La mariée se voile la face Par lathelize, le 20/01/2012 dans Découvertes Voile ou pas voile ? Celui-ci est très formel mais il colle aussi tellement bien avec l’image de la mariée… Et comme les modèles vendus dans les boutiques spécialisées sont particulièrement chers (150€ en moyenne) j’ai sélectionné quelques tutos pour vous aider à réaliser le votre. Pour un voile léger et efficace, voici le tuto de notre talentueuse Weriem, à qui j’emprunte, aussi, le titre de cet article.Pour coudre une version courte filez sur le blog de l’aiguillée sauvage, qui en avait réalisé un pour un enterrement de vie de jeune fille.Pour des explications très complètes, notamment sur le choix du tulle, allez lire le tuto de AnnC (photos Pronovias).Enfin, pour celles qui en voudraient un plus court, regardez du côté de 100 Layer Cake et Once Wed.
Des étagères originales au style industriel pour lofts urbains | Shoji Si vous aimez les décors type Steampunk, vous allez adorer les étagères proposées par Stella Bleu Designs. Fini les étagères en bois que l’on retrouve partout, place à la récupération en donnant une seconde vie aux tuyaux usagés. Se mariant parfaitement dans un décor industriel pour lofts urbains, ces étagères profiteront de chacun de vos murs et de leurs coins afin de leur donner une touche d’originalité. Faites de tuyaux en fer massif, ces étagères accueilleront vos livres de la meilleure des manières. Elles existent sous de nombreuses formes mais également avec lumières et porte-manteaux intégrés. On se croirait presque dans la cabine du capitaine Nemo à bord du Nautilus, n’est-ce pas ?
The Steampunk Workshop | Technology & Romance - Fashion, Style, & Science Desktop Terrarium with Night Light Almost every Steampunker has the same problem, to finance all the big projects in your head you must sit many hours on your desk to earn the money. Often the office is dismal and grey. This is quietly no place for an awesome mind. Now I invent this Desktop Terrarium who allows you to put your own exotic habitat on your desk. All you need is - One old defect bulb (clear or matt) - One solar power Garden LED light - Small wooden board - Brass or Copper tube - Brass or Copper tin (wall clock) - sundry brass parts - Switch - AAA Battery + holder Also don't miss to visit my website with more great projects under Steampunk-Design.
Technique de la fabrication des bougies en gel Posté le Dimanche, 15 janvier, 2012 à 18:16 Avec la cire-gel, fabriquer ses bougies soi même devient un jeu d’enfant ! Profitez en pour créer des modèles en famille, chacun pourra exprimer sa créativité. Exemple de bougie en gel avec inclusion de coeurs La cire-gel brûle trois fois moins vite qu’une cire traditionnelle et elle peut être réutilisée. Elle se présente en pot de cire incolore ou teintée. Pots de gel à bougies, l’un coloré, l’autre incolore. La technique consiste à faire chauffer la cire au bain-marie, à 90 °C environ puis à la verser dans le récipient en verre de votre choix. Insertion avant remplissage du contenant : Il suffit de tenir la mèche bien droite en l’appuyant au fond du récipient et de verser la cire-gel une fois prête à l’emploi. Insertion après remplissage du contenant : Après durcissement de la cire, insérer une fine tige métallique préalablement passée sous l’eau chaude puis essuyée jusqu’au fond du récipient ; la retirer puis insérer la mèche à bougie.
DIY Steampunk Gauges If you're building steampunk props for cosplay, gauges are a must-have. Unfortunately, vintage gauges (which look the most authentic) can be both hard to find and pretty darn expensive once you do track them down. So, John and I decided to make our own. Here's the secret: These cup slider handles for closet doors are perfect for DIY gauges. Plus, a pack of two handles only costs two or three dollars - sweet! Once we found those, I went hunting online for photos of vintage pressure gauges. Next I needed a temperature gauge, which was much harder to track down. ...but the photo had too much glare and shadow to use. For the most realistic look, you could use clock hands or spinner arrows like these for the gauge needles. To give the faces some age and character, John rubbed brown glaze on the paper after printing them out. Next it was a simple matter of cutting them out: John: Don't show my thumb! Me: [rolling eyes] And popping them inside the frames.
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » diy project: katie’s glass-jar moroccan lanterns I’m getting a little tired of the winter weather and will take just about any opportunity to daydream about the sunny warm days ahead. These Moroccan-inspired lanterns by Ohdeedoh contributor and DIY expert Katie Steuernagle are the perfect antidote to the winter blues; I love the glow of the rich jewel tones and the intricate gold designs. If you have any old sauce jars lying around, this is the perfect way to make good use of them and get yourself psyched for spring— it will be here before we know it! —Kate CLICK HERE for the full how-to after the jump! Materials old glass jars (spaghetti jars, jam jars or any plain glass jar will work)gold dimensional puff paintglass paint (Delta or Pebeo Vitrea glass paint are great options)paintbrushwire (optional, for hanging lanterns) Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Tuto mini de bureau offert. - Scrapinfini de Thisa. 04 janvier 2013 Tuto mini de bureau offert. Hello, Le tuto (fichier format pdf) de mon mini de bureau, bientôt offert sur mon nouveau blog L'atelier enchanté Inscrivez vous à la News pour ne pas rater l'événement. Commentaires Poster un commentaire 7 Free Wooden Gear Clock Plans for You Eccentric, Masochist Woodworkers | Ever since I had the pleasure of seeing Keith Chamber’s wooden gear clocks in person, I’ve been on the look out for more all wood clocks. See Wooden Gear Clocks by Keith Chambers >> I think wooden clocks are one of those dividing lines in woodworking… To have the aspiration to make a clock, entirely from wood, puts you in your own unique category. One well-known seller of wooden clock plans, Clayton Boyer, pitches his most-difficult plans like this: “Selling plans for the clocks on this page goes against my basic philosophy of trying to spread joy in the world through creative woodworking. However, I have come to the conclusion that I should not stand in the way of a woodworker’s desire for additional frustration in his/her life when they obviously want it so badly.” He won’t sell plans from his “Masochist’s Corner” unless you’ve built one of his simpler clocks first… and sent him photographic PROOF that you completed it. Here’s his Simplicity, his, er, simplest offering:
1920's Slang - Camarilla Wiki Welcome to White Wolf Publishing has produced gaming universes for over 20 years including World of Darkness, Exalted, Trinity, and many more. White Wolf merged with CCP Games to focus on translating the World of Darkness IP into a massively multiplayer experience, and the North American office is fully dedicated to making this evolution a reality. In order to continue to support our existing RPG and LARP communities, we have entered into a number of partnerships with individuals and groups who can focus their full attention on the art forms White Wolf created and lived in. Digital Publishing and Print On Demand Both new and classic White Wolf products are available for digital download and Print On Demand through Tabletop Roleplaying Games Our tabletop RPG publishing continues via Onyx Path Publishing. Live Action Roleplaying Games Our live-action "Mind’s Eye Theatre" publishing returns by way of By Night Studios. Live Action Organizations
Comment Faire un Livre Creux Secret Le premier pas dans la fabrication du livre creux est de choisir un livre. Assurez-vous que ce livre est le votre et non pas un appartenant à la bibliothèque, ou à votre famille. Je suggère de fouiller entre vos anciens livres vous trouverez sûrement un qui n'est plus d'aucune utilité pour vous. Assurez-vous que c'est une couverture cartonnée, sinon vous couperez complètement l'autre côté quand vous allez découper l'intérieur. 1. Sélectionnez une page que vous voulez qu'elle soit avant la première page au quelle nous allons commencer la coupure, et enregistrer cette page pour être découpée à la fin. Mélanger la colle blanche et l'eau. Tenir les pages restantes ensemble, badigeonner les bords avec la colle - assez pour les tremper, mais pas trop. Laissez sécher, mais utiliser un espaceur entre le première page et la couverture pour qu'il ne soit pas coincé. Une fois sec, ouvrez le livre à la première page collée. Continuer à couper à travers les strates. Quand c'est sec, ça sera fait!
Steampunk Leather Top Hat Tutorial I have received several requests for a tutorial on making my steampunk leather top hat, shown above, and so, here it is. The first drawing shows the three pattern pieces (not to scale). The wave on the bottom of the crown is what gives the brim its distinctive curve. The pattern below is the one that I used to make my top hat. For a size large, the width of the crown (from side to side) should measure 23.8". The crown joins at the back with a butt seam. You should use a lightweight but firm vegetable tanned leather. See the diagram at the lower right for construction details. This is the partially made hat.
Top 10 Steampunk Gadgets Cultural movements that inspire devotion and fanishness are often not given enough credit for the inventiveness they arouse. Steampunk is especially rife with masterpieces of fashion, art, craft, and technology. Every time you think you’ve seen the coolest, most out there steampunk creation another comes along. 10. Coming in all shapes and sizes, servicing mad-scientists and cyberpunks alike, goggles are a fashion accessory that may not be unique to Steampunk, but how could you fly your airship without them? 9. Somewhat similar to its optically-focused brethren in that it isn’t a Steampunk specific trend, gasmasks are still a common element for the genre, particularly in stories that lean to the side of dystopia. 8. Why rely on fickle oil and flame any longer? 7. Any proper gentleman or lady knows that they’d be best be back from adventuring in time for tea. 6. And who ever said that all laptops have to be homogenous hunks of plastic? 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Tagged as: art
How I Made My Liquid-Cooled Steampunk Rifle Prop Steamdown: How I Made My Liquid-Cooled Steampunk Rifle Prop I know, "Steamdown" conjures images of a hoedown, but "Steampunk prop breakdown" is a bit of a mouthful, I thought. Anyway, I'm going to show you how I made my very first Steampunk prop! It doesn't require any tools at all, just some glue and some parts from the hardware store. Oh, and a screwdriver for one screw. In the following pictures, I'm going to break down every part on the rifle and tell you where I got it and how I attached it. While you don't have to copy this tutorial exactly (after all, the prop is far from perfect... it was my first one ever), the idea is that knowing what all the pieces are will give you the confidence to go out and make something of your own! 1. This is what the whole thing looks like. The stock is a parade rifle, which is a non-firing replica rifle used either to train for marching in parades, or in some cases used in place of real rifles. 2. This is the other side of the butt of the rifle. 3.