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Kurt Vonnegut - The Shapes of Stories

Kurt Vonnegut - The Shapes of Stories
The Shapes of Stories by Kurt Vonnegut Kurt Vonnegut grained worldwide fame and adoration through the publication of his novels, including Slaughterhouse-Five, Cat's Cradle, Breakfast of Champions, and more. But is was his rejected master's thesis in anthropology that he called his prettiest contribution to his culture. The basic idea of his thesis was that a story's main character has ups and downs that can be graphed to reveal the story's shape. The shape of a society's stories, he said, is the least as interesting as the shape of its pots or spearheads. Man in Hole The main character gets into trouble then gets out of it again and ends up better off for the experience. Boy Meets Girl The main character comes across something wonderful, gets it, loses it, then gets it back forever. From Bad to Worse The main character stats off poorly then gets continually worse with no hope for improvement. Which Way Is Up? Related:  bbailey416

untitled The John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and EducationAdjunct Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Howard Gardner is the John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The Good Project Please see for further information. Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic, International Scientific Committee of the Pio Manzu Centre,(2001) Guggenheim Fellowship,(2000) Grawemeyer Award in Education,(1990) MacArthur Prize Fellowship,(1981) Laureate Member, Kappa Delta Pi, International Society in Education National Psychology Award for Excellence in the Media of the American Psychological Association for the book Frames of Mind Liberal arts and sciences in the 21st century (2015-2016) Carnegie Corporation In the summer of 2013, we launched an ambitious national project, “Liberal Arts and Sciences in the 21st Century” (LAS21). The Family Dinner Project (2014-2015) Poses Foundation 1.

Ten Tips to Indie Filmmaking : Indie Film & Documentary John Steinbeck once wrote that a lie is often more believable than the truth, and that telling the truth sometimes gets you into trouble. A well-crafted lie, he says, will make you seem more liked, more respected, and require less explanation than the truth. That is the reason I'm often tempted to lie and say that we shot our film, Cement Suitcase, on the Red, or perhaps the Alexa, or some other sexy camera. But in truth, the technology of making movies is coming down so quickly in price that it will soon be comparable to purchasing paper and a pencil. When I tell people that we actually shot the film on the Canon 7D, I often see a flinch of disdain. What I should really tell people when they ask, is that we shot on the Jeffrey Waldron. But that is just a preface. We are craftsmen, and we love the hammers and chisels of our trade. ONE: KNOW EVERYTHING It is not necessary for a director to know every single facet of filmmaking, but I believe it is truly beneficial. What does this mean?

building.pdf Screenwriting and Screenplay reviews: Top 100 Loglines for the Scriptshadow Logline/Screenplay Contest It’s finally here. The Top 100 loglines for the Scriptshadow Logline/Screenplay Contest. If you see your logline below, that means you were selected from nearly 1000 loglines and have until Monday, November 30th, 11:59pm, to send me either the first ten pages of your screenplay, a one-page synopsis (a general rundown of the first, second and third acts), or both. If you want to send me the entire screenplay, that’s fine also, and I’ll only read to page 10. If you’re wondering why your logline wasn’t selected (or screaming because you know yours is better than the ones below), here’s a quick list of the possible reasons why I didn’t select you. 1) Spelling and grammar – My experience has been that if someone can’t submit a single sentence without making a spelling or grammar mistake, their script is going to be a chore to get through. All that said, I made at least one exception to every one of those points. Anyway, blah blah blah. Title: Oh Never, Spectre Leaf! Title: Got Heart?

Learning Opportunity: Private Schools with Public Purpose | The Puzzle It is a truth universally acknowledged among our client schools that strong relationships and thoughtful collaboration enhance learning. Schools from all corners of the country that serve various student types in various settings embrace this idea, and they strive to cultivate learners who work well together, who are open to and accepting of the perspectives and ideas of others, and who are committed to giving back to their respective communities. The importance of relationships transcends school models and student types, transcends location, and even transcends school type: private, public, or charter. When constituents from these various school types (that can sometimes feel, in the national dialogue, that they are at odds with one another) work together and learn from one another, all students can benefit. At CS&A, we have the privilege of working with over 1,500 private, independent, charter, and international schools across the country and worldwide.

Private Schools with Public Purpose Conference Welcome Message: PSPP Conference! Posted on Updated on Welcome to the 2015 Private Schools With Public Purpose Conference! Learn: from our collective wisdom, with experts and veterans in the field, and about promising/effective practices taking place around the country.Connect: with people, programs and resources that will cultivate, deepen, and strengthen relationships between private schools and the greater community (i.e: public schools and districts, community based organizations, city agencies, nonprofits, and neighbors to name a few).Build: skills to enhance and advance this work (i.e.: communication/messaging, grant writing, strategic planning, data collection, and more…) Whether you are coming from across the city or across the country, we thank you for committing to be a part of this experience to advance this vital work in our communities.

INFOGRAPHIC: Designing Service | The Puzzle If you’ve been paying attention to the latest trends in independent education, you’ve almost certainly heard about Design Thinking. Though originally born of the 1980’s “human-centered design” architecture movement, this concept has been readily applied to the business world and, more recently, to educational institutions. The application makes sense: design thinking is a means of problem-solving that focuses on innovation, collaboration, creativity, ethical decision-making, and—of course—optimism: all hallmarks of a 21st century education. In a climate where educators value creativity as much as analytical ability, it’s no surprise that design thinking has gained such traction. It seems that participating in service, too, is as much about the process as the end result. Service learning is an essential component of 21st Century education. Use this diagram, based on materials from and Design Thinking for Educators, as you revamp service learning at your school.

Candidates Overview | Educational Directions Incorporated Our company is built around the goal of advancing school leadership. So, we are interested in you. I continue to appreciate the valuable counsel you gave me during the period I was looking at head of school openings. Staying Informed about the Possibilities As a service for those interested in leadership positions and for schools looking for leaders, we publish 2 executive search reports. The Blue Sheet - the only search report listing chief executive openings for independent schools in the United States, as well as a growing number of international and charter schools. The Green Sheet - for senior administrative openings in independent schools, nationally and internationally, plus a growing number of charter schools. As an added value, subscribers are able to enter information about themselves in our secure, confidential database — one of the many tools that we use when searching for appropriate leaders for our client schools. Raising Your Own Visibility Let us know who you are!
