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Appreciating the Female Form... Well, I thought I’d never get access to this blog again, but here I am! You guys have stayed with me for so long, I’d love to get to know some of you. Feel free to ask anything or submit! 3:26 am • 2 April 2014 • 1 note Anonymous asked: How do i upload a picture? Just go to the submit page and feel free to upload a picture. 8:46 pm • 4 January 2013 Anonymous asked: Hey can you add pictures of girls with more pubic hair and more realistic looking women. I’d love to, but the resources that I get these pictures from are extremely random and I’m limited to posting what I get from there. If anyone would like to submit themselves or anywhere I can get such images from, I will gladly do so.

The Real Reason so many long-term Relationships fail Sexually. get elephant's newsletter A couple comes into my office seeking better sex. After we make the tea and settle into chairs, the man, often with a pained and baffled expression, inevitably says, “Ever since we had kids…” His wife shifts anxiously in her chair next to him. I understand because I am a mom. I have experienced the post-baby libido meltdown when my sex life crumbled. It was this meltdown that inspired me to leave my job as a content writer for a start up in San Francisco and instead focus on teaching about sex. When a couple comes to see me, usually one of them is eager to find a solution to their problem and “fix it,” while the other has quietly resigned themselves to the sexless life of babydom, chalking up her lack of libido to hormones, stress, or the inevitable decline caused by familiarity. Once you’ve cleaned your child’s puke off of your spouse’s shoulder, it’s difficult to see them as a sex object. Happily, none of these are the real source of the problem. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Semen is 'good for women's health and helps fight depression' Range of chemicals in semen 'promote mental well-being and feelings of affection', say researchers By Eddie Wrenn Published: 12:40 GMT, 21 August 2012 | Updated: 15:53 GMT, 23 August 2012 Stimulating: Chemicals within semen can fight depression and 'increase affection' Oral sex is good for women's health and makes you feel happier, according to a study which studied the effects of semen's 'mood-altering chemicals'. The State University of New York study - which scientists carried out via survey rather than through practical experiment - compared the sex lives of 293 females to their mental health. It follows research which shows that seminal fluid contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, induce sleep and also contain at least three anti-depressants. The researchers also claim that women who have regular unprotected sex are less depressed and perform better on cognitive tests. In this day and age, why do we insist that "sex" still has to be penetrative? During a drunken conversation with a friend recently, she asked how many people I had slept with. I opened my mouth, about to divulge, when she chimed in again: "I mean full sex only. Other stuff doesn't count." "Wait a second," I said. "What about same-sex couples? Does that not count?" "Well, of course THAT counts," she scoffed. I thought back to the five years I'd spent with my ex-boyfriend, and the handful of times in that period that we'd been able to have penetrative sex due to my vaginismus. I thought about the strangers who came after, the ones I felt nothing for, the messes of sweat, the unsatisfying endings, the text messages that went unanswered. At my religious high school, we often gossiped behind locker doors about who was and wasn't a virgin in our grade. In her book The Purity Myth, feminist writer Jessica Valenti argues that the concept of virginity revolves around society acting as the arbitrary gatekeeper to women's bodies and moral goodness.

Casual Sex Is Actually Excellent for You New research suggests that not all casual sex is bad. For those legitimately interested, it can boost life satisfaction and self-esteem and lessen anxiety. A lot of psychology researchers are giant prudes. In previous studies of bedding strangers, some have suggested that pretty much all casual sex is detrimental to your psychological well-being. As a new study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science notes, they’ll rattle off negatives like “less enjoyment and nurturance than romantic sex, frequent regret, unwanted emotional attachment, substance use, and social stigma.” But research that has attempted to measure the overall effects of one-night stands and “fuck buddies” on psychological health hasn’t been totally decisive. As we all know, these people do exist. “The vast majority of unrestricted people desire, enjoy, and form relationships; they just also enjoy and desire casual sex.”

Free Animated Films: From Classic to Modern Advertisement Watch over 70 free animations online. The collection features some classics, plus some modern gems. You'll find a number of animations of literary classics in the mix too. 66 Oscar-Nominated-and-Award-Winning Animated Shorts Online, Courtesy of the National Film Board of Canada - Free - A big collection of prize-winning animated short films.6 Animations of Stories & Poems by Shel Silverstein - Free - Includes “Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too” from Where the Sidewalk Ends.13 Experimental Short Films by Tezuka Osamu - Free - Early animations by Tezuka Osamau, often called the Walt Disney of Japan.30 Films from the 1970s by Computer Animation Pioneer Lillian F. For a full lineup of great movies, please visit our complete collection of Free Movies Online. Support Open Culture We're hoping to rely on our loyal readers rather than erratic ads.

7 ways to put the sexual spark back in your relationship It happens to the best of couples. In the beginning, the two of you can’t keep your hands off each other. But over time, especially when life gets tough, that sexy spark can fizzle. Getty Images stock Experts say there are ways to get the spark back, but first we need to "ditch the myth" that sex should always be spontaneous and easy. The signs that a couple is in a sexual rut can vary, according to Amy Levine, a New York City-based sex coach and the founder of Ignite Your Pleasure, but some common ones include: Sex is happening infrequently — or not at all.Sex has become routine.Only one partner seems to be initiating sex — and that partner is often rejected. Sometimes partners get to the point where they just don't see each other sexually, said Dr. apply | reset x font Let's talk about sex (after 50) Play Video - 4:15 Another sign ? Typically, desire and passion are at their highest at the beginning of a relationship. RELATED: What two words are the secret to a happy marriage? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Women repeatedly short-changed in case of premature ejaculation : World : Daily Zone (Photo : Creative Common) Women repeatedly short-changed in case of premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual disorders in men. But it is not just the men who suffer; it also causes increased psychological strain and stress in women, as a new survey conducted by Andrea Burri, a clinical psychologist at the University of Zurich, reveals. Around 40 percent of over 1,500 women polled from Mexico, Italy and South Korea indicated that ejaculation control is very important for satisfactory intercourse. It is not the short duration of the act of lovemaking that is primarily regarded as the main source of sexual frustration by the majority of women, but the fact that the man is focused too strongly on delaying ejaculation. Women who rarely climax suffer more It is mainly women who do not perceive intercourse as the central aspect of sexuality, but prioritize sexual creativity that suffer from the man's one-sided attention.

Une anthologie de la BD érotique qui se lit et se… trie | Les Soirées de Paris Lorsque Vincent Bernière a composé son anthologie de la BD érotique, il a eu le bon goût de ne pas oublier, parmi les auteurs retenus, Philippe Bertrand. Cette anthologie, éditée par Beaux Arts Edition ce qui peut se comprendre puisque Vincent Bernière collabore à Beaux Arts Magazine, pouvait en effet difficilement faire l’impasse sur cet auteur à part, disparu récemment, qui racontait des histoires étranges avec un esthétisme tout autant décalé que saisissant. Image extraite de "Linda aime l'art" dans l'Anthologie de la BD érotique. Chaque image de Philippe Bertrand, érotique ou non, charme inévitablement celui ou celle qui les regarde par ses coloris choisis, l’élégance raffinée et quelque peu décadente de ses personnages. Il n’est à sa décharge pas simple d’embrasser le monde si vaste de la bande dessinée érotique. Image extraite de la "Survivante" par Paul Gillon dans l'Anthologie de la BD érotique. Image extraite de "Comtesse" par Aude Picault dans l'Anthologie de la BD érotique.

10 Erotic New Year's Resolutions For Those Bored With Sex | The Huffington Post There is nothing more boring than people complaining about sexual boredom. That is so ordinary, lackluster and, quite frankly, rather lazy. When we decide to actively nurture our sexuality, we are taking a stand for living a vibrant and pleasure filled life. Re-charging your sexuality takes big action and consistency. When you make that extraordinary decision to take action, why not call it “a resolution to sexual evolution”? When you choose to give time to your eroticism you are giving time to living a bigger, more abundant and more self-fulfilled life. It’s hard to wrap our heads around this idea that sex requires the same kind of willful intent that a great diet plan or financial management program does. Sometimes, we have to move obstacles and even spend our resources on sex. 10 Erotic Resolutions For 2017 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Make 2017 your year to take a “Sex Safari.” Earlier on Huff/Post50: Liam Neeson Getty
