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RasP.iO | gpiozeroruler The RasPiO GPIO Zero Ruler recently finished KickStarter shipping and is now available for general purchase. A single is £6 + £1.50 shipping. Discounts for multiples… RasPiO GPIO Zero Ruler – click to enlarge RasPiO GPIO Zero Ruler… is the ideal quick reference for GPIO Zero hacking on the Raspberry Pi in Python acts as a Raspberry Pi port identification aid can be used as a ruler (cm/inches) fits easily in toolbox, desk tidy or workbenchis very attractivewon’t be easily lost unless ‘borrowed’ GPIO Zero GPIO Zero, by Ben Nuttall and Dave Jones, is without question the easiest and quickest way to start Python GPIO programming. Light an LED with GPIO Zero There’s a fuller explanation of what the RasPiO GPIO Zero Ruler is in the KickStarter video…

OBJET/OEUVRE GEANTE INTERACTIVE : Le Vase Qui Parle, Avatar geant d’un vase antique | DEVOCITE Université de Lille3, Palais des Beaux Arts, Lille (Avril 2013) Il s’agit de la reproduction en très grand format d’un vase grec à figures noires du Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille (référence 763) réalisé à Athènes au VIesiècle avant J.C. Les thèmes abordés par le vase sont des sujets mythologiques liés la Guerre de Troie : le Jugement de Pâris et des confrontations guerrières. Le projet est une coréalisation Université de Lille3 / Devocité. Ci-dessus, le vase exposé sous vitrine au Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille (crédits photo: Gauthier Havet) Son avatar géant est interactif. Video Le Vase Qui Parle (Teaser Officiel) – Réalisation Pikub Expositions du Vase Qui Parle Les enjeux et fonctionnalités Ils sont détaillés dans une interview sur le site d’Insula, intitulée “Le Vase qui parle ou l’experience (non) numérique”. Le vase original exposé au Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille – Crédit photo : Ch. Les enjeux Les fonctionnalités Le scénario utilisateur La scénographie de l’exposition Participants Blog:

Five things you need to avoid if you want your small business to succeed Want to give your small business a fighting chance of succeeding? If so, here are five things you need to avoid. Sadly, the failure of a small business is not an uncommon event. In fact, one out of five small businesses don’t make it out of the first year. Beyond that, only about half survive five years, and only about a third make it to ten years or longer. After pouring your time, energy and money into starting and funding a small business, the last thing you want is to see it fail. 1) Not listening to customers Customers are more than just a source of revenue; they can also provide valuable insights that might not be as obvious to the person running the company. As a business owner, you shouldn’t just ask for customer feedback; you should encourage it. Both positive and negative feedback can be valuable. You can read tips to help you use customer feedback (and handle complaints) in these articles: 2) Incomplete business plan 3) Inventory management 4) Poor accounting practices

About At Code Club, we think all children should have the opportunity to learn to code, no matter who they are or where they come from. This is why we support a nationwide network of volunteers and educators who run free coding clubs where young people aged 9-13 build and share their ideas, learning along the way. We currently have more than 10000 clubs in over 100 countries, and our club projects have been translated into 28 languages. Our projects are easy to follow, step-by-step guides which help young people learn Scratch, HTML & CSS, and Python by making games, animations, and websites. The projects gradually introduce coding concepts to allow young people to build their knowledge incrementally, which also means there’s no need for the adult running the session to be a computing expert. We also support active clubs with a range of extra resources, including certificates and posters, as well as offering competitions and prize draws for them.

Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects Five ways to finance your business start-up Need to raise funds to get your promising enterprise off the ground? Read five ways you can finance your business start-up. Finding ways to finance your business, especially in its early stages, can be a mammoth task for even the most talented entrepreneur. But it’s also a vital one. One of the first steps towards making your business a success is establishing a grounded financial base – not only can it help you to get it off the ground in the first place, but it gives you a pool of funds to help you make the right decisions to keep it growing at a healthy rate. Five ways to finance your business start-up So where do you find the money to start your business? 1) Take out a loan Loans are usually the first source thing that comes to mind when considering a financial solution. A logbook loan will be secured on your vehicle, which technically means that the lending company will own it until you can pay back the loan (you will still be able to drive your car as usual). 4) Sell shares

Why competing in the skills Olympics could boost UK growth - BBC News Vuvuzelas, samba dancing, flags and a whole lot of feel good factor - a huge party has been taking place in Brazil but for once its not to mark a sporting event. Instead 1,200 young people from around the globe gathered to compete for medals in the World Skills competition. Limbering up for the UK was Robert Johnson, in the Plastering and Drywall category. He left school at 16 to work for his dad's plastering company in Middlesbrough. "I've been practising three or four days a week as well as helping my dad keep the family business going," says Robert, who has six years plastering experience. Alongside building skills, under 25 year olds are displaying their talents in trades as diverse as landscape gardening, plumbing, electronics, carpentry, graphic design, robotics, baking and beauty therapy. As at any championship team morale is vital. The New Zealand team start every morning with the Haka and the Swiss team have a 600 strong supporters club who follow their finalists around the world.

FABRICOLLEGE – Un FabLab en milieu scolaire & ouvert à tous Inspiring action with Simon Sinek | The Joy of Business You know when several people all tell you about the same thing in a short space of time…? Everyone’s talking about unicorns and you just have to check out exactly what’s happening with unicorns. That’s what has been happening to me with Simon Sinek recently. Clients have been recommending him, connections on Twitter have been quoting him, and Amazon have put his book on my recommended reading list. In case you’re as much out of the loop on this as I was, Simon Sinek is a ethnographer who has been shaking things up with his ideas about leadership and management. His big idea for business is that we should make it really clear about why we do the things we do, not just how and what we do. He explains all of this much better than I do, so I’d recommend having a wee look at his TED video or reading his book. This inspired me to write down exactly why I do what I do, both in my business consultancy and advice work at the Joy of Business and with Brighton Chamber.

Strawbees | Dream big, build bigger 8eme FEI : Naïma Horchani Carton : Quand les élèves font des tutos La diffusion en ligne de tutoriels vidéos est devenue un vrai phénomène de société : ce mouvement peut-il gagner l’Ecole ? Et si les didacticiels étaient produits par les élèves eux-mêmes ? C’est la proposition de Naïma Horchani-Carton, professeure-documentaliste à Laroquebrou dans le Cantal. Faire réaliser des tutoriels vidéos par les élèves, voilà une belle ambition : pouvez-vous donner des exemples de tutoriels ainsi réalisés ? A ce jour, les élèves de 6ème du collège du Val de Cère ont terminé la réalisation de capsules expliquant l’organisation d’un livre de fiction en s’appuyant sur les romans de l’immense écrivain Jean-Claude Mourlevat. Une fois leur œuvre réalisée, ils concevront des tutoriels sur l’utilisation de l’application Dynamapper (logiciel de cartographie interactive qui permet de projeter leurs vidéos sur des volumes ou structures en jouant avec leur relief), sur l’utilisation du réseau pédagogique SambaEdu et de l’outil collaboratif en ligne Padlet. Des exemples

Free movement rules to continue after no deal Brexit | Free Movement The Johnson ‘government’ has reaffirmed that free movement rules will continue if the UK leaves the EU without a deal on 31 October. A new voluntary (ed. – !?!) immigration scheme will be introduced called the European Temporary Leave to Remain Scheme, or “Euro TLR” to its (few) friends. From 2021, the policy paper effectively admits that all EU citizens, whenever they entered, will be subject to the hostile environment. The formal announcement was made yesterday evening and ends a period in which hastily and anonymously briefed newspaper articles substituted for a clear written policy affecting the lives and futures of over 3.5 million EU citizens already living in the UK. As an aside, the old policy was still live on at the time of writing (archive copy here). What happens in law on 31 October 2019? In technical terms, EU free movement law will not continue but EU free movement rules will on the whole continue. What happens in 2021? Family members
