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It's Becoming Clear That No One Actually Read Facebook's IPO Prospectus Or Mark Zuckerberg's Letter To Shareholders

It's Becoming Clear That No One Actually Read Facebook's IPO Prospectus Or Mark Zuckerberg's Letter To Shareholders
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Mal de dos 10 exercices faciles Le mal de dos, quand il est d'origine mécanique, se soigne avec des exercices de musculation et d'étirements actifs de la colonne vertébrale et des auto-massages profonds sur les muscles dorso-lombaires à faire au moins 3 fois par semaine, idéalement tous les jours. Le mal de dos d'origine inflammatoire est moins répandu (1 patient sur 20). Il est la conséquence d’une maladie auto-immune sous-jacente qui peut s’aggraver avec le temps. Réaliser des radiographies et des bilans sanguins permet de distinguer le type de mal de dos dont on souffre, mécanique ou inflammatoire. Causes du mal de dos Sollicitation musculaire excessive Vertèbres, disques, muscles et nerfs sont impliqués dans le mal de dos mais il semble bien que le dysfonctionnement des muscles dorsaux, et notamment du muscle multifidus, à la suite d'un geste souvent anodin exécuté en extension ou en rotation dorsale, soit la cause dominante des lombalgies, lumbago et autres douleurs lombaires. Préparation physique inadaptée Le sport

Brain Pickings (BL1) L'ajout d'image via drag & drop modifie ma dernière personnalisation Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System Solutions Classic How do we change the structure of systems to produce more of what we want and less of that which is undesirable? After years of working with corporations on their systems problems, MIT’s Jay Forrester likes to say that the average manager can define the current problem very cogently, identify the system structure that leads to the problem, and guess with great accuracy where to look for leverage points—places in the system where a small change could lead to a large shift in behavior. This idea of leverage points is not unique to systems analysis—it’s embedded in legend: the silver bullet, the miracle cure, the secret passage, the magic password, the nearly effortless way to cut through or leap over huge obstacles. But Forrester goes on to point out that although people deeply involved in a system often know intuitively where to find leverage points, more often than not they push the change in the wrong direction. That’s why leverage points are often not intuitive. 12.

Agile and SEMAT - Perfect Partners Ivar Jacobson, Ian Spence, and Pan-Wei Ng Today, as always, many different initiatives are under way to improve the ways in which software is developed. The most popular and prevalent of these is the agile movement. One of the newer kids on the block is the SEMAT (Software Engineering Method and Theory) initiative. The good news is that both of these initiatives promote non-prescriptive value-based philosophies that encourage software development teams to select and use whatever practices best fit their context and, more importantly, continuously inspect, adapt, and improve their ways of working. The agile movement has provided a new way of looking at the day-to-day activities of software development—how teams are built and work is organized. The two initiatives when used together truly empower teams to innovate, experiment, adapt their way of working, and improve the results that they deliver. This article focuses on how SEMAT can help existing and future agile teams. • Many practices.

7 Books That Should Be on Every Entrepreneur's Bookshelf Posted by Guest Author on July 23, 2012 in Business Start Up Advice [ 5 Comments ] While most of the greatest lessons that you’ll learn as an entrepreneur will probably come from mistakes and challenging experiences, published works such as books, whitepapers, blog posts, and the like still provide a lot of value for business owners. Books in particular are great resources because they can offer credibility and in-depth commentaries that most online sources can’t match. Below are some of the best books that entrepreneurs can have on their bookshelves. Whether you’re looking for some motivation to continue with your venture, or wondering how the most successful entrepreneurs got to where they are now, these 7 books are definitely worth checking out. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries In the words of Eric Ries himself, “Entrepreneurship is not about your DNA or astrological sign. How to Win at the Sport of Business: If I Can Do It, You Can Do It by Mark Cuban Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki

Pourquoi tant d'enseignants utilisent Pearltrees? Depuis que j’édite ce blog, je reçois régulièrement des notifications m’indiquant que des articles sont ajoutés à tel ou tel compte Pearltrees. Je parcours souvent ces comptes et force est de constater que de nombreux enseignants utilisent cet outil ! Mais d’où vient donc un tel intérêt pour ce service de « social bookmarking »? Aujourd’hui, je me suis inscrit… A la base, cette plateforme est un système de « marque page social ». De plus, selon votre activité, Pearltrees vous tient informé par mail des perles à découvrir au fil du temps. Lors de votre inscription, il vous faudra choisir un pseudo. Cerise sur le gâteau, Pearltrees permet désormais d’organiser tous types de fichiers ! A la base, le système est gratuit mais il existe également des services avec des abonnements payants pour profiter de nombreux avantages : espace de stockage, gestion de la confidentialité, personnalisation etc… Vous aimez cet article?

Jeremy Rifkin : “Ce qui a permis le succès inouï du capitalisme va se retourner contre lui” Il y a vingt-cinq ans, c'était la star du ring, le « boss », vainqueur du communisme par K-O ! Aujourd'hui, le capitalisme est un champion usé par la crise, miné par les contradictions et politiquement à bout de souffle. Pour l'économiste américain Jeremy Rifkin, nous assistons, tout simplement, à son éclipse. Nous nous éveillons, dites-vous, à « une nouvelle réalité – celle des communaux collaboratifs ». “J’ai découvert l’existence d’un paradoxe profondément enfoui au cœur du capitalisme, et qui n’avait pas encore été mis au jour.” Qu'est ce qui provoque ce changement de paradigme ? Chaque entrepreneur, comme nous le savons, est en chasse de nouvelles technologies pour améliorer la productivité de son entreprise, réduire les coûts marginaux, mettre sur le marché des produits moins chers, attirer plus de consommateurs, gagner des parts de marché, et satisfaire les investisseurs. C'est pourtant ce qu'il se passe ? Et aujourd'hui ? Le changement est à la porte.

Slow News Movement | time to change the pace Can Building Great Products Help You Build Great Teams? - Deep Nishar Silicon Valley was built on amazing products, not on stellar leadership skills. In fact, veterans of some of the world’s most successful tech companies often look with skepticism, even disdain, on efforts to build strong management skills. The premise is that all energy should be focused solely on turning fabulous ideas into hyper growth. It’s true that if a start-up fails — or is sold — the need for enduring leadership may never arise. And in the earliest stages of a company, the need to organize, motivate and inspire large groups of people to accomplish shared goals may not be obvious. But neglecting the art of people management has significant costs for any company that aspires to be around for a while. In my 20 years leading product and user experience teams at several world-class companies, including LinkedIn and Google, I’ve come to adopt what I call my “Seven Principles to Product Bliss.” Rule 1: Know your audience. Rule 2: Simplify. Simple is a feature of great management too.
