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11 Free Websites to Practice English at Home

11 Free Websites to Practice English at Home
RTlibrary on FlickrAt the New York Public Library's Adult Learning Centers, where adults work on basic English and literacy skills, we're often asked for recommendations of websites for adults to practice English at home. Below you'll find eleven sites, some with a focus on listening, some on vocabulary, others on grammar, and some with a range of activities. Happy learning! Easy World of An attractive, user-friendly website including grammar, pronunciation, reading and listening practice and an interactive picture dictionary. Many This website includes matching quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer-assisted language learning activities. Dave's ESL A forum for both ESL teachers and students around the world. Activities for ESL Grammar and vocabulary practice for all levels, including many bilingual quizzes for beginners. Related:  ossaobannielizLearning

77 Educational Games and Game Builders I'm often asked if I know of any games for subject "x," "y," or "z" for a particular grade level or age group. My answer is usually yes, but I need to search my archives. Therefore, I've gone through my archives and dug up many of games that I've mentioned over the last four years that are still active online. Consider this my humongous list of educational games. 1. 2.Spin and Spell has been featured on a number of blogs over the last year. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. the World Food Programme's website offers students a large selection of educational online games and activities. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

Harrap's : méthodes de langue 100% audio Méthode Michel Thomas anglais Débutant téléchargement MP3 CD 1 télécharger : Introduction télécharger : leçon 01 télécharger : leçon 02 télécharger : leçon 03 télécharger : leçon 04 télécharger : leçon 05 télécharger : leçon 06 télécharger : leçon 07 télécharger : leçon 08 télécharger : leçon 09 télécharger : leçon 10 télécharger : leçon 11 télécharger : leçon 12 téléchargement MP3 PC : clic droit (enregistrer la cible sous...) téléchargement MP3 MAC : contrôle / clic (enregistrer la cible sous...) The Lilead Project | about school library leaders

10 Best Free Listening Websites with Quizzes to Practise for Listening Exams So what do you do to practise listening for exams? Growing up, I never had the opportunity to do any extra practice to improve my listening skills. We didn’t have the Internet and the thousand possibilities it offers to learners of any language nowadays. So, exams are just around the corner and I know you’re beginning to freak out. These are, in my opinion, the best sites with quizzes to practise listening comprehension. url: three main levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced)Pre-listening /Post-listening activities: noTranscript: yesAudio Download: noWhat I like best: it has some other listening activities like dictations or listening based on pictures for lower levels. Check also:

Plot Generator 5 applications pour apprendre l’anglais facilement Vous êtes débutant et avez envie d’apprendre à écrire, et à parler anglais rapidement, sans passer par des cours d’anglais excessivement chers ? Nous avons la solution. De nombreuses applications mobiles offrent désormais aux utilisateurs des leçons d’anglais gratuites ou à un prix défiant toute concurrence. Des leçons qui vous permettent d’apprendre les bases de l’anglais, mais aussi de nombreuses autres langues étrangères comme l’allemand, l’espagnol, l’italien ou le russe. Des applications faciles d’accès qui utilisent différentes méthodes d’apprentissage dans un seul et même but : vous aider à mémoriser un maximum de vocabulaire afin que vous soyez aussi à l’aise à l’écrit qu’à l’oral, dans n’importe quelle situation du quotidien. Alors, si vous aussi souhaitez apprendre l’anglais en un rien de temps, découvrez les 5 applications d’anglais sélectionnées rien que pour vous, et téléchargez celle qui convient le mieux à vos besoins. Duolingo Mosalingua anglais Anglais en un mois

I-PICK Book Tasting | Tree Frog Blog! Before I get any farther with this post, I need to give credit where it’s due: thanks to Mr. Plemmons at Barrow Elementary for inspiring this lesson! You can read more about his I-PICK activity here. At our school, teachers use a framework called the Daily Five for literacy instruction in their classrooms. To help students build self-efficacy in choosing good-fit books for themselves, many of our teachers share with students a strategy called I-PICK: image from (click to visit) I always do an I-PICK library lesson at the beginning of the school year with 1st and 2nd grades because their curiosity in the library often outpaces their ability to read everything independently. Rather than telling students that certain books are off-limits, we have a conversation about how the library includes books for everyone–including Pre-K kids who can’t read words yet and 5th graders who can read all kinds of really challenging material. image from (click to visit)

TED talks for autonomous listening: ten activities The first week of the Electronic Village Online is in full swing! I’m co-moderating the session on teaching listening, and this week, under the guidance of Lizzie Pinard, we’ve started out with the topic of encouraging learner autonomy. One great thing about online sessions like this one is that there are a lot of participants who share a wealth of tips about the activities and resources they use. From what I’ve read in our discussion threads, it seems that a lot of teachers encourage their learners to watch TED talks out of class, and the participants have suggested a variety of ideas for activities based on the talks. What also often happens, however, is that the teacher recommends this resource but the learners don’t start using it – and the teacher kind of knows that they don’t, but they don’t even ask because that would be admitting failure (oh haven’t I been there a lot of times?) So, if we get back to TED talks, this means that Below I outline ten ideas for tasks based on TED talks

The Best Story Structure Tool We Know By Glen C. Strathy Of the various story structure models or theories that exist, we have chosen to focus mainly on Dramatica, which was developed by Melanie Anne Phillips and Chris Huntley. We chose to work with this model because it is the only one that... 1. 2. 3. 4. What's more, Dramatica embodies certain insights into story structure that no other theory does. The aim of this website is to present practical tips and exercises to help writers, while avoiding a lot of theory. Finding A Roadmap For Creating Your Novel The most important thing you need from any story theory is help creating a good roadmap for your novel. Specifically, you want help creating a plot that will keep the reader engaged and bring the story to an emotionally satisfying conclusion. You especially want a clear story structure that will guide you through those times when you get stuck and haven’t the faintest idea which direction to head next. Traditional Story Theory Is Too General 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Genres

PlayPhrase. Améliorer sa prononciation en anglais Comment améliorer sa prononciation en Anglais ? PlayPhrase vous propose une solution assez originale avec un système basé sur les dialogues des séries tv. PlayPhrase ressemble un peu à Fleex dont je parlais ici il y a quelque temps de cela et lui permet d’apprendre l’anglais en regardant des séries ou des films. L’idée est ultra simple PlayPhrase vous propose en boucle des répliques extraites de séries populaires. Même si nos sympathiques héros télévisés ont parfois un accent à couper au couteau, le système a l’avantage d’être suffisamment ludique pour inciter l’apprenant à l’utiliser régulièrement. « Repeat after me » mais avec le Docteur House, Brad Pitt ou Leonardo di Caprio… Pas besoin de mode d’emploi pour prendre en main PlayPhrase. On peut revenir sur les phrases précédentes ou sur celles qui vont s’afficher façon playlist. Playphrase joue des répliques de façon aléatoire mais l’outil vous propose aussi un moteur de recherche intégré. Lien: Playphrase Sur le même thème

Level the playing field Veteran journalist and documentary filmmaker Soledad O’Brien tells how technology can help overcome barriers and close achievement gaps. “Education is the next civil rights,” said Soledad O’Brien in her opening keynote address at ISTE 2015. This story appears in SmartBrief’s digital publication, SmartReport on ISTE 2015. To see more features, tips and our Tech Showcase, download it now. Seventeen-year-old Maria Castro had a dream: to attend Stanford University and study solar engineering. The sixth of seven children in a working-class immigrant family, Maria was a standout honors student at Carl Hayden Community High School in Phoenix. Determined, Maria set out to get the course she needed. Unfortunately, despite Maria’s hard work, her story didn’t have a fairy tale ending. This is “unfair” and “criminal,” said veteran journalist and documentary filmmaker Soledad O’Brien. “Maria should have access to online classes and high-speed wireless networks to do research,” said O’Brien.

Why we have been teaching listening skills wrongly for decades' | Tes Introduction Listening is often described as the ‘cinderella skill’, as it is by far the area of language instruction that language teachers neglect the most. The reasons for this neglect are manifold. First and foremost, as much research has shown, listening is the skill MFL teachers understand the least and consequently do not feel confident teaching. Add to this the fact that instructional materials are often uninspiring, poorly designed and usually under-exploited by course-books. Listening – a pivotal skills Yet, listening is by far the most important skill-set, especially if we are preparing our students for the real world, where 45 % of communication occurs through the aural medium and only 25 % through reading and writing. Why traditional listening instruction is ineffective The main reason why many students fail at listening is that MFL teachers do not actually teach aural skills. From quizzing to modelling Yet listening instruction ought to be about modelling. Conclusion
