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Rex Research: suppressed, dormant,emerging unconventional alternative technologies: Free energy, Over-Unity, Antigravity, Inventions, Alchemy, Transmutation, Cannabis Hemp Marijuana, Magnet motors, Alternative Therapies"

Rex Research: suppressed, dormant,emerging unconventional alternative technologies: Free energy, Over-Unity, Antigravity, Inventions, Alchemy, Transmutation, Cannabis Hemp Marijuana, Magnet motors, Alternative Therapies"
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Space Weather Alerts and Warnings Timeline NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center Space Weather Alerts Alerts/Displays - Archive - Help Space Weather Alerts Timelines Alerts and Warnings Timeline (this page) Alerts issued in the past 7 days, ending with today.Warnings Currently in Effect 7 day plot centered on today showing past 3 days and next 3 days.Alerts Timeline Archives Timelines of Alerts issued since February 2002. A Table of SWPC Alerts and Warnings and Descriptions of SWPC Alerts with helpful user information are online.

Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel ALTERNATIVE HEALTH APPROACHES This statement, By Hulda Clark (among many others) is a basis for the application of all of the various "Induced Resonance" Frequency experimental and research approaches I've presented here. These applications have included my own variations on RESONANT RADIANT PLASMA Resonant Frequency Induction devices- the EM+ systems. All of these devices and applications have one thing in common; they all are designed to produce / induce resonances within the body- resonances which are either disruptive to bacteria, parasites, and viruses, or which stimulate normalization of system functions. Rife referred to the 'MOR', the 'Mortal Oscillatory Rate' of pathogens, and researchers who later worked with him, following in his footsteps and expanding upon his research, developed an extensive list of frequencies which could be used to disrupt specific pathogens, or to benefit individuals with certain diseases or afflictions. Richard Gerber, M.D.' C. James L. Robert O. What is it? What does it DO?

Sports La Quête Magnétique de l'énergie libre Induction coil Antique induction coil used in schools, from around 1900, Bremerhaven, Germany Induction coil showing construction, from 1920. An induction coil or "spark coil" (archaically known as an inductorium or Ruhmkorff coil[1] after Heinrich Rühmkorff) is a type of electrical transformer[2][3][4] used to produce high-voltage pulses from a low-voltage direct current (DC) supply.[1][5] To create the flux changes necessary to induce voltage in the secondary coil, the direct current in the primary coil is repeatedly interrupted by a vibrating mechanical contact called an interrupter.[1] Invented in 1836 by Nicholas Callan, with additional research by Charles Grafton Page and others,[1] the induction coil was the first type of transformer. It was widely used in x-ray machines,[1][6] spark-gap radio transmitters,[1][6] arc lighting and quack medical electrotherapy devices from the 1880s to the 1920s. Construction and function Schematic diagram The interrupter Capacitor Construction details History

Alternative news Le Diagnostic Performance Energétique DPE Obligatoire depuis le 1er Janvier 2011 pour toute vente d'un bien immobilier, focus sur le D.P.E. Les objectifs du D.P.E. • Informer l’acquéreur, le futur locataire et le propriétaire sur la consommation énergétique d’un bien et permettre la comparaison de différents logements ; • Sensibiliser les occupants aux économies d’énergie ; • Inciter à la réalisation de travaux de rénovation énergétique. Les méthodes d'évaluation Suivant le type du bien et sa date de construction, le diagnostiqueur dispose de deux méthodes réglementaires d’évaluation des consommations énergétiques • La méthode « 3CL » (Calculs des Consommations Conventionnelles dans les Logements) : prise en compte des caractéristiques du bâti (murs, isolation, huisseries) et de ses équipements (chauffage, eau chaude sanitaire, refroidissement) modulée en fonction de la zone géographique. Le Parc des Logements en France Mon logement peut-il être classé en A ? Des aides financières existent Important : Exemples concrets Cas n° 2 Bis

Bo Atkinson's Imagine ~ Design ~ Build Services Entertainment The Great Pyramid – A Quantum Solution | Artojh's Renderings Quantum Numbers for the Pyramid of Alnitak by Arto Juhani Heino (c) 2012 I am One that transforms into Two I am Two that transforms into Four I am Four that transforms into Eight After this I am One (Coffin of Petamon, Cairo Museum no: 1160) Finally I have unearthed the Quantum Arithmetic set of numbers for the Great Pyramid. The first two numbers and a ratio translation number are all the information required to reconstruct the Great Pyramid’s elusive design. There are many amazing and promising designs I have encountered, great work using pure geometry to crunch those angles and make it fit, sadly there are many devices used that are artificial and eludes to squaring of the circle, a pursuit rooted in the misunderstanding between a curved line and a straight line, two different forms of measure. Here Listed here are some of the Pyramids investigators and a brief of their work. Leon Cooper -The Architects Plan Ole Jergen Bryn Apex – Retracing the Egyptian Pyramids Tim G. I.E.S. b e d a Circles

Reference “Operating Instructions” for orgonites | Bargain Orgonite | Buy cheap, simple and efficient orgonites (and for gifting) Where/how to place/use orgonite? As a general rule just place the orgonite the closest to where you want the positive effect. If it’s to transmute the electromagnetic waves of a WiFi router, place the orgonite on it, or under, or next to it. If its’ for a plant place the orgonite at the base of the plant. Which orgonites for which use? When I discovered orgonites in 2006 there wasn’t much diversity, we had the Tower Busters as a kind of all purpose orgonite, the Cloudbusters for the sky and HHGs for a stronger effect for specific places, since they are bigger than Tower Busters. The cloudbuster being much bigger, the base is equivalent to about 100 Tower Busters in one block, as such it will have a much stronger effect which is easily visible on the growth of plants around it if placed outdoors in a garden or nature. The other more subtly made orgonites, with several different stones and/or metals can also be used for plants, outdoors, energizing water, in a car, etc. Wherever you want!

