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Digital Anatomist Interactive Atlases

Structural Informatics GroupDepartment of Biological StructureUniversity of Washington Seattle, Washington, USA Atlases Content: 2-D and 3-D views of the brain from cadaver sections, MRI scans, and computer reconstructions.Author: John W. Content: Neuroanatomy Interactive Syllabus. Atlas was formerly available on CD-ROM (JAVA program running on Mac and PC platform). Content: 3-D views of thoracic organs reconstructed from 1 mm cryosections of a cadaver specimen provided by Wolfgang Rauschning.Authors: David M. Atlas was formerly available on CD-ROM. Content: 2-D and 3-D views of the knee from cadaver sections, MRI scans, and computer recontructions.Author: Peter Ratiu and Cornelius RosseInstitution: Digital Anatomist Project, Dept. FAQHelp on Program UseSoftware Credits and CopyrightPrivacy and advertising policiesAbout the Structural Informatics Group Related:  Psicología

Brain Surface and Tractography Viewer Surface Opacity: Surface Overlay Display Range: Histogram Min: Max: Minimum Track Length: The pial surface is the "outer" cortical surface and represents the boundary between gray matter and cerebrospinal fluid. The white matter surface marks the boundary between the outer gray tissue and the inner white tissue. Surface overlay functions are calculated at each point on a surface, and colored according to value. We have the following surface overlays (which are calculated at each vertex point on a surface mesh): k₁: Maximum principal curvature -- tends to highlight the folds of the brain along their main axes. Surfaces generated with FreeSurfer: Dale, A.M., Fischl, B., Sereno, M.I., 1999. Tractography generated with Diffusion Toolkit: Wang R., Benner T., Sorensen A. Curvature generation described in: Pienaar R., Fischl B., Caviness V., Makris N., Grant P.E. WebGL viewer developed by:

Cochlear Fluids Lab - Washington University Alec N. Salt, Ph.D. Department of OtolaryngologyWashington University School of MedicineSt. Louis, Missouri, 63110, USA Fluid Spaces of the Inner Ear The image shows an anatomically accurate 3-D reconstruction of the fluid spaces of the mammalian inner ear. Wind Turbines can be Hazardous to Human Health Copyright Michael A. A Pictorial Guide to the Inner Ear "Fluid in Your Ears" Anatomy of the Inner Ear Cochlear Anatomy Cochlear Fluids Composition The Endocochlear Potential Endolymphatic Hydrops Endolymph Flow in the Normal Cochlea Cochlear Fluids Simulator 3.082 Version – November 2013 Publications from our Group Awards Guyot Prize for Research 1999 Prosper Meniere Society: Gold Medal Award for Research 2008 Cochlear Fluids Studies Perilymph Sampling from the Cochlear Apex Computer Simulations of Drug Movements in Cochlear Fluids Introduction to the 1D Fluids Simulator Program Downloading, Installation and Operating Instructions Documentation of Simulator Revisions Guidance for setting Simulation Parameters

Anatronica | Interactive 3D Human Anatomy | Explore Human Body Recommended Readings on PLS-SEM - pls-sems Webseite! Rigdon, E. E., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M.On Comparing Results from CB-SEM and PLS-SEM: Five Perspectives and Five Recommendations. Marketing ZfP - Journal of Research and Management, Volue 39 (2017), Issue 3, pp. 4-16. Hair, J. Sarstedt, M., Hair, J. Henseler, J., Ringle, C. Henseler, J., Dijkstra, T. Rigdon, E. Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. Hair, J.F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C.M., and Sarstedt, M. Hair, J.F., Sarstedt, M., Pieper, T., Ringle, C.M.: The Use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling in Strategic Management Research: A Review of Past Practices and Recommendations for Future Applications, Long Range Planning, Volume 45 (2012), Issue 5-6, pp. 320-340. Henseler, J., Ringle, C.M., Sarstedt, M. Henseler, J., Ringle, C.

JCESOM Radiology Library The practice of medicine now requires physicians to understand and interpret digital images of body structure obtained by CT, MRI and ultrasound. Imaging technology has made major advances in increasing resolution and flexibility in visualization and three-dimensional reconstruction of the human body. The rapid expansion of digital data bases and systems has brought those images to the computers of doctors' offices. To address these issues, faculty of the Department of Anatomy and Pathology and the Department of Radiology have assembled a data base of images for study and review by medical students, faculty and health professionals. This library is organized in three sections. Dr. Department of Anatomy and Pathology office: MEB 216A phone: 304-696-7384 email: university: web: Dr. Department of Radiology Cabell Huntington Hospital 1340 Hal Greer Blvd. Huntington, WV 25701 Dr. Dr. Clinicians: special thanks to Dr. Dr.

Atlante di anatomia comparata Atlante Questo Atlante non sostituisce le esercitazioni teorico-pratiche che, abitualmente, accompagnano le lezioni di Anatomia Comparata, ma vuol essere un sussidio per la revisione e il ripasso di concetti acquisiti a lezione e di preparati studiati durante le esercitazioni. L'Atlante è formato da due parti: una, indicata come Anatomia Macroscopica, illustra alcuni dei più significativi pezzi scheletrici studiati, provenienti dalla collezione dell'Istituto di Anatomia Comparata, da tempo confluito nel Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo. La seconda parte, indicata come Anatomia Microscopica, presenta le riproduzioni di numerosi vetrini, studiati durante le esercitazioni di Anatomia Microscopica Comparata, suddivisi per apparati. Ogni apparato è preceduto da una breve introduzione che ne schematizza l'organizzazione generale sulla base di concetti per il cui approfondimento si rimanda, naturalmente, al libro di testo. Sono vietate le riproduzioni non autorizzate. Generalità Pinne

Respiratory System by Ben Leonard on Prezi Universität Düsseldorf: G*Power 17 March 2020 - Release Windows Changed the behavior of the “X-Y plot for a range of values” which allowed plotting graphs after changing input parameters in the main window without hitting the “Calculate” button which, however, is required to update the “X-Y plot for a range of values” with the new input parameters from the main dialog. 21 February 2020 - Release Mac and Windows Fixed a bug in z tests: Generic z test: Analysis: Criterion: Compute alpha: The critical z was calculated incorrectly. Fixed a bug in t tests: Linear bivariate regression: One group, size of slope: |sy/sx| was sometimes calculated inccorrecty. 14 January 2020 - Release Mac Fixed a bug that caused the “Options” button (which is available for some tests in the main window) to disappear when “Hide distributions & control” was selected. 6 February 2019 - Release Fixed a bug in t tests: Linear bivariate regression: One group, size of slope. 7 July 2017 - Release Mac and Windows:

Cintura ed arto toracico, Gaetano Scala « Anatomia veterinaria sistematica e comparata I « Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria Cintura toracica Nei Vertebrati la cintura toracica può essere costituita nella forma più completa da 4 elementi: scapola, coracoide, cleitro e clavicola. Durante la filogenesi dei Mammiferi il cleitro scompare, la clavicola persiste solo nei Primati e il coracoide si riduce ad un piccolo processo disposto sulla scapola. Nei Mammiferi domestici la cintura toracica è data dalla sola scapola. Scapola E’ un osso piatto e largo di forma triangolare aderente antero-lateralmente alla gabbia toracica. La faccia laterale presenta la spina scapolare, che la divide in una fossa antispinata ed una retrospinata. La faccia mediale mostra la fossa sottoscapolare, che in prossimità della base viene delimitata da due superfici triangolari (aree dentate). Il margine craniale è convesso e concavo distalmente. Il margine caudale è più spesso e rugoso. Il margine dorsale è generalmente sormomtato dalla cartilagine soprascapolare. Gli angoli craniale e caudale sono smussi. Scapola di cavallo Scapola di cavallo, apice

Psychology - University of Amsterdam The UvA website uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the basic functionality of the site and for statistical and optimisation purposes. It also uses cookies to display content such as YouTube videos and for marketing purposes. This last category consists of tracking cookies: these make it possible for your online behaviour to be tracked. You consent to this by clicking on Accept or continuing to use this website. Necessary Cookies that are essential for the basic functioning of the website. Optimalisation & Necessary Cookies that collect information about visitor behaviour anonymously to help make the website work more effectively. Marketing, Optimalisation & Necessary Cookies that make it possible to track visitors and show them personalised adverts.

Фасции шеи Рис. 335. Фасции шеи; вид справа. Рис. 336. Мышцы и фасции шеи. В области шеи имеется шейная фасция, fascia cervicalis, в которой различают три пластинки. Поверхностная пластинка, lamina superficialis, в передних отделах является непосредственным продолжением собственной фасции груди. Рис. 329. Между фасциями шеи, а также между ними и внутренними органами образуются пространства, заполненные рыхлой клетчаткой. Надгрудинное межапоневротическое пространство, spatim interaponeuroticum suprasternale, располагается над яремной вырезкой рукоятки грудины, между поверхностной и предтрахеальной пластинками фасции шеи. В СССР приводится также описание фасций шеи по классификации В. поверхностную, соответствующую поверхностной фасции других частей тела.

R Psychologist The Hardest Science – A psychology blog. Thoughts about the mind, science, society, and whatever else. Artículos de Psicoterapia Integrativa: La estructura del yo, función intrapsíquica y mecanismos de defensa: los conceptos originales de Berne.: Richard Erskine La estructura del yo, función intrapsíquica y mecanismos de defensa: los conceptos originales de Berne. Richard G. Erskine Traducción revisada por Jesús Cuadra. La extensión del pensamiento psicoanalítico traída por Eric Berne(1961) descansa sobre la elaboración y la puesta en aplicación que ha extraido de una idea introducida por Paul Federn(1953), la de las subdivisiones en el interior del yo. Desde hace 20 años, el análisis transaccional ha sido cada vez más difundido. El Yo En La psicología del yo y la psicosis , Federn (1953) describe el yo, no como un puro concepto teórico, sino como un estado vivido real y objeto de experiencia. Federn ha observado que el yo habitual de los enfermos gravemente perturbados no se identifica unicamente con las sensaciones internas: ocurre que se identifica simultáneamente con los estímulos provenientes del entorno, pero ocurre también que se distingue de ellos. Los estados del yo - lo que ocurre en cada instante en los planos internos y externos:
