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20 amazing tools to modify images Adobe Photoshop is not just a simple software or an amazing tool to modify images, it‘s a new possibility of creating art items. Obviously, it is used to retouch images, to create the layouts of various websites or any graphical designs but, in the hands of talented artists, it is the perfect tool to create amazing works. This software is pretty enough to check some galleries to see some of the works made with it and it’s impossible not to say “wow” and catalogue them as the exponents of a new kind of art. Unfortunately, this powerful software is pretty expensive and not everyone may allow himself to buy a license. Under these circumstances, what should a common Internet user do when he must modify some images? Is the use of Photoshop mandatory? Fortunately, many designers & developers have observed this and have created amazing pieces of software or online applications that simply may replace Photoshop. 1. Adobe is one of the most important brands all over the world. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Extract 7Z Files with WinZip® WinZip opens and extracts 7z Compressed Archive Files. Once you download and install WinZip on your computer you may double click on the 7z file icon to open it in WinZip. We designed WinZip to open and extract from the widest range of file formats, including all of the following: 7Z RAR BZ2 LHA and LZH CAB ISO and IMG TAR GZ, TAZ, and TGZ TZ and Z UUencoded XXencoded MIME BinHex Zipx And Zip (of course) Get WinZip now to open your 7Z file(s) then enjoy all that the world's most popular Zip file utility has to offer, including the easiest and most practical file compression, encryption, packaging, and data backup capabilities.

Cómo acceder a Windows 7 con el usuario administrador sin saber la contraseña En este manual, os vamos a enseñar a entrar en un sistema Windows 7 y anteriores sin necesidad de conocer la clave de administrador. Usaremos diferentes métodos para lograrlo. Gracias a un fallo de seguridad, aún sin resolver, en Windows 7 y anteriores, es posible eliminar la contraseña de un usuario para poder acceder a su cuenta y a sus archivos sin mucha complicación. Existen diversas utilidades que nos permiten hacer esto, pero la que nosotros vamos a utilizar es una que viene incluída en el CD de utilidades Hiren’s Boot CD. Hiren’s Boot CD es un live-cd de utilidades imprescindibles para resolver problemas de nuestro ordenador. Una de las aplicaciones que incluye este CD se llama WindowsGate 1.1 y sirve para eliminar la verificación de contraseña de Windows, útil cuando te olvidas de la contraseña de un usuario para poder acceder a él rápidamente y sin problemas. Para poder eliminar la contraseña, en primer lugar debemos descargarnos y grabar el CD de Hiren’s Boot.

PHP Directory Listing Script - Evoluted New Media Back in 2008 we released the original version of this directory listing script, this is the updated version which resolves a number of known issues with the previous version. The PHP Directory Listing Script is a highly configurable script which generates a well formed table, listing the contents of a specified directory and sub-directories. The script displays images for certain file types with the ability to generate thumbnails to preview image files. The PHP Directory Listing Script requires PHP, Javascript and GD2 for thumbnail generation. Please click here to see a demonstration of the PHP Directory Listing Script. Download To download the script please click here. Future Please leave any feature requests or questions in the comments below, we will incorporate features as appropriate and answer questions where possible. Tags: directory listing, php, script Written by Ash Young Ash is the founder of Evoluted and is passionate about helping clients succeed in a digital environment.

Best free photo editing software: 10 top image editors you should try The best free photo editor With phone cameras now ubiquitous, we're taking and sharing more photos than ever. But even the best phone camera is likely to produce a dud or two, and even the best shot could stand to be better. Photo editing, then, shouldn't be the sole reserve of those who can afford to stump up the cash for a subscription to Adobe's Creative Cloud. So we've overhauled our list for 2016, and selected the very best free photo editors you can download, ranging from fully-featured Photoshop clones to simple, easy to use ways to add filters and effects to your favourite snaps. Silly name, exceptional photo-editing software The elder statesperson of free photo editing, GIMP is the most full-featured cross-platform Photoshop competitor going, and gets our vote as the best free photo editor. It's not without its crashes and glitches – that's the too-many-cooks open source development philosophy in action – and it lacks the polish of its commercial rivals. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Nero 7 Ultra Edition em Português + Serial - Download - 32/64 Bits - PH Downs Nero 7 é muito famoso por gravar CD-ROMs e DVDs com suporte a todos os principais formatos de gravação, esta nova versão do Nero chega com algumas excelentes mudanças em relação a seu antecessor (versão 6.xx), uma base de suporte muito mais ampliada e mais O nero 7 vem com uma interface completa e intuitiva, através do dele você pode gerenciar todos os arquivos de mídia de seu computador! Ele pode transformar suas fotos digitais em slide shows profissionais, criar uma cópia de segurança para os seus dados mais valiosos, gerenciar ou procurar seus arquivos de mídia (som, vídeo e etc), editar videos ou fotos com opções utilizadas por softwares específicos de edição, criar DVDs (incluindo menus e capas), transformar qualquer tipo de arquivo em stream para divulgação na internet e muito mais! Observação: Na opinião de muitos, o Nero 7 continua sendo a melhor versão do Software. Nome: Download Nero 7 Ultra Edition + Serial Estilo: Gravador de CD/DVD Sistema Operacional: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

Arranque de Windows – Configurarlo y mejorar el rendimiento Programas del arranque de Windows Durante el arranque se cargan los programas que se inician con él. Por ejemplo componentes de antivirus o firewalls, o de audio o vídeo. Hay elementos del arranque importantes para que Windows y el sistema funcionen como deben. O convenientes por cuestiones de seguridad. Muchos otros componentes del arranque no son necesarios. La buena noticia es que puedes librarte con facilidad de esos "parásitos" que sobran. Entra en las opciones de arranque (Ve la imagen de arriba) En Windows 7 y Vista Entra en el menú Inicio. NO DEBES deshabilitar Lo que tenga que ver con el antivirus, el firewall u otro software de seguridad. Puedes deshabilitar Casi todo lo demás. Visita esta base de datos sobre programas del arranque de Windows (en inglés). Ve también cómo: Aumentar y medir la velocidad de Internet

SQL Injection Attacks by Example A customer asked that we check out his intranet site, which was used by the company's employees and customers. This was part of a larger security review, and though we'd not actually used SQL injection to penetrate a network before, we were pretty familiar with the general concepts. We were completely successful in this engagement, and wanted to recount the steps taken as an illustration. "SQL Injection" is subset of the an unverified/unsanitized user input vulnerability ("buffer overflows" are a different subset), and the idea is to convince the application to run SQL code that was not intended. We'll note that this was a somewhat winding road with more than one wrong turn, and others with more experience will certainly have different -- and better -- approaches. There have been other papers on SQL injection, including some that are much more detailed, but this one shows the rationale of discovery as much as the process of exploitation. So we'll do it in steps. A standalone query of

Windows 8.1 PRO RTM - Download Completo x32/x64 em PT-BR - ISO OFICIAL - PH Downs Windows 8.1 PRO é o nome da primeira grande atualização para o Windows 8. Windows 8.1 PRO RTM - Final: Além de correções de bugs, esta atualização inclui o navegador Internet Explorer 11, novas opções para personalização da tela inicial, mudanças na versão “Metro” do painel de controle, novos aplicativos, suporte para uso de aplicativos como alarmes na tela inicial, otimizações com foco nos novos processadores Haswell da Intel, mudanças internas no kernel do Windows para melhorar o desempenho geral do sistema operacional e muito mais. Além disso, o Windows 8.1 PRO completo também traz o suporte para aparelhos com telas menores que 10 polegadas, o novo recurso Assigned Access (antes conhecido como modo Kiosk) e o suporte para resolução de 1024 x 768 no recurso Snap View (que permite a execução de aplicativos lado a lado). Outro detalhe é que o menu Iniciar não voltará. Além disso, este botão Iniciar também inclui as opções para desligar e reiniciar o PC. Nome: Windows 8.1 PRO RTM - Final

Outlook solicita password constantemente: Soluciones varias al problema | Hospedaje Web y Dominios C100 Este es un problema que ocasiona muchos dolores de cabeza entre los usuarios. De repente, y si ninguna pista para ubicar el problema, Outlook empieza a pedir password para conectarse a su cuenta POP. Puede ser un problema de comunicación entre tu máquina y el dominio de tu empresa, pero muchas veces puede ser más que eso. Aquí te presentamos las soluciones reportadas como más frecuentes por múltiples usuarios. Confirma que puedes ver tu sitio con un navegador. Es muy probable que el hospedaje web tenga problema: no esté en línea, ya esté vencido, esté suspendido, o cualquier otra causa probable de comunicación entre tu ISP y el proveedor de hospedaje web. %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect c) Debes renombrar la carpeta del nombre muy largo (puedes nada más colocar old o viejo al final de la misma y con eso será suficiente. d) Re-abre Outlook, y coloca nuevamente el password correcto utilizado, asegurándote que marcas la caja de Recordar Password.
