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The Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis) edited by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers

The Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis) edited by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers
For a reprint of Mathers' edition, see listing at INTRODUCTION by Joseph H. Peterson. The Key of Solomon is the most famous and important of all Grimoires, or handbooks of Magic. As A.E. Mr. It is true that the Mathers edition would not be considered critical by modern standards of scholarship (but Waite's editions of various esoteric texts leave far more to be desired than Mathers'). Of course, none of the manuscripts used by Mathers qualify as "ancient" or even "medieval"; the oldest is probably 16th century. Mathers' translation is almost entirely dependant on French Colorno manuscript exemplars dating 18th century. In addition, Mathers made significant use of Lansdowne 1202, even though he pronounces it "more concise in style." Also heavily used by Mathers was LES VÉRITABLES CLAVICULES DE SALOMON, Traduites de l'Hebreux en langue Latine Par le Rabin ABOGNAZAR (Lansdowne MSS 1203.) Sloane 1307 is in Italian, and is also ca. 17th century. Greek Latin Italian English Hebrew French Related:  Magick and Alchemy

Ouroboros - Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki - Wikia Ouroboros refers to the ancient mystical symbol representing a dragon devouring its own tail. It represents the eternal cycle of life and death. The circular affinity suggests the eternal cycle of life death or death and birth that happens to each life born. The head of the dragon represents life, while the tail as it is being bitten represents the end of life, the circular motion shows the perpetual cycle of life and death as the dragon consumes its tail. Before learning of their identities as Homunculi, Edward referred to the individuals behind the odd circumstances in Amestris as "Members of the Ouroboros". Locations of Ouroboros tattoos Edit In all versions of the story: Edit Lust's Ouroboros is located on her upper sternum, just above her breasts. In the manga and 2009 anime: Wrath's Ouroboros is located on his left eye (same as Pride in the 2003 anime). In the 2003 anime only: Trivia

Numerology In many of the world's alphabets, the symbols used for letters also have a numerical significance. This is called the number-in-name characterology or numerology. Numerology was also used by the ancients in encoding secrets from their oppressors. The names we use may have a significant meaning in numerology as they reveal the personality we have, our destinies or goals in life. Of all the predictive arts, numerology is probably the easiest to learn as all that's required is a pen, paper and an elementary knowledge of arithmetic. The numbers that matter most are 1 through 9. In order to get started, I'll use the name of a well-known person together with his birthday. Birthday: 14th March 1879 or 14-03-1879 A way of visualizing the numbers that a name has is by listing the numbers according to the human personality. Now looking at the vertical lines, the line of 3, 2, 1 is made of the numbers of thought which relate to the "air" element. The way numerology works is by adding each number.

Color Wheel - Color Scheme Randomizer - Color Theory for web designers Are you about to give up? Just can't find the right colors for your page? Well, here is the solution for you! Spin the color wheel and get a selection of three random colors. The color wheel randomizes among some 16 million colors. So, are we just leaving our color selection to chance? You will probably be surprised by how often you will get combinations that look very pleasing to the eye. I think one good thing about this approach (as opposed to sitting down before a blank monitor to think about what colours to use) is that you never know what is going to show up. Just keep in mind that the colors are seen against a neutral background and that they are displayed in small areas.

Rock Key The Rock Identification Key - by Don PeckRock Key Table of Contents What Are Rocks? Rocks are what the crust of the earth is made of. They are the mountains and the bottom of the ocean. They are everywhere on earth, but often buried under soil. [ Return to Rock Key Table of Contents ] What Minerals Form Rocks? theomagica - On Crossing the Abyss The experience of Crossing the Abyss is triggered by a liminal rite and results in a series of liminal experiences in our everyday lives. It describes nothing other than the actual process of crossing the Abyss, i.e. the passing over the visionary threshold that lies between creation and divinity - as well as hopefully a safe return of the practitioner into creation. The term is not specific to a particular rite or tradition of magic but describes an underlying pattern of human existence: When we cross from creation to divinity we are stripped bare of all created forms that we hold as part of our own being: our body, our ego, our memories, our mind, etc. What passes through to the other side of the threshold is the individualised spark of divinity that we carry within ourselves. Rather than the crossing itself, it’s the process of re-integration into the world of creation upon one’s return that can be the even more problematic and painful experience. It was a pretty full on year.

Reiki Traditions[edit] Today many branches of Reiki exist, though there exist two major traditions, respectively called Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. Traditional Japanese Reiki[edit] The term Traditional Japanese Reiki is normally used to describe the specific system that formed from Usui's original teachings[41] and the teachings that did not leave Japan. Usui Reiki Ryōhō Gakkai (臼井靈氣療法學會 in Traditional Chinese Characters, meaning "Usui Reiki Healing Method Learning Society")[43] is the name of the society of Reiki masters founded by Mikao Usui. The Japanese Reiki hand positions presented in the Usui Reiki Ryōhō Hikkei (臼井靈氣療法必携, Usui Reiki Treatment Handbook) as used and compiled by Usui are considerably more extensive than the hand positions used in Western Reiki.[47] Western Reiki[edit] After being trained by Hayashi, Takata went back to Hawaii, taking Reiki with her. Teachings[edit] Training[edit] First degree[edit] Second degree[edit] Third degree[edit] Variations[edit]

Common Invention Recipes - Paragon Wiki From Paragon Wiki Common Invention Recipes are recipes that are used to create common Invention Origin Enhancements, which enhance one attribute per enhancement and have no set bonuses. They are available every five levels between levels 10 and 50. They can be obtained by defeating mobs, buying them at an Invention Worktable (usually found in a University or Base), or from memorization badges. Each time you craft one of these recipes, it counts toward a memorization badge, depending on the enhancement's level, as specified in the recipe sections. Additionally, crafting any recipe, common or otherwise, counts toward the Artisan, Master Artisan, Craftsman, Master Craftsman and Fabricator badges. The cost to craft an enhancement from a recipe is printed on the recipe. An Invention Cheatsheet is also available which shows the relationships between recipes and their salvage for the three "tiers" (levels 10-25, 30-40, and 45-50). Accuracy See also: Invention: Accuracy Confuse Invention: Confuse Fear

Alchemy Index Sacred-texts home Esoteric Buy CD-ROM Buy Books on Alchemy Although the alchemists' fundamental goal of elemental transmutation was flawed, on a deeper level the work of alchemy (cloaked in allegorical images) also represented the transformation of the soul. Modern science has accomplished the transmutation of elements using means that the alchemists never dreamed of. The Hermetic Museum: Volume I Volume II tr. by Arthur Edward Waite [1893]A completely new scan of this key collection of Alchemical tracts. Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored by A. Collectanea Chemica ed. by A. Triumphal Chariot of Antimony by Basil Valentine Golden Chain of Homer Emerald Tablet of Hermes Glory of the World The Six Keys of Eudoxus Freher's Process in the Philosophical Work The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus The Hermetic Arcanum Hortulanus' Commentary on the Emerald Tablet The Stone of the Philosophers by Edward Kelly Mary the Prophetess An Alchemical Mass The Mirror of Alchemy On the Philadelphian Gold A.E.

Galactic Mayan Time Science Project on Planet Earth > GaianXaos Welcome to the present moment. This project is primarily concerned with the Classic Mayan civilization of Central America. The information is broken up into several sections. Firstly, we will explore the history of the Maya and their rise to civilization. We will then investigate the heart of their beliefs concerning the Universe in which they lived and their understanding of Time and Nature. We will connect their understanding of harmonic resonance with the basic structure of their system of mathematics. In Lake’ch: Mayan for “I am another yourself” and principle of universal love Origins and timeline of Mayan civilization on Earth The roots of the Mayan civilization can be traced back thousands of years to the Olmecs, an earlier civilization that inhabited an area along the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmec left behind many beautiful artifacts including stone and jade sculptures, many of which are characteristically related to the jaguar. The Maya are also preceded by the Zapotecs of Oaxaca.

HEROICA! Way Cool Binds & Macros List The above is a single pair of binds from the set of 5 (or 10) that you need to implement automatic cycling of the four "Prestige Sprints" you get as a Veteran's Reward. With 4 cool sprinting animations to choose from, plus the basic Sprint, there's no reason to pick just one. Each bind resides in its own sub-bindfile. When you press CTRL+R to cycle the sprint mode, it activates the currently selected mode and then loads a bindfile fragment to overwrite the command, ready for the next toggle. Each time you press CTRL+R, you'll get a different sprint animation. If you use R to toggle autorun off and on while forcing on your fast-motion move (Sprint or Super Speed), you can choose whether this bind modification overwrites that or not. To implement this bind, download the archive file of bind fragments by clicking HERE. Now, open each character's bindfile (you DO keep them separate, right?) Have fun showing off!
