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50 Common Cognitive Distortions

50 Common Cognitive Distortions
3. Negative predictions. Overestimating the likelihood that an action will have a negative outcome. 4. Underestimating coping ability. Underestimating your ability cope with negative events. 5. Thinking of unpleasant events as catastrophes. 6. For example, during social interactions, paying attention to someone yawning but not paying the same degree of attention to other cues that suggest they are interested in what you’re saying (such as them leaning in). 7. Remembering negatives from a social situation and not remembering positives. 8. Believing an absence of a smiley-face in an email means someone is mad at you. 9. The belief that achieving unrelentingly high standards is necessary to avoid a catastrophe. 10. Believing the same rules that apply to others should not apply to you. 11. For example, I’ve made progress toward my goal and therefore it’s ok if I act in a way that is inconsistent with it. 12. For example, believing that poor people must deserve to be poor. 13. 14. It’s not. 15. 16. Related:  Distorted Thinking

Petit recueil de 18 moisissures argumentatives pour concours de mauvaise foi Petit recueil de non plus 18, mais 20 moisissures argumentatives à utiliser sans modération lors des concours de mauvaise foi. Ont été intégrés les plurium et l’argument de l’exotisme. Nous avons découpé ces moisissures argumentatives en trois grandes catégories : les erreurs logiques, les attaques, et les travestissements. Télécharger en pdf la mise en page magnifique du graphiste Francois-b. 1. La généralisation abusive Méthode : prendre un échantillon trop petit et en tirer une conclusion générale. Exemples : Mon voisin est un imbécile moustachu, donc tous les moustachus sont des imbéciles.Les Chinois sont vachement sympas. Exemples aggravés (menant au racisme ordinaire) : Le Chinois est vachement sympa. 2. Méthode : raisonner à rebours, vers une cause possible parmi d’autres, vers un scénario préconçu ou vers la position que l’on souhaite prouver. Exemples : Exemple aggravé : 3. Méthode : tirer une conclusion ne suivant pas logiquement les prémisses. Si A est vraie, alors B est vraie. 4. 5.

Fallacy List 1. FAULTY CAUSE: (post hoc ergo propter hoc) mistakes correlation or association for causation, by assuming that because one thing follows another it was caused by the other. example: A black cat crossed Babbs' path yesterday and, sure enough, she was involved in an automobile accident later that same afternoon. example: The introduction of sex education courses at the high school level has resulted in increased promiscuity among teens. A recent study revealed that the number of reported cases of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) was significantly higher for high schools that offered courses in sex education than for high schools that did not. 2. example: Muffin must be rich or have rich parents, because she belongs to ZXQ, and ZXQ is the richest sorority on campus. example: I'd like to hire you, but you're an ex-felon and statistics show that 80% of ex-felons recidivate. 3. example: All of those movie stars are really rude. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. example: Only man is rational. 12.

Pharmacy Technician Certification: Program Summary If you like to work with people and are interested in learning about the health care field, pursuing a Pharmacy Technician Certification could be the answer you are looking for. As a Certified Pharmacy Technician, you will have the ability to work closely with patients of all ages, providing them with medication and health care products, while working under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist. What is a Pharmacy Technician Certification? With a Pharmacy Technician Certificate, students are able to assist licensed pharmacists by providing medication and health care products to patients. Skills Obtained Pharmacy technicians need to be good with people, pay attention to details, and have a sense of how to provide exceptional customer service. Career Outlook and Work Locations Pharmacy technicians are able to enjoy flexibility in their work as many positions can be full or part-time depending on preference. Salary Information Show me popular schools

People who think their opinions are superior to others are most prone to overestimating their relevant knowledge and ignoring chances to learn more By guest blogger Tom Stafford We all know someone who is convinced their opinion is better than everyone else’s on a topic – perhaps, even, that it is the only correct opinion to have. Maybe, on some topics, you are that person. No psychologist would be surprised that people who are convinced their beliefs are superior think they are better informed than others, but this fact leads to a follow on question: are people actually better informed on the topics for which they are convinced their opinion is superior? This is what Michael Hall and Kaitlin Raimi set out to check in a series of experiments in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. The researchers distinguish “belief superiority” from “belief confidence” (thinking your opinion is correct). As well as simple background knowledge, the researchers were also interested in how people with belief superiority sought out new information relevant to that belief. Overall the research presents a mixed picture. Like this:

Le Plaisir de la Cuisine - Pain roulé au jambon et au fromage (MAP) | Ce pain est idéal pour un soir accompagné d'une bonne salade ! Ingrédients : - 300ml d'eau - 1,5 cuil à café de sel - 500g de farine - 1 sachet de levure déshydratée Préparation : Disposer les ingrédients dans l'ordre dans la cuve de la machine. Mettre en route le programme "pâte". Une fois le programme terminé, sortir la pâte et l'étaler de façon à former un rectangle. Badigeonner le rectangle obtenu avec de l'huile d'olive, parsemer d'herbes de provence, de morceaux de jambon, d'oignon et de gruyère râpé. Rouler le tout et découper de petits tronçons que l'on disposera dans un moule à cake (comme pour un chinois). Il ne reste plus qu'à badigeonner le pain de jaune d'oeuf et faire cuire environ 30 min à 180°. Très bon, très simple à faire et déclinable à volonté (avec des lardons, du chèvre, du bacon, des tomates séchées.....)

Medical Insurance Coder Certificate: Overview of Certificate Programs Research certificate programs in medical insurance coding. Get information on program details, required courses and continuing education options to make an informed decision about your education. Medical insurance coder certificate programs teach students how to analyze medical records and classify procedures so that a healthcare facility can receive reimbursement for services provided. Students also often learn how to maintain medical records and other information relevant to patient care. Course Topics Courses prepare students to take certification exams in medical billing and coding upon graduation. Healthcare coding regulations International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) Procedure and diagnostic coding Medical terminology Billing and insurance Popular Career Options In addition to supporting insurance reimbursement systems, medical coders may also participate in the assessment of clinical care by providing coded data and performing other research activities.

Revisiting why incompetents think they’re awesome In 1999 a pair of researchers published a paper called "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments (PDF)." David Dunning and Justin Kruger (both at Cornell University's Department of Psychology at the time) conducted a series of four studies showing that, in certain cases, people who are very bad at something think they are actually pretty good. They showed that to assess your own expertise at something, you need to have a certain amount of expertise already. Remember the 2008 election campaign? In all of this, uninformed idiots blame the Greeks for being lazy, the Germans for being too strict, and everyone but themselves. It has been more than 10 years since Dunning and Kruger published their work. "The paper gave voice to an observation that people make about their peers, but that they don’t know how to express," Dunning said. This paper has become a cult classic.

Éventails de pommes de terre au bacon & au parmesan | Croquant Fondant Gourmand Un plat de pommes de terre dorées, fondantes et croustillantes. Je les ai servies en accompagnement de grillades de porc simplement poêlées en déglaçant la sauteuse avec du bouillon de cuisson des pommes de terre. Un régal! Pour 4 Croquants-Gourmands Sur ma paillasse : - 8 pommes de terre de taille à peu près égale- 8 rondelles fines de bacon- 40 g de parmesan râpé - huile d’olive - 1 gousse d’ail - 500 ml d’eau - 1 tablette de bouillon de volaille 1 plat allant au four et sur le feuPréchauffage du four à 190° (chaleur tournante) Au travail : Peler l’ail et les pommes de terre.Si nécessaire, couper une lamelle à la base des pommes de terre pour les rendre stables. Faire de profondes incisions parallèles dans la chair de la pomme de terre : Elle ressemble aux pages d’un livre ouvert. Couper les rondelles de bacon en fines lamelles. Glisser un morceau de bacon entre chaque tranche de pomme de terre. Enfourner pour 20 minutes.Sortir le plat du four, répartir le parmesan sur les pommes de terre.

Medical Billing and Coding Certificate: Program Overview A medical billing and coding certificate program can equip students with entry-level skills essential for employment in a variety of medical offices. These programs can take up to a year to complete. The program typically focuses on the theory, practical knowledge and skill development essential for employment in the healthcare field as a medical billing and coding professional. Course Topics Courses in this certificate program focus on the medical and clerical aspects of the job. Human anatomy and physiology Medical terminology Coding basics Legal and ethical issues in healthcare Reimbursement in healthcare Popular Career Options A medical coding and billing certificate program can prepare graduates to work in physician's offices, hospitals and insurance companies. Medical biller Medical claims reviewer Medical coder Continuing Education and Certification Information Show me popular schools

Perché gli stupidi si credono intelligenti? – RicPuglisi Vi è mai capitato di incontrare dei perfetti idioti che si credono dei portenti di intelligenza? Sicuramente sì. Potrebbe esservi anche capitato di essere sicuri di avere capito tutto su un certo tema, ma -con il senno di poi- realizzare di esservi illusi di capire, quando in realtà avevate capito poco o niente. Si tratta di un tema molto generale: noi esseri umani siamo capaci di essere obiettivi su noi stessi e sulla nostra intelligenza? La risposta giusta è: no. In particolare, quanto più qualcuno è incompetente su un certo tema o in una certa attività, tanto più crede di essere più bravo di quel che è. L’effetto per cui se sei stupido e/o scarso su un certo tema non sai neanche di esserlo si chiama “effetto Dunning/Kruger”, dal nome dei due psicologi che ne hanno dimostrato la presenza attraverso una serie di esperimenti. Si tratta in buona sostanza di una “stupidità al quadrato”, in quanto sei stupido e lo sei talmente tanto da non capire di esserlo. La prova di ciò? Mi piace:
