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Playposit, aumenta el "engagement" de tus alumnos con vídeos interactivos - Educar y jugar Si eres docente, y utilizas habitualmente vídeos en tus clases, presta atención, porque la herramienta que vamos a tratar hoy te puede interesar. Con Playposit podemos ir un paso más allá, añadiendo al vídeo distintos tipos de pregunta que, en mi opinión, incentivan al alumno a prestar más atención y a asimilar mejor los contenidos. Esta herramienta es también perfecta si quieres dar tus primeros pasos en la metodología Flipped Classroom, que cada día va tomando más fuerza. Yo mismo estoy poniéndola en práctica con algunos grupos, y no me está funcionando nada mal. Pero de esta metodología, y de mi experiencia con ella, ya hablaremos en otro momento. Vamos a centrarnos en la versión gratuita de Playposit que es bastante completa. Panel principal de Playposit Una vez que nos hemos dado de alta como profesores, accedemos a nuestro panel principal: Escritorio principal de Playposit Como vemos, es bastante intuitivo. Creando clases y añadiendo alumnos Pasos para unirse a una clase Conclusiones

Psykopaint - Create and paint amazing art from photos Student Learning and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator This file discusses briefly (1) the four dimensions underlying the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and (2) several teaching approaches that will appeal to different MBTI profiles. The 126 item Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Form G, is the most reliable method for assessing student learning style. The MBTI provides data on four sets of preferences. These preferences result in 16 learning styles, or types. A type is the combination of the four preferences. The most common MBTI type for business undergraduates is the ESTJ, the Extraverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judger. The MBTI instrument should be administered in the first or second class period by the counseling center at your school. Extraversion (E) versus Introversion (I) This preference tells us how people "charge their batteries." Extraverts find energy in things and people. The majority of undergraduate students are extraverts. The majority of university faculty are introverts. Teaching Extraverted Students

Thinglink convierte tu imagen en contenido interactivo Una de las reglas que aplico cuando maqueto cursos eLearning es intentar que el concepto “Visual” esté siempre presente. En la educación de hoy en día en la que los alumnos se encuentran más atraídos por lo visual debemos aprovecharnos de aquellas herramientas que nos permiten convertir el contenido en visual para acercarlos a un aprendizaje más significativo. Hoy os traigo Thinglink una interesante herramienta que combina el concepto visual e interactivo para explicar una temática en particular. ¿Qué es Thinglink? ThingLink es una herramienta que te permite convertir tus imágenes en un gráfico interactivo. Si en alguna ocasión has utilizado Glogster, Thinglink parte de una idea similar. En definitiva una idea fantástica para explicar un tema de una manera diferente, más interactiva y más visual. En empresas como Ikea ya han descubierto cómo buscarle el uso comercial pero también tiene un uso educativo. Haz clic en la imagen para ver un ejemplo ¿Cómo funciona? ¡Y mucho más! Related

Simple fixes with Photoshop Elements 11 | Learn Photoshop Elements 11 Community Translation Your transcript request has been submitted. Adobe TV does its best to accommodate transcript requests. It can take a few weeks for the transcript to become available in the Community Translation Project, so keep checking back. Join the Community Translation Project Thanks for your interest in translating this episode! Please Confirm Your Interest Thanks for your interest in adding translations to this episode! An error occurred while processing your request. Another translator has already started to translate this episode. Thanks for Participating! This episode has been assigned to you and you can expect an e-mail shortly containing all the information you need to get started. About This Episode Learn three simple ways to adjust exposure, brightness, and/or contrast in your photos. By

20 Must-Have Educational Resources For All Teachers Edudemic often features posts providing a list of top resources for a particular category. Recently, the site posted the names of the LAUNCHedu finalists chosen by the SXSWedu® Conference, offering even more resources for the Edudemic staff to consider! On March 7, 2012, they will choose winners after a full day of presentations by the finalists. There are so many sites and programs on the Internet already, but this competition just goes to show that the need for educational resources is still great. Necessity is the mother of invention, they say. I thought and pondered, considered and reconsidered, and researched and revised a list in my head this week. First, however, I created a wordle using some of the lists the editors have created recently. I divided my resources into categories, based on my interests as a teacher. Devices iPad – The iPad provides access to e-texts and incredible educational apps. Resources for Lesson Planning Classroom Resources Cloud Resources

Stop Motion en educación. ¡15 ideas para inspirarte y empezar! Una de las técnicas de animación más interesantes para incorporar en clase es la conocida como stop motion, gracias a la cual es posible aparentar el movimiento de objetos estáticos a través de una sucesión de imágenes. Como recurso educativo ofrece múltiples posibilidades con las que hacer más motivador y completo el aprendizaje. Si te estás planteando introducirla en el aula, pero no sabes cómo, te invitamos a que visites los siguientes blogs y páginas: podrás consultar ideas, sugerencias, conocer cómo utilizarla… Esta bitácora responde a dos cuestiones fundamentales para todos aquellos que queréis introduciros en esta técnica: qué es y cómo se hace Stop Motion. Además, informa de diferentes aplicaciones (tanto para ordenadores como dispositivos móviles) que resultan de interés e incluye un pequeño tutorial para hacer Stop Motion con una cámara de fotos y el montaje con Movie Maker. ¿Se puede sacar partido a esta técnica utilizándola en clase de idiomas? 8Post ComputerHoy

The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects Over the past few years, I’ve been accumulating links to — and experimenting with — various online photo editors and sites for photo effects. There are certainly a zillion of them out there. I finally decided it was time to narrow all the links down into some kind of “The Best…” list, and have divided this post into two sections. The first part lists sites where you can upload your own images and, with no registration required (or, perhaps, in one or two instances, an extremely minimal registration process) easily edit the photo or add effects. The second section lists sites that I’ve specifically used with my English Language Learner students. These sites let you easily grab an image off the web, lets you add add a speech bubble to it, and then gives you a more or less permanent url address for your creation that you can post on a student or teacher website/blog. I’m sure I will have missed some applications out there, so feel free to share your suggestions in the comments section. Dr.

Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction - Resources >> Browse Articles >> Utilizing Technology Featured Author: Mrs. Kelly Tenkely Kelly Tenkely is a technology teacher in a private school. Kelly also trains teaching staff on integrating and implementing technology into the classroom. One of the major benefits of using technology in the classroom is the ability to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every student in every lesson. Below you will find website suggestions that address the different learning styles in your classroom with the help of technology: Verbal-Linguistic These learners enjoy learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Websites to encourage learning for Verbal-Linguistic students: 1. Allow students to express themselves creatively with words 2. Capture student voices with audio, text, pictures, and video 3. A free online word processor, and presentation tool 4. Students can podcast (voice recording) online.
