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Famous Failures

Famous Failures
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10 Insanely Awesome Inspirational Manifestos There are certain messages that serve to get you “back to one” when you find you’re going off course. Whether you use tools such as a manifesto, a personal mission statement, a vision board or a list similar to Benjamin Franklin’s “13 Virtues”, taking the time to identify with one and then keeping it handy is worthwhile – and perhaps even imperative. But in a lot of cases you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”; there are some awesome inspirational manifestos that have already put out there for you to look at and use as a means to set you back on course. Some come in the form of an image, some as a video, and some as nothing more than a blog post. One of those styles of presentation may resonate with you more than others, and yet you may want to have a selection to look at for the times where you need more than just a quick jolt of inspiration. 1. This is one of the best known ones on the web. 2. 3. the lululemon manifesto 4. 5. 6. Straight from the manifesto’s creator, Bruce Mau: 8. 10.

Best motivational speeches from famous people Stallone Schwarzenegger Mohammed Ali Steve Jobs. Differentiation in Special Education Classrooms Differentiation is the way a teacher prepares instruction to meet the needs of all the children in an inclusive classroom, from the most challenged to the most gifted. Differentiating instruction is not only going to help your special education students fully participate, it will also enrich and improve the experience of the general education students. Everybody wins. A well designed differentiated lesson will include some of the following: A strong visual component, collaborative activities, peer coaching, a multi-sensory approach to presenting information and differentiated assessment based on strengths. A Strong Visual Component Aren't digital cameras and online image searches wonderful resources? Collaborative Activities Collaboration will be the mark of a successful leader and employee in the future, so this is a skill all students will need. Peer Coaching It's a good idea to create several "partners" for every child in the class. A Multi-Sensory Approach How about movement?

7 Things Extremely Happy People Do Every Single Day How do you achieve sustainable happiness? In a world that puts end-based and goal-oriented happiness first, it's a genuinely valid question. However, it turns out that the secrets to consistent happiness might be closer than we think. Here are seven things the happiest folks do every day you should be incorporating into your daily routine. 1. Other than making your body feel great, exercise also helps your brain. 2. We choose what we eat, what we don't eat, and all the good and bad things we do to our bodies. 3. Happy people don't let life's punches get them down too hard. 4. Thoreau was a firm believer in immersing ourselves into the natural world. 5. We derive the most pleasure from social interactions when we have a deeper connection to the people with whom we are interacting. 6. It's easy to complain. 7. We often do not realize that we have the power within us to change a bad mood to a good one.

MINNIM | Interactive Advertising Agency Late Work Policy Options for Secondary Classrooms Late work is of the most annoying classroom management challenges for middle and high school teachers. If your late work policy is not working out for you, there are alternate options. Let’s look at a few of the most common classroom management solutions. Student: “Can I turn this in?” Teacher: “When was it due?’ Student: “September.” Teacher: “No, I’m sorry. Student: “What do you mean? Teacher: “Jeremy…it’s December. Student: “Oh. Teacher: Sigh. Maybe that conversation comes across as comical, but when it happens in real life (and it does), it’s enough to send us into a little bit of a crank fest. A consistent late work policy helps students to learn responsibility and timeliness…both important skills for real life. In today’s post, we’re exploring a handful of late work policy options for the secondary classroom. Before choosing a course of action, make sure to consider both your teaching philosophy and the expectations of your administration. Option #1 Don’t accept late work. Why? Why?

16 Goals To Set For Next Year That Are More About Enjoying What You Have Than... Milestones are markers that you’re evolving – they do not create emotional fulfillment in the way we think they will. This confusion is why with the dawn of each new year, our resolutions are to change our lives, rather than to change ourselves. But what if we made goals that were more about loving what we have rather than chasing what we don’t? What if we realized that it’s what we were seeking in the first place? It’s something to consider – if not even try just a little. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

The Rational Keyboard The Rational Keyboard is a browser app to play with harmony on the rational number line. Imagine a piano with infinitely many keys, one for each rational number, and the keys move around and resize based on what sounds good, using some really cool math. Audio is synthesized in background Web Workers and played with HTML5 Audio objects, and the interactive visualizations use a 2D HTML5 Canvas. Check out the source at github, or just grab the audio encoder for your own apps. Audio seems to work best in recent Firefox and Chrome releases, but HTML5 audio is still a young technology. -fritz obermeyer

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System - Testing Program Overview On January 1, 2014, the CAASPP System was established. The primary purpose of the CAASPP System is to assist teachers, administrators, students, and parents by promoting high-quality teaching and learning through the use of a variety of assessment approaches and item types. The following links provide additional information about the program: CAASPP – CalEdFacts web page provides a more detailed overview of the tests. Assessment System Chart (PDF) lists the tests of the 2021–22 California assessment system by subject content, test name, test type, student participant groups, grade levels, and testing window timeframe. California Assessment Timeline (PDF) presents the assessment administration timeline for the 2021–22, 2022-23, and 2023-24 school years. Assessment Spotlight web page contains archives of all previous Assessment Spotlight emails. Assessments The CAASPP System (PDF) includes the following required assessments and additional resources: CAASPP Communications Archive

Fifteen Things for When the World is Shitty and Terrifying. | I Am Begging My... Laquan MacDonald was seventeen and murdered by a Chicago police officer in cold blood. I watched a video of his murder, along with most of America, right in between reading about how Americans are terrified of letting refugees from war-torn Syria into the country, and reading about how a man with a rifle opened fire at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado yesterday. I can’t think of anything else to say that hasn’t already been said about how horrible and sad and awful and bleak and shitty and unfathomable all of those things are. Open your closet. 2. running around playing. If you see a parent looking stressed out, give them an encouraging smile, as if to say, “You’re doing a great job.” 3. 4. again. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Think about all the times you got busy, and didn’t visit your relatives like you said you would, or didn’t give the dollar in the checkout line because times are rough and who even knows what the March of Dimes is. Close your browser window. Like this:
