsp cream of tarter 3/4 cup butter 1 1/4 cup water Instructions: Preheat oven to 450°F. This Recipe Yields: 12 servings. Old Fries + Waffle Iron = Awesome Pull-Apart Waffle Fries [Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt] It's a rare occurrence 'round these parts that a pile of french fries will go unfinished, but what happens when they do? There's nothing much more depressing than discovering that what once was a heap of crisp-on-the-outside-fluffy-in-the-middle, potatoey treats has become a uniformly mushy, grease-laden mound of sadness. And that's really what old, soggy fries are. What's a crispy potato lover to do? But no more. Conceptually, it's pretty similar to The Waffleizer's Hash Brown Waffles: both are made with thin-cut potatoes pressed into a waffle iron. The fries go in cold and get compressed into the waffle compartments where they begin by shedding some of their fat, then continue by frying in that fat. They take a little longer than you'd expect—10 to 15 minutes or so—but you'll know they're ready when every nook and cranny is fully crisped. We served ours with a bit of the awesome chipotle mayonnaise from Just Mayo. So what makes them so good you ask?

Rosetta soffiata romana “er pane bono de’ Roma” Se le consumate il giorno dopo, vi consiglio di consevarle in una bustina di carta e poi in una busta di plastica ben sigillata. L’abbinamento tipico e ideale è con salumi o tonno e carciofini: togliere il "naso" centrale per farcirla di tonno, richiuderla e degustarla. Si accompagna benissimo con i formaggi, la ricotta romana, mozzarella, prosciutto e con tutti i salumi. Ingredienti per la biga (Maestro P.Giorilli-Maestro F.Rivola): 500 gr farina 360/380 W P/L 0,55 (Manitoba tipo 0 oppure 00) 225 gr acqua minerale naturale (45%) 5 gr lievito di birra fresco (1%)A vostra scelta uno dei due tipi d'impasto: Ingredienti per l’impasto (Maestro P.Giorilli): la biga + 50 gr farina 300 W P/L 0,55 (* vedi note) 61 gr acqua minerale naturale (52% sul totale della farina (550 gr) meno 225 gr utilizzata per la biga.) 11 gr sale (2% sul totale della farina) 5 gr malto d'orzo (1% sul totale della farina) Olio EVO q.b. per pennellare Prepariamo la biga utilizzando solo la farina Manitoba tipo 00.

Challah Monkey Bread [Photograph: Alexandra Penfold] Notes: The recipe calls for light brown sugar, but if you like a deeper caramel flavor, dark brown sugar is a good sub here. Texture-wise I found that bread flour is a must. Lastly, make sure your instant yeast is lively! This recipe is adapted from my favorite challah recipe, the Ima Challah found on Food52 and my favorite monkey bread recipe, which comes from America's Best Lost Recipes by the Editors of Cook's Country Magazine. About the author: Alexandra Penfold is mild-mannered literary agent by day, food ninja by night.

Video recipe for Rosetta bread rolls Siete qui: Home » recipes_category » Pane @en » Video recipe for Rosetta bread rolls Condividi questa pagina: I’ve always wanted to make rosetta bread rolls, in italian “rosette soffiate” (literally, “puffed roses”) and I took advantage of grandma Laura’s visit to give it a try. We tested a couple of recipes and when we combined Roy Jerden’s and’s recipes, we got a really good, light and well baked bread. This is a rather challenging recipe that requires the use of a mixer and long leavening times, but it’s absolutely worth it. In future I will try to simplify the recipe a little. Ingredients Starter dough 400 g flour (medium strength 00 – 12% gluten W280)175 g water 4 g yeast (or 2g dry yeast) Second dough 40 g flour (medium strength 00 – 12% gluten W280)55 g acqua55 g water4 g malt (or sugar)8 g salt Tools Method Biga (Starter dough) Dissolve the yeast in the water, which must be at room temperatureMix in the flourKnead for only 3-4 minutesThe dough will be tough and not very refined
