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Related:  Checklists / Critical appraisalSystematic review

CASP Tools & Checklists This set of eight critical appraisal tools are designed to be used when reading research, these include tools for Systematic Reviews, Randomised Controlled Trials, Cohort Studies, Case Control Studies, Economic Evaluations, Diagnostic Studies, Qualitative studies and Clinical Prediction Rule. These are free to download and can be used by anyone under the Creative Commons License. CASP Checklists (click to download) Some Study Designs.....

The Pieces of Systematic Review with Margaret Foster Webinar Series This series concluded on August 3, 2017. All the sessions were recorded, and links to the recordings can be found below. Please direct any questions to (link sends e-mail) or (817) 735-2223. Check out Margaret Foster's website (link is external) chronicling the series and for a list of related resources, many of which were mentioned throughout the series. Checklists for Assessing Study Qualities Use one of our checklists for assessing the methodological quality of a study and improve the design and reporting of your study. The methodological quality of studies on measurement properties can be assessed for different purposes, for example, as guidance for designing or reporting your study on measurement properties, to determine the risk of bias in single studies included in a systematic review of outcome measurement instruments or by reviewers or journal editors to appraise the methodological quality of articles or grant applications of studies on measurement properties. Therefore, we have developed the COSMIN Risk of Bias checklist, and we are currently developing a COSMIN Study Design checklist and a COSMIN Reporting checklist for these different purposes as the standards included in each checklist will be slightly different.

HLWIKI Canada Levels I through III are the "data extraction" components of the SR, and require robust software for inclusion/exclusion process Are you interested in contributing to HLWIKI International?contact: To browse other articles on a range of HSL topics, see the A-Z index. McMaster University - Guideline Development Checklist About the Checklist This is a webpage for the GIN-McMaster Guideline Development Checklist, which contains a comprehensive list of topics and items outlining the practical steps to consider for developing guidelines. The Guideline Development Checklist project is a partnership between the Guidelines International Network (GIN) and McMaster University. The checklist is intended for use by guideline developers to plan and track the process of guideline development and to help ensure that no key steps are missed. Users of the checklist should become familiar with the topics and the items before applying them. What the Checklist is and what it isn't:

Useful search filters by study design and topic - Systematic Reviews - LibGuides at National University of Singapore This filter is built by NUS Medical Library using MESH and EMTREE terms as Index terms and Keywords. MMAT : mixed methods appraisal tool [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage Aim of this WIKI: To enable collaborative work for developing a Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). The MMAT is intended to be used as a checklist for concomitantly appraising and/or describing studies included in systematic mixed studies reviews (reviews including original qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies). The MMAT was first published in 2009.

Using Filters - Searching for Systematic Reviews - LibGuides at King’s College London Some of the databases (including those on the Ovid platform, the HDAS NHS platform, and CINAHL) allow searches to be undertaken by publication or document type e.g. review, research, randomized controlled trial, editorial or letter. The actual publication types will differ across the different databases. Publication types, like subject headings, are assigned to each article at the point the article is added to the database. Ovid Publication Types List - for Medline, Embase, PsychInfo etc. CINAHL (EBSCO) Document Types List

Guidelines - Systematic Reviews - BeckerGuides at Becker Medical Library Guidelines for Systematic Reviews MECIR (Methodological Expectations of Cochrane Intervention Reviews) Standards for the reporting of new Cochrane Intervention Reviews PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) (formerly QUOROM) PRISMA for Abstracts HONcode: Principles - Quality and trustworthy health information 1. Authoritative Indicate the qualifications of the authors
