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Free Visual Dictionary & Thesaurus | Online Dictionary | Associated Words | Synonyms Dictionary at Flashcards | free printable flashcards, matching worksheets, printable bingo cards, printable games, activities, handouts and more There are 100+ sets of that I used to design curriculums for children ages 3-9 and 6-10. However, I use most of them up through to high school students and many with adults. See the left-hand menu for the current list of sets available. READ ME FIRST: These cards are excellent image quality and as such some of the files are quite large (1mb~4mb.) I suggest looking at the hand out first. If the material is something you'd like to put together, then take a look at the other files. About the flash card sets: There are some multilingual handouts in French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Russian, and Portuguese for teachers of other foreign languages. The pictures were all put together with children in mind. The printable flash cards and game cards do not have the vocabulary written on them. large flash cards do include articles at times. PowerPoint Flashcards and PowerPoint Presentations for teachers : These contain text in each slide. The power of bingo: I use the printable bingo cards

Feast Your Eyes on This Beautiful Linguistic Family Tree 552K 18.4KShare337 When linguists talk about the historical relationship between languages, they use a tree metaphor. An ancient source (say, Indo-European) has various branches (e.g., Romance, Germanic), which themselves have branches (West Germanic, North Germanic), which feed into specific languages (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian). Lessons on language families are often illustrated with a simple tree diagram that has all the information but lacks imagination. Also worth checking out is the page before the tree, where she gives a comparison chart of words in the Nordic languages, and illustrates what an outlier Finnish is with the concept of “meow.” You can order a poster version here. October 23, 2014 - 5:00pm ©2016 Mental Floss, Inc.

Anglais cycle III Téléchargement Liens Outils pour la classe Fichiers audio conduite de sa classe Progressions, textes officiels ... Livres pour la classe Fichiers audio Travaux sur les textes Exercices en ligne Téléchargements.. Conjugaison; articles; déterminants; pronoms; pluriel ... En classe; animaux; nourriture... Ecouter la prononciation. Exercices d'entraînement en ligne et en téléchargement. Parler des autres; de soi; poser des questions... 3 Great Posters for Teaching Writing Today I am sharing with you some really cool posters on writing. As a teacher, you can use these graphics with your students to teach them about the craft of writing. You can also use them as visual aids in your lessons or simply hang them on your class board to constantly remind students of what they need to keep in their mind when it comes to developing the writing skills necessary to thriving in an academic milieu. If you want more resources on teaching writing either through the use of posters or via the help of technology I would recommend that you check these Links. Please remember to properly accredit Enokson ,the owner of this work whenever you use his posters .

english-pe Young People Who Changed The World In 2014: Malala, Michael Brown And Mexico's Missing Students Influenced International Conversation It's true: Age ain't nothing but a number. Events in 2014 made that especially clear, as young students, protesters, artists, athletes and others created change and guided international conversation. None of them have turned 30 yet, but they're forces to reckon with as 2015 approaches. Here are just a few of the youth who changed the world this year: Malala Yousafzai, age 17 Malala Yousafzai, 17, won the Nobel Peace Prize with Kailash Satyarthi this year. In October, Malala became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner ever. "I'm here to stand up for their rights, to raise their voice," CNN reported she said this month. "Jackie," age 20 The University of Virginia student's account of her 2012 gang-rape at a fraternity house shed light on campus sexual assault issues, regardless of its accuracy. Nina Pham, age 26 Pham, a nurse who cared for late Ebola patient Thomas Duncan at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, contracted the deadly disease herself in October. Michael Brown, age 18

Ressources en anglais pour l'école primaire B.O. - Hors-série n° 3 du 19 juin 2008 - Horaires et programmes d'enseignement de l'école primaire - Sommaire + Hors-série n° 3 du 19 juin 2008 - Programmes d’enseignement de l’école primaire - A. du 9-6-2008. JO du 17-6-2008 Clic images 2.0 - une banque d'images libres et gratuites - Présentation + Visite guidée (CRDP de Bourgogne) Ressources - Sites académiques (PrimLangues) "De nombreux sites académiques proposent des pages de ressources en langues vivantes pour le cycle 3 et le CE1. B.O. : hors-série n° 8 du 30 août 2007 - PROGRAMMES DE LANGUES ÉTRANGÈRES POUR L’ÉCOLE PRIMAIRE B.O. : Mise en oeuvre du socle commun de connaissances et de compétences : L’acquisition du vocabulaire à l’école primaire - B.O. n° 12 du 22 mars 2007 Enseignement des langues vivantes à l'école ( Rapport de l'inspection générale de 2002, qui comprend une partie relative à l'enseignement des langues vivantes à l'école primaire. Le CRDP de Bourgogne propose différentes ressources.

Webquest: New Year By Gabrielle Jones This New Year webquest by Gabrielle Jones includes activities designed to inform students about the history of New Year celebrations and the traditions which are practised today in a variety of cultures. Note: The teacher's notes for this webquest can be found under 'Related resources' in the top right-hand corner of this page. We have also included a link to a student-facing page which does not have any links to the answers. We suggest that you send students the link to the student page to prevent them from finding the answers too easily! Warmer New Year is an exciting time and many cultures celebrate it in a special way. How is New Year celebrated in your country? Activity 1: The history of New Year celebrations Visit and read the sections titled ‘Early New Year’s celebrations’ and ‘January 1 becomes New Year’s day’. When were the earliest New Year celebrations and where did they take place? Discussion: Student 1 – Scottish New Year

Ressources pédagogiques Open American National Corpus | Open Data for Language Research and Education Le jeu Feelings : que d'émotions ! L'an dernier, je vous parlais du jeu Feelings. Je remonte et nettoie cet article parce qu'il vient de remporter un des labels "Jeu éducatif" décerné au FLIP de Parthenay (Festival International du Jeu). Depuis la rentrée 2015, les programmes d'EMC ont changé : BO spécial du 25 juin 2015 (clic). Le premier item de ces nouvelles instructions est libellé de la manière suivante : La sensibilité : soi et les autres. Identifier et exprimer en les régulant ses émotions et ses sentiments. Ainsi, on nous demande de travailler avec les élèves sur leurs émotions. Et c'est pourquoi je me félicite de la découverte du jeu Feelings, et de son adaptation en classe entière : Feelings, c'est un jeu de société, inventé par le créateur du jeu Dixit. Avec Feelings, 4 à 8 joueurs jouent à essayer de deviner l'émotion ressentie par leur partenaire dans une situation donnée. J'explique. Sur la table de jeu se trouvent des émotions (piochées au hasard). Par exemple (exemples tirés des cartes du niveau "écoliers") :
