Rope Physics Rope Simulation In this tutorial, you will find a simulation of a rope. This simulation is based on the simple physical simulation engine in Lesson 39. In order to benefit from this tutorial, you should know how forces are applied to masses in simulations, how position and velocity of a mass is iterated while the simulation runs, and how 3D vectoral operations are used in physics. In physical simulations, the purpose is to form a physical setting, which acts the same as in the natural environment. The scale of space and time to observe is related to: 1. 1. Here, the mathematics of motion is called "classical mechanics", which is simply representing masses as particles in space and accelerating these masses by forces as the time passes. 2. Performance of the computer to run the simulation, determines how detailed we could observe. Designing The Physical Setting For The Rope: Determining The Motion Of Equation: Particle 1 is bounded to 2, 2 to 3, and 3 to 4. Class Spring: force = -k * (x - d)
Project Eden In this post, I'll be describing in more detail how the CG Earth is constructed. The whole planet was broken down into several key components: land, water, clouds, atmosphere and an atmospheric "rim". The atmosphere has two components because it's not a true volumetric simulation, but a kind of hack ^^; Land Nothing fancy here that's not been done for decades. Water This is just another sphere primitive with an ocean shader applied. Clouds After much experimentation with various volumetric hacks, I eventually settled upon the same age old technique everyone else is using - a sphere (surprise, surprise) mapped with transparency data from NASA's cloud texture, with the same cloud map doubling as a displacement map to give the clouds actual thickness. Atmosphere and Rim Another key component that makes or breaks the look of a CG planet is the atmosphere. The other component is the atmospheric rim, which uses another ramp lookup to create the blue "outline" around the limb of the Earth.
Galaxy Zoo We declare the world as our canvasBy Collectiv IMVG - In Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain On Facebook. Thanks to Begoa Gomez Garcia for this photo. Thanks to Christina Werckmeister for this photo. By Collective IMVG. In Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Astronomy & Space Astronomy may well be the oldest science of all, seeking answers to questions such as: "Where did it all come from?" and "Are we alone?" But, today's astronomers are focusing on phenomena our forbearers never imagined—planets orbiting other stars, for example; black holes the size of our solar system; galaxies being driven apart by invisible "dark energy"; ripples in the fabric of space and time; and of course the big bang, where time itself began. Accelerators can probe artwork's origins The segment used real satellite data and six computational models to create a vision that is both beautiful and scientifically... In this week's episode we discover the oldest fossil evidence of modern, venomous snakes in Africa. Students and amateur astronomers in small western U.S. communities help scientists measure Kuiper Belt objects out... Engineers have teamed up with a world-renowned origami expert to solve one of space exploration's greatest (and most... Dr.
OpenGL:Tutorials:Tutorial Framework:Particles In this example, We're going to extend the principles used in the Ortho example to produce a nice particle effect. Setting Up Each particle has unique position, direction vector, color and a 'life' values. typedef struct { float xPos,yPos,zPos; float xVec,yVec,zVec; float r,g,b,life; }SpriteInfo; We'll also specify a few parameters for the particles which can be tweaked to change the appearance of our effect: const float PARTICLE_SIZE = 0.5f; const int NUM_PARTICLES = 10000; const int INITIAL_PARTICLE_SPREAD = 100; const float SPEED_DECAY = 0.00005f; // (Gravity) Another new thing here is time-based movement. Here we use three long values to manage the time: Time1 stores the tick count of the last frame, Time2 is the tick count of the current frame and Ticks is the difference between them. Managing the Particles The first thing we must do with our particles is set them all to a known state. for(Index=0;Index! If a particle is live (life>0), we add the direction vectors to the position.
john locke » Blog Archive » visualizing sound in processing This was the final applet in motion. Using the minim library for processing, each waveform is generated in realtime as the two sounds play over eachother creating a pretty chaotic sound, but there are some instances of overlapping patterns where the mashup works pretty well. In the third version of the code, the boolean of the two waveforms is generated, producing a new way to visualize the waveforms. import processing.dxf.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.*; FFT fftLog1; FFT fftLog2; Waveform myRects; Minim minim; AudioPlayer groove1; AudioPlayer groove2; boolean record; PFont font; PFont fontoutline; void setup(){ size(1200,600,P3D); noStroke(); minim = new Minim(this); groove1 = minim.loadFile(“groove_iggy.mp3″); groove2 = minim.loadFile(“groove_wagner.mp3″); groove1.loop();//repeat each song groove2.loop(); font = loadFont(“HelveticaNeueLT-Bold-18.vlw”); fontoutline = loadFont(“HelveticaNeueLT-Bold-18.vlw”); if(record){ endRaw(); record = false; println(“Done DXF~!”) reply
The Milky Way Project 106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos Click on a photo and you make it bigger and can post a comment on it. And thats some of the most beloved Street Art Photos posted in 2012 on Street Art Utopia! A member of Street Art Utopia on Facebook wrote two year ago this nice piece about the future: – My son, do you want to hear something strange? – Yes! What? – You know the new tree painting we did on the garage last week.. – What? – Well, yes, many were. – Was art forbidden? – Well no, but it had to be in special buildings only. – Wow.. – Yes, my son.
The Large Hadron Collider The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008, and remains the latest addition to CERN’s accelerator complex. The LHC consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way. Inside the accelerator, two high-energy particle beams travel at close to the speed of light before they are made to collide. The beams travel in opposite directions in separate beam pipes – two tubes kept at ultrahigh vacuum. They are guided around the accelerator ring by a strong magnetic field maintained by superconducting electromagnets. Thousands of magnets of different varieties and sizes are used to direct the beams around the accelerator. All the controls for the accelerator, its services and technical infrastructure are housed under one roof at the CERN Control Centre. How many kilometres of cables are there on the LHC?
FAS Research Computing | Some comments on OpenGL rendering of particles When rendering particles in OpenGL there are many possible ways to represent them. The following goes through some of the possibilities with associated pseudo-code. At the very basic level it is possible to simply render the particles as points: glPointSize( 3.f ); glColor4f (1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); glBegin(GL_POINTS); for(i=0; i<npoints; i+=nskip) { glVertex3f(x[i], y[i], z[i]); } // Done drawing points glEnd(); This produces a plot below: In the next level, it is possible to replace the points with "point sprites". The next stage is to put a texture on the point sprites. In the next two stages we show the effect of adding transparency and color as functions of physical quantities (viz. density and internal energy of the gas). glColor4f (c.r,c.g,c.b,opacity); In the above opacity can be calculated as: float opacity=log10(density); opacity-=mindens; opacity/=maxdens-mindens; Color can be calculated from the internal energy of the gas particles using some prescription like:
さくらのブログ リクエストされたページは表示できません。 サーバのアクセス権限がありません。 [ TOPへ ] (C)Copyright SAKURA Internet Inc. リクエストされたページは表示できません。 [ TOPへ ] (C)Copyright SAKURA Internet Inc. Education Express -- Nov. 20, 2012 Check out the following NASA opportunities for the education community. Full descriptions are listed below. Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Launch — Educational ResourcesAudience: All Educators Launch Date: Feb. 27, 2014. Coverage begins at Noon EST Student Presentations to Stream Live From National Space Grant Directors’ Meeting Audience: Higher Education Faculty and Students Event Date: Feb. 27-28, 2014 Free Webinar Series — NASA STEM Mania: STEM in Sports Audience: K-12 Educators Next Webinar Date: Feb. 27, 2014, at 4 p.m. Free Education Webinar Series from NASA Educator Professional DevelopmentAudience: K-12 and Informal Educators Next Webinar Date: Feb. 27, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. Free Lecture — Probing the Edge of RealityAudience: All Educators and 9-Higher Education Students Event Date: Feb. 28, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. 2014 Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental EducatorsAudience: K-12 Educators Application Deadline: Feb. 28, 2014 Check out the new #NASATeachableMoments.
Simulating Particle Effects using OpenGL | 3D Game Engine Programming Particle Effect In this article I will demonstrate one possible way to implement a particle effect in C++ using OpenGL to render the effect. This demo uses the fixed function pipeline and the host processor (CPU) to perform the simulation. In this article, I will use OpenGL and GLUT to render graphics to the application window. Particles systems have been used extensively in games for many years. Geometry Wars - Particle Example There are several different types of particle effects that can be created. Billboard Particles: Billboard particles are flat textured quads that are rotated to always face the camera. In this article, I will demonstrate the billboard particle effect. A few dependencies are used by this project to ease the coding process and to make the material more readable. The Particle class (actually, it’s a struct) defines the properties of a single particle that is used to simulate the particle effect. The meaning of the particle members is given below: