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Accueil - Atlas historique de Paris

Accueil - Atlas historique de Paris
Related:  Historical GIS

Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence FLORENTINE RENAISSANCE RESOURCES: Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence home information object index index of streets, etc grid map full map Grid Map of Numbered Squares hide grid Brown University | STG Copyright: R. DECIMA: The Digitally Encoded Census Information and Mapping Archive, and the Project for a Geo-Spatial and Sensory Digital Map of Renaissance Florence Maps & GIS: useful websites. GIS and remote-sensing – University of Reading This page includes a list of internet resources where data (including both vector mapping data and raster remote sensing data) can be obtained for inclusion in a Geographical Information System (GIS) or use with image processing software. The list has been divided into sites which allow free download of data (including sites where the University has a subscription e.g. Digimap) and ones where purchase is necessary. Collections of sites Go-Geo! Free data (Institutional login required) More information about Accessing e-resources. DigimapCurrent and historic Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology land cover data on the web for the higher education community. Free data Great Britain: ShareGeo OpenHolds open data free for anyone to download MAGIC"The MAGIC website provides authoritative geographic information about the natural environment from across government. Europe: World: North America: GeoGratisPortal giving access to free data for Canada.

Overview | Historical GIS The AAG Historical GIS Forum provides a digital exchange center for historians, geographers, and other humanities scholars to network with each other and discuss pressing research needs and topics, such as: Challenges facing historical GIS work Best practices in GIS-based historical research Key technical issues and how to resolve them Data consistency and comparability issues Theoretical and conceptual issues in approaches to incorporating geographical data into historical research projects AAG members and non-members alike are encouraged to participate in the Forum. If you are already an AAG member, or have attended AAG annual meetings, you may use your userID and password to subscribe to the forum. If you do not have a userID and password, you may create one here. To join the dialogue, please click here.

Great Britain Historical Geographical Information System (GBHGIS) | Great Britain Historical Geographical Information System (GBHGIS) The Great Britain Historical Geographical Information System is a unique digital collection of information about Britain's localities as they have changed over time. Information comes from census reports, historical gazetteers, travellers' tales and historic maps assembled into a whole that is much more than the sum of its parts. This site tells you more about the project itself and about historical GIS. A separate website, created by funding from the UK National Lottery and extended and re-launched with funding from the Joint Information Systems Committee, makes this resource available on-line to everyone, presenting our information graphically and cartographically. That site is called A Vision of Britain through Time and presents the history of Great Britain through places. It can be found at

What Historians Want from GIS By J. B. "Jack" Owens An increasing number of historians, particularly those dealing with world history or the history of large geographic regions, are becoming interested in using geographic information systems for research and teaching. Historians are noticing GIS because they normally deal with processes in complex, dynamic, nonlinear systems and, therefore, demand a means to organize a large number of variables and identify those variables most likely implicated in the stability and transformation of such systems. However, GIS remains largely unknown among the vast majority of professional historians, and a significant percentage of those who believe they know about the technology think it is something they can buy with their next car so that they will not become lost. GIS and History I am often the only historian at geographic information science (GIScience) meetings, and my presence provokes the obvious question. GIS and Disciplinary Crisis Collaboration and GIS Challenges for GIS J.

Decima | The Digitally Encoded Census Information and Mapping Archive Home | LOCATING LONDON'S PAST MAGIS Kennisplatform - MAGIS De kaart van Marcus Gheeraerts (1521-1604) is de bekendste en meest gereproduceerde historische kaart van Brugge. Gheeraerts tekende het stadsplan in 1561-62 in opdracht van het Brugse stadsbestuur. Zijn kaart werd een uniek meesterwerk: hij graveerde een minutieus driedimensionaal zicht op alle historische gebouwen, stadspoorten, windmolens, reien, straten, pleinen, woningen tot en met de bedrijvigheid langs de reien. Zijn kaart bevat ontelbare topografische details. Met het MAGIS Brugge-project wil het Bruggemuseum, in samenwerking met het Stadsarchief Brugge en met historici van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, de Universiteit Gent en de Vrije Universiteit Brussel een stap verder gaan in het gebruik en de ontsluiting van de kaart. MAGIS Brugge of MArcus Gheeraerts Informatie Systeem is een dynamisch kennisplatform voor de middeleeuwse en zestiende-eeuwse geschiedenis van Brugge. Bezoek ook onze nieuwe publiekswebsite!
