Introducing Wikitude SDK 8 - Wikitude The newest version of the Wikitude AR development platform is out! Equipped with the largest variety of augmented reality features on the market, Wikitude SDK 8.0 is the go-to tool for developers and businesses that wish to create endless AR possibilities and solutions. Wikitude SDK 8 introduces Scene Recognition, Instant Targets, Unity Live Preview, Windows Support, Extended Object Tracking and even more improvements in stability and performance. The final version of SDK 8 is now available for developers on the download page. Continue reading below to explore the new features and advancements of SDK 8 or access Wikitude CTO Philipp Nagele’s article for an in-depth technical review. SDK 8 expands the recognition and tracking spectrum of SLAM-based augmented reality experiences by introducing ‘Scene Recognition’, a feature long-awaited by the augmented reality market. Wikitude’s updated engine introduces a revised and more simplified method for map input creation. NATIVE APIs FOR WINDOWS
.:: Phrack Magazine ::. 4 fatos que você precisa saber sobre o apud (citação da citação) | Marcelo Sabbatini O comentário causou tanta estranheza que não entendi o que aquele aluno queria dizer. “Este turco”, professor, “é danado, não é? Quanto trabalho ele tem publicado!” Ainda sem entender, somente pude responder, “Mas que turco?” E aí veio a resposta esclarecedora: “O Apud. Estou vendo ele ser citado aqui e na semana passada vi citarem ele em outro livro, aliás em quase todo trabalho tá ele lá, o Apud!”. Dizer o quê numa situação destas? E na metodologia dos trabalhos acadêmicos e da ABNT significa “citado por”, “conforme segundo”, sendo utilizado na chamada de uma referência bibliográfica para indicar uma citação da citação. Mas o que é isso agora, já não bastam as citações, agora tem essa novidade? Recorrendo à mesmíssima NBR 10520, a norma da ABNT que especifica como citações, uma citação da citação é uma “citação direta ou indireta de um texto em que não se teve acesso ao original”. Ou seja, você vê uma citação interessante num livro ou artigo e decide utilizá-la em seu próprio trabalho. 1.
Comment utiliser un smartphone Android comme webcam sur votre ordinateur (Windows, Mac et Linux) ? La webcam est une fonctionnalité que l'on prend pour acquise sur la plupart des ordinateurs portables, mais pour les fixes, c'est une autre histoire et des caméras de qualité peuvent parfois coûter assez cher. Pour remédier à cela, des outils permettent de transformer son smartphone Android en une caméra pour son ordinateur. Voici comment faire. Vous avez un entretien d’embauche à distance dans une heure, mais votre ordinateur n’a pas de webcam ? La solution qui vous viendrait surement en tête serait de se dépêcher de se procurer une caméra à brancher en USB. Mais il y a une solution qui peut s’avérer bien plus pratique : utiliser son smartphone. Android propose différentes solutions adaptées à Windows, macOS ou Linux. DroidCam Wireless : la meilleure solution pour Windows et Linux Parmi les différentes applications que nous avons pu utiliser, DroidCam Wireless Webcam est clairement la plus efficace. Pour commencer, installez l’application depuis le Google Play Store. Connexion en USB
Home - XZIMG Darpa Turns Oculus Into a Weapon for Cyberwar | Threat Level A Darpa contractor showing off the Oculus Rift cyberwar simulation at the Pentagon’s Darpa Demo Day. Photo: Andy Greenberg/WIRED For the last two years, Darpa has been working to make waging cyberwar as easy as playing a video game. Now, like so many other games, it’s about to get a lot more in-your-face. At the Pentagon Wednesday, the armed forces’ far-out research branch known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency showed off its latest demos for Plan X, a long-gestating software platform designed to unify digital attack and defense tools into a single, easy-to-use interface for American military hackers. “You’re not in a two-dimensional view, so you can look around the data. In its demo setup, complete with two motion-sensing Razer Hydra controllers for navigation, the user does more than swim. That sort of admission will no doubt set off alarm bells for critics of the American military’s increasingly aggressive posture on the Internet.
Revista Espacios. Vol 35 (Nº 3) Año 2014 1. Introdução A globalização está em forte expansão e há muito tempo tornou-se um fenômeno mundial. A palavra globalização pode estar saturada pelo excesso de uso, mas o mesmo não se pode dizer sobre seus efeitos nas empresas. É notável que nos últimos anos houve um aumento na frequência com que as empresas se internacionalizam e, em consequência disso, há um intenso fluxo de produtos, matérias primas, serviços, informações e pessoas entre as fronteiras dos países. De acordo com Eidt e Silva (2012), a globalização é uma forma de por fim as barreiras impostas e ressaltar a importância das diferenças, através do respeito com multiculturalismo. Diante disso, percebe-se que para obter sucesso e vantagem competitiva em uma organização, os gestores dessas equipes precisam criar um ambiente heterogêneo e driblar obstáculos tais como dificuldade com o idioma, atitudes com relação à hierarquia, aceitação de normas impostas e variáveis na tomada de decisão. 2. 2.2 Equipes multiculturais 3. 4. 5. 6.
sans titre Setting Up the Android Development Environment Supported development platforms Please refer to the Vuforia Engine Supported Versions page for details on the latest supported versions of Android and Android tools such as Java Development Kit (JDK) and Android Studio. NOTE: This setup guide was written for the Win10 32/64-bit platform with special notes for other operating systems. Steps: If you have already set up the Android SDK and NDK, go directly to Installing Vuforia Engine for Android. Vuforia Engine requires the Android SDK for Java and the Android NDK for C++. To set up the development environment, install these components in the following order, using the latest versions of the tools with Vuforia Engine: JDK (Java SE)Android Studio IDEAndroid SDK packagesOptional; Android NDKVuforia Engine for Android If you are planning on developing in Android Studio with C++, install the Android NDK from the SDK Manager.
Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality - Augment News One of the biggest confusions in the world of augmented reality is the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality. Both are earning a lot of media attention and are promising tremendous growth. So what is the difference between virtual reality vs. augmented reality? What is Virtual Reality? Virtual reality (VR) is an artificial, computer-generated simulation or recreation of a real life environment or situation. VR is typically achieved by wearing a headset like Facebook’s Oculus equipped with the technology, and is used prominently in two different ways: To create and enhance an imaginary reality for gaming, entertainment, and play (Such as video and computer games, or 3D movies, head mounted display).To enhance training for real life environments by creating a simulation of reality where people can practice beforehand (Such as flight simulators for pilots). What is Augmented Reality? AR technology is quickly coming into the mainstream. Augmented Reality vs. Technology Purpose
Crean un mapa interactivo que muestra cómo se siente el mundo ahora El mapa fue creado por investigadores australianos del Instituto Black Dog y de la estatal Organización Conjunta de Estudios Científicos e Industriales (CSIRO, por sus siglas en inglés), que se dedican en particular al estudio de los trastornos del estado de ánimo. El mapa, llamado 'We feel' ('sentimos'), analiza millones de tuits publicados en todo el mundo y, a partir de estos, crea un gráfico que muestra cuántas personas en el mundo sienten alegría, amor, sorpresa, miedo, ira o tristeza. Monitorea cada día cerca de 27 millones de tuits, a veces llegan a ser hasta 32.000 tuits por minuto, buscando 600 palabras concretas que atribuye a seis emociones (sorpresa, alegría, amor, tristeza, ira y miedo) y algunas otras que clasifica en el grupo llamado 'otros'. El gráfico representa los sentimientos de las personas en el momento actual y en las últimas horas. Además se pueden ver estadísticas de diferentes regiones del mundo. Así se sentía América de Sur en transcurso del día sábado.
TCC Infalível Object Scanner The Vuforia Object Scanner is an Android application used to scan a physical 3D object. The Object Scanner produces an Object Data (*.OD) file that includes the source data required to define an Object Target in the Target Manager. The Scanner enables you to generate, test and edit OD files. Supported Devices For the latest information on the Object Scanner supported devices, refer to the Vuforia Engine Supported Versions article. Sections Supported Environments Objects should be scanned under moderately bright and diffuse lighting. Scan the model in an environment free of background noise. When possible, use a turntable to scan the object. A simple scanning stage using gray cardboard A stage using a light tent and turntable In this section, you will learn how to install and run the Vuforia Object Scanner app and print the required object scanning target image. Install and Launch the App The Vuforia Object Scanner is an Android APK.
HTC Vive on Steam About This Hardware VIVE is a first-of-its-kind virtual reality platform developed by HTC and Valve for total immersion in virtual worlds. Using a headset and wireless controllers in each hand, you can now explore and interact with VR experiences, apps and games that blur the line between imagination and reality. Breathtaking visual experiences are provided by a headset that features a 110° field of view and 32 sensors for precise tracking for total immersion. The 2160 x 1200 resolution and 90 Hz refresh rate deliver detailed graphics and lifelike motion for smooth gameplay and realistic movement. Fluid interaction is provided by two wireless controllers, each with HD haptic feedback, dual-stage triggers, and multi-function trackpads. Hardware Specifications Features Powered by SteamVR, including SteamVR Tracking 1.0 technology and Chaperone guidance system. Usage Room-scale, standing or seated, supporting movement within a diagonal area up to 5 m (for example 3.5 m x 3.5 m.) Controllers Fit