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Responsive Design bookmarklet

Responsive Design bookmarklet
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CodeAndMore @font-face made simple tool Responsive design : définition, fonctionnement, ressources et tutoriels « Design Spartan : Art digital, digital painting, webdesign, illustration et inspiration… Si vous vous intéressez de près ou de loin au webdesign ou à l’intégration, vous n’avez pas pu échapper au dernier terme à la mode : le “responsive web design”. Cette avancée technologique est également une nouvelle philosophie de création de site. Voici un article pour définir ce qu’est le “responsive web design” et expliquer quels en sont les points-clés (puis plein de liens, de tutoriels et de ressources super cools aussi !). Le “responsive web design” est né suite à un besoin grandissant. De nos jours, il n’y a pas un client qui demande un site Internet sans demander une version mobile de celui-ci. Seulement en quelques années le nombre d’appareils et de résolutions servant à consulter des sites web a tout simplement explosé : ordinateurs, smartphones, tablettes, web TV, grille-pain, format portrait, paysage, etc… Entre 2005 et 2008 on a identifié pas moins de 400 résolutions d’écran différentes pour tous les appareils vendus. Définition du responsive web design La mise en page La typo

ResponsiveSlides.js · Responsive jQuery Slider & Slideshow ProtoFluid. Responsive Design Testing. Flexible CSS typographic scale | The Happy Bit When designing using text, no matter if it’s for print or the Web, one vital thing to do is to ensure that the design stays harmonious in every aspect. The best way to do so is quite possibly using a so called typographic scale, which means giving text portions precise, regular and linear dimensions, based on the hierarchical relationships they hold with other text elements. This has been long known, of course, and we’re not bringing anything new to the cause. But being the Web one of our domains, we felt like managing the typographic scale in CSS could be done better, and in an easier, sort of automatic, way. Our goal was to create a base-level CSS that could set a well thought series of values for the typographic scale, hence establishing a vertical rhythm, with absolutely no reference to pixels. Instead, we wanted it to graciously adapt itself when varying the font size declaration of the document’s body. The scale would degrade as follows, from the biggest element to the smallest:

Responsive Webdesign – présent et futur de l’adaptation mobile - Alsacreations Après plusieurs mois de recherche sur le sujet, j'ai enfin publié mon article sur Smashing Magazine qui s'intitule "The State Of Responsive Web Design". Ce qui suit en est la traduction. Avertissement avant la lecture : Je n'ai pas la prétention de changer le monde, d'avoir la vérité absolue. On entend parler de "Responsive Webdesign" depuis plusieurs années maintenant, et le sujet s'est vraiment démocratisé et popularisé en 2012. Dans cet article, nous allons nous intéresser à ce qui est aujourd'hui déjà possible en terme d'optimisation de sites pour mobiles, mais également à ce qui sera possible dans le futur. L'état des images dans le responsive webdesign Quelle meilleure manière d'aborder le sujet que de commencer par ce qui pose un gros souci : la gestion des images. Beaucoup de designers adorent le "pixel-perfect", mais les images de taille "normale" sont souvent "pixelisées" lorsqu'elles sont affichées sur des écrans haute définition. La solution flexbox La solution Grid Layout

Stuff you can do with the "Checkbox Hack" The "Checkbox Hack" is where you use a connected label and checkbox input and usually some other element you are trying to control, like this: <label for="toggle-1">Do Something</label><input type="checkbox" id="toggle-1"><div>Control me</div> Then with CSS, you hide the checkbox entirely. View Demo So you can style an element completely differently depending on the state of that checkbox, which you don't even see. Disclaimer: Some of this stuff crosses the line of what you "should" do with CSS and introduces some bad semantics. Custom Designed Radio Buttons and Checkboxes Hide the default UI of a radio button or checkbox, and display a custom version right on top of it. File system like "tree menu" Tabbed Areas The "tabs" design pattern is just toggling on and off of areas, perfect for the checkbox hack. Dropdown Menus Push Toggles FAQ Answer Revealing View Demo More A couple demos by Gene Locklin: Share On

Detecting and Responding to iPad Orientation Change in Adobe Edge Animate | CHRIS GANNON With the help of Simon Widjaja and friends’ Edge Commons Dirty Little Helpers library I have extended the Flexible Layouts Using Adobe Edge Animate and the Edge Commons Library tutorial to work on an iPad. Simon’s tutorial/demo works well on a browser when resizing and this demo takes that one stage further and uses the ‘window.orientation‘ event to trigger the resize code uses a simple <meta content> tag to ensure the device as it 100% and recognises the change in dimensions. You can still trigger the resize code in your desktop browser but this is designed to detect your iPad’s orientation too. I’ll write it up fully later with a walk-through of the functionality but for now you can just play around with it and look at the (fairly simple) code – also I thought it would be a nice start to the week! I have removed the ‘window.orientation‘ call as it is not required – even simpler! View the demo on your iPad here Download the source here Like this: Like Loading... Related In "3d" MooDisco!

Designing Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites Advertisement A website is never done. Everyone has worked on a project that changed so much after it launched that they no longer wanted it in their portfolio. One way to help those who take over your projects is to produce a style guide. Edward Tufte once said: “Great design is not democratic; it comes from great designers. If the standard is lousy, then develop another standard.” Why Create A Style Guide? You’ll have an easy guide to refer to when handing over the project.Makes you look professional. Branding Guidelines: What To Include? Strategic Brand Overview This should be short and sweet. 1See Kew’s branding guidelines2. Kew uses strong photography in its “brand essence” message, with a few paragraphs that both inspire and define the brand. Logos For print and Web, most brands revolve around the logo. 3See Cunard’s branding guidelines4. Cunard provides many variations on its minimum sizes. 5See Think Brick’s branding guidelines6. Show Examples of What and What Not to Do Spacing Colors (al)

Splash Vector Graphics on your Responsive Site - HTML5 Rocks Creating mobile content that dazzles means balancing the amount of data downloaded against maximal visual impact. Vector graphics are a great way to deliver stunning visual results using minimal bandwidth. Many people think of canvas as the only way to draw a mixture of vectors and rasters on the web, but there are alternatives that have some advantages. A great way to achieve vector drawing is through the use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) which is a key part of HTML5. We all know responsive design is a big part of handling varying screen sizes, and SVG is ideal for handling different size screens with ease. SVG is a great way to present vector based line drawings and is a great complement to bitmaps, the latter being better suited for continuous tone images. Popular authoring tools like the Drawing application in Google Drive, Inkscape, Illustrator, Corel Draw and lots of others generate SVG so there are lots of ways to generate content. Scaling fundamentals So what's the big deal?
