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Entity Conversion Calculator

Entity Conversion Calculator
Related:  CSS 3

Deployd CSS3 Box Shadow Generator - CSS3gen Use this CSS3 box shadow generator to quickly generate box shadow CSS for your project. Your browser does not support the CSS3 box-shadow property. You can still use this tool to generate the CSS3 rule, but you won't be able to see the results. <div class="error_msg">Please enable Javascript to use this page.</div> Box Shadow Explained The CSS3 box-shadow property allows you to add depth to your website's design without the need for images or extra container elements. While the syntax is easy to understand, it is hard to visualise the style using just code. The box-shadow syntax works as follows: The first value defines the distance of the box shadow in the x (horizontal) direction and the second value defines the distance in the y (vertical) direction. Optionally you can include an additional parameter after the blur distance: This defines the spread distance of the shadow. Supporting Browsers

Tabla Caracteres ASCII - Conversion y Equivalencias Hexa - Octal - HTML Entities La tabla ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) es un juego de caracteres creado en 1963 y publicado en 1967 para representar el alfabeto latino, otros caracteres alfanumericos y comandos para control de textos (nueva linea, tabulacion, etc) en sistemas informaticos. La codificacion esta basada en un estandard de 7 bits para la composicion de cada byte, a diferencia de estandares mas modernos que utilizan 8 bits para incorporar caracteres internacionales (como ISO-8859-1). El octavo bit en la codificacion ASCII es utilizado habitualmente como un bit de paridad para el control de errores en transferencia de datos. La siguiente tabla se ofrece a modo de referencia para conocer rapidamente las equivalencias al momento de convertir entre ASCII y distintas representaciones de bytes imprimibles o no.

Tools » Human Made Limited We just can't help ourselves from coming up with bright ideas and we'd like to share them with you. Our tools page showcases a selection of our past and current open source coding projects, whether large or small. We think that these projects are important because they give us a chance to experiment and be creative which benefits our client work and contributes to the WordPress development community. You can find all our projects on Github. WP Remote WP Remote is our nifty web app that provides a single place to monitor, manage and update all of your WordPress sites. Find out more from our case study Visit WP Remote site Check out WP Remote WordPress Plugin on Github. “Thanks Humanmade - you've just made an overly tedious task into something very manageable and fast - I thank you for the time I can spend more productively.” A review from the plugin directory # Sites Monitored 50K+ Registered Users 10K+ Plugin Updates (30 Days) 55K+ GB Backed Up (30 Days) 600GB+ WP Thumb HM Rewrite

TextMate productivity tips If you saw my post about the DOMAssistant bundle for TextMate, you will already know that my favourite coding tool at the moment is TextMate. If you missed that post, well, now you know. For anyone who is new to TextMate or considering trying it out, I thought I’d share a few tips. These tips are nothing revolutionary for many Textmate users, but nevertheless they make my workdays a little easier. Several of these tips may not be all that obvious, so I hope you will find something new here. 1. When editing an HTML document, press Opt + Cmd + . to make TextMate automatically insert a closing tag for the element the cursor is inside. 2. To move text that you have selected, hold down Ctrl + Cmd and use the arrow keys to move the text up and down (or left and right). 3. Type a few characters and hit the tab key. 4. Instead of typing every letter of every tag, attribute, method or variable, just type the first few letters and hit the Esc key. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

CSS3 Facebook Buttons Buttons To create the default "button" add a class of uibutton to any appropriate element. To create the blue variant include an additional class confirm. To create the green variant include an additional class special. <a class="uibutton" href="#">Button</a><button class="uibutton" type="submit">Button</button><input class="uibutton" type="submit" value="Button"> Larger buttons To create larger buttons inclue an additional class of large. Grouped buttons To created grouped buttons wrap them in an element, or use a list, given the class uibutton-group. <div class="uibutton-group"><a class="uibutton" href="#">Dashboard</a><a class="uibutton" href="#">Inbox</a><a class="uibutton" href="#">Account</a><a class="uibutton" href="#">Logout</a></div><ul class="uibutton-group"><li><a class="uibutton" href="#">Dashboard</a></li><li><a class="uibutton" href="#">Inbox</a></li><li><a class="uibutton" href="#">Account</a></li><li><a class="uibutton" href="#">Logout</a></li></ul> Mixed groups New message

Fuentes web. CSS 3. Páginas web HTML / XHTML y hojas de estilo CSS. Bartolomé Sintes Marco Las fuentes web son las fuentes que pueden mostrarse en el navegador sin necesidad de que el usuario las tenga instaladas en su ordenador ya que se descargan automáticamente. Fuentes web en CSS 2 La recomendación CSS 2 permitía la utilización de fuentes web mediante el uso de la regla-arroba @font-face, pero la regla-arroba @font-face no está incluida en la recomendación CSS 2.1, por lo que el uso de fuentes web en CSS 2 puede considerarse obsoleto. Fuentes WOFF (Web Open Font Format) En 2009 se desarrolló un formato de fuentes llamado WOFF (Web Open Font Format) pensado para la web. En abril de 2010, Mozilla, Microsoft y Opera presentaron este formato al W3C, que aprobó la recomendación WOFF File Format 1.0 en diciembre de 2012. Actualmente (octubre de 2015) se está preparando la recomendación WOFF File Format 2.0 (artículo en sobre WOFF2 13/11/2013). Fuentes web en CSS 3 Google Fonts / Google Fonts API Google ofrece un servicio de alojamiento de fuentes libres, Google Fonts. Nota:

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