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Science for celebrities In January 2007, exasperated by the tide of influential and misleading claims made by celebrities in the public sphere, we worked with scientists to produce Making Sense of Science for Celebrities. Each year since, Sense About Science has reviewed the odd science claims people in the public eye have made - about diets, cancer, magnets, radiation and more - sent in to us by scientists and members of the public. Many of these claims promote theories, therapies and campaigns that make no scientific sense. We ask scientists to respond, to help the celebrities realise where they are going wrong and to help the public to make sense of celebrity claims. “We seem to be seeing a celebrity divide on science. The implausible and frankly dangerous claims about how to avoid cancer, improve skin or lose weight are becoming ever more ridiculous.

Archive for NZB Indexers I can’t vouch for the quality of these, but better than nothing. - No registration required. Pretty spartan and no categories. Reddit Thread for more development information. Usenet-Crawler - NewzNab Index with open registrations. 1,000 API hits a day. Study Reveals the Angriest Americans Anger is more likely among the young, those with children at home, and the less educated, a new study finds. A national survey of 1,800 Americans aged 18 and older questioned participants on how and when they feel angry in order to build "a broader social portrait of anger in the United States," said study researcher Scott Schieman, now at the University of Toronto. These angry emotions range from mild annoyance to yelling and feelings of outrage. While anger is a normal human emotion, it could be detrimental if you hold on to it too long. And those who express their anger might actually live longer than those who keep it bottled in, one study found. The results of the survey, conducted in 2005 and to be published next year, showed several key connections to anger.

Foundational Questions Institute The Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) To catalyze, support, and disseminate research on questions at the foundations of physics and cosmology, particularly new frontiers and innovative ideas integral to a deep understanding of reality but unlikely to be supported by conventional funding sources. FQXi has five goals: {*style:<ul style="padding-left:20px;"><li> To expand the purview of scientific inquiry to include scientific disciplines fundamental to a deep understanding of reality, but which are currently largely unsupported by conventional grant sources The Art of Christopher Conn Askew Posted on August 16, 2010 by lenny . Christopher Conn Askew was born in Hollywood, CA in 1970. He began drawing at an early age and never received any formal art training. Christopher was a tattooist from 1990 until 2006.

Go Mobile! Tips &amp; tricks Setup Gmail &amp; YouTube on your phone Gmail is now available on almost all mobile devices with data plan, there’re two ways to check your messages: 1. go to in your mobile browser that opens a version of Gmail built especially for small screens. 2. Setup Gmail on your iPhone or Windows Mobile device, in push mode using Google Sync. Or set up using IMAP with these step-by-step directions for […] Gmail is now available on almost all mobile devices with data plan, there’re two ways to check your messages: 1. go to in your mobile browser that opens a version of Gmail built especially for small screens. 2. Setup Gmail on your iPhone or Windows Mobile device, in push mode using Google Sync. Or set up using IMAP with these step-by-step directions for specific devices.

Start Page - The Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden The Faculty of Science The Faculty of Science includes all the major subject areas in the fields of mathematics and natural sciences. With 6 500 students and 730 employees it is the second largest Faculty at the University of Gothenburg. Sulfur Haunts the Ghost Wreck [March 4, 2014] Sulfur and iron accumulation has once again been found in wood samples from old shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea. This time the samples are from the merchant vessel Ghost wreck and the warships Sword and the Crown.

Art Lighting installation by Monica Bonvicini. Via Catview. also on ... Painting by Gillian Warden. Foxmarks Causes Duplicates/Lost Items Support Nate You can have Foxmarks, RIL, and RIL on the iPhone work together, there are just a few things you'll want to check to avoid any problems. Version 2.0 of the Firefox extension is under way and this issue is near the top of the priority list, so it should be a non-issue in the future.

Top Sites That Make Science Awesome posted by Elizabeth Harper on April 24, 2013 in Internet & Networking, Computers and Software, Family and Parenting, Kids, Guides & Reviews, Fab Websites :: 0 comments Though you may remember science class as dull, much has changed. The Internet has done the impossible and made science a lot more accessible, bringing scientists and science enthusiasts together to share and discuss the most interesting discoveries of the day. Online, you can find fascinating science news and explanations on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more if you know where to look—and it's all a lot more interesting than any high school science textbook.
