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How It's Made - Hot Dogs

How It's Made - Hot Dogs
Related:  fast & junk foods

McDonald’s Uses Worm Meat Fillers But Can Legally Call It 100% Beef - NY Meta McDonald’s Uses Worm Meat Fillers But Can Legally Call It 100% Beef. Large companies have been the subject of rumors that they substitute unusual or unethical substances in their products, usually to decrease costs. McDonald’s is not immune to such claims. McDonald’s has been accused of using everything from worms to cow eyeballs in its burgers. Dating far back to at least 1978, there have been rumors that McDonald’s restaurants use earthworms in their hamburgers. The fact that McDonald’s uses cow eyeballs and worm fillers does not stop them from legally using the claim that they served 100% beef. McDonald’s then ships the beef to their grinding facility in Oak Brook, Illinois where they then take the ground worm filler and add it to their “100% beef patties”. McDonald’s has also been accused of using mutant laboratory meat, and pig fat their milkshakes and ice cream.

McDonald's dévoile tous les additifs utilisés dans ses produits Cette semaine, McDonald's a dévoilé la liste intégrale des ingrédients utilisés dans ses préparations et le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que ce n'est pas très ragoûtant. Pour ceux qui hésitaient à y aller par rapport aux apports caloriques ou au goût médiocre, ceci achèvera de les convaincre. On trouve des ingrédients chimiques cancérigènes, reprotoxiques, allergiques, neurotoxiques et j'en passe. La situation la plus inquiétante se trouve au Canada où l'on utilise même du Polysorbate 80 (également utilisé dans les vaccins) dans certains ingrédients. Polysorbate 80 (E433) - Canada: Cornichons, filets de poulet croustillant, Sauce tartare, crème fouettée Toxicité: Émulsifiant utilisé également dans de nombreux vaccins. Vraisemblablement cancérigène, nocif, comme tous les polysorbates [26,30,31,22,1,6,9,9',9",12] bien que parfois rapporté inoffensif, ou inoffensif dans les proportions utilisées [27,28,32,10]. Autres potentiels et sujets à risques : Toxicité: Potentiel neurotoxique.

Why is Big Food Promoting Death on Their Packages? By Truthstream Media It was bad enough when it was just nutritionally void, genetically modified, and filled with dangerous additives and other excitotoxic and potentially carcinogenic chemicals... but now we're literally going to shape our food like little Satan heads and label it "demons" too? Are we that utterly disconnected? WHY are we allowing this to be done to us? Visit You Might Also Like Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web: If you enjoy our work, please donate to keep our website going.

Vous Souhaitez Éviter les Produits Monsanto ? Voici La Liste des Marques à Connaître. Impliqué dans des scandales sanitaires à répétition, Monsanto est plus que jamais montré du doigt. Si vous souhaitez boycotter Monsanto, voici la liste des sociétés qui utilisent leurs produits si controversés. En boycottant ces marques, vous choisissez d'éviter de donner de l'argent à Monsanto pour protéger la santé de votre famille, de vos enfants et des générations futures. La Liste des Marques à Éviter Nous avons obtenu la liste des sociétés utilisant les produits Monsanto sur le blog américain Collective Evolution. Comme ces sociétés sont peu connues en France, nous avons répertorié pour vous les marques qu'elles possèdent et qui sont vendues sur le marché français et européen. Cliquez ici pour accéder à la version imprimable. Comme vous pouvez le voir dans cette liste, un grand nombre de marques de notre quotidien et celui de nos enfants appartiennent à des sociétés utilisant les produits Monsanto. Liste des Sociétés Utilisant des Produits Monsanto • Heinz et son fameux Ketchup.

McDonald’s Japan Probes Tooth in Fries, Cargill Nuggets - Bloomberg Business (Bloomberg) -- McDonald’s Corp.’s Japan business said today a human tooth was found in fries, and plastics in chicken nuggets and sundae, in a series of food-safety issues that happened in the past six months. The affected nuggets, supplied by Cargill Inc.’s Thai unit, were sold at two outlets in Japan, including one in Tokyo, according to spokesman Takashi Hasegawa. The fast-food chain is seeking new nugget suppliers including in Brazil, Hidehito Hishinuma, a director at the company, said at a briefing held in Tokyo today. “We have already begun an investigation into this matter,” Bruce Blakeman, Singapore-based vice president of corporate affairs for Cargill Asia Pacific, said in an e-mailed statement. Cargill, based in Minneapolis, will work closely with McDonald’s as its investigation progresses, he said. The company doesn’t plan to halt production and sale of the food items after plastic objects were found in chicken nuggets, Hishinuma said.

L'ail, le meilleur antibiotique et bactéricide naturel dans votre cuisine L'ail est probablement le plus puissant et surtout le plus polyvalent des aliments antibiotiques et bactéricides. En effet, l'ail agirait contre au moins 72 souches de bactéries pathogènes, responsables en autres de diarrhées, dysenterie, botulisme, tuberculose, encéphalite, entre autres affections. Dans une étude effectuée à Boston, l'ail a été employé avec succès pour tuer 14 souches de bactéries prélevées dans le nez et la gorge d'enfants atteints d'otites. On ne connaît pas encore tous les secrets de l'ail, mais un des ses composants les plus puissant identifié, et dont l'action se montre également efficace contre les cellules cancéreuses, est l'allicine. Celle-ci résulte d'un mélange de deux composants de l'ail, l'alliine avec une enzyme l'allinase. Ces deux molécules de l'ail ne se mélangent pour produire l'allicine que lorsque des gousses sont écrasées, ce qui leur donne leur odeur caractéristique. L'ail, un aliment médicament par excellence! Référence:

Domino’s, McDonald’s, & Wendy’s Are All Feeding You A Chemical Used In Silly Putty Source: | Original Post Date: January 26, 2014 – Polydimethylsiloxane, sounds tasty doesn’t it? Domino’s Pizza, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s think it is at least. The chemical has been stirring up some discussion recently due to its appearance in fast-food menu items. The FDA approved chemical is classified as “non-toxic,” even though it is non-biodegradable and its commercial use in breast implants has decreased due to “safety concerns.” Sec. 176.200 Defoaming agents used in coatings The defoaming agents described in this section may be safely used as components of articles intended for use in producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting, or holding food, subject to the provisions of this section. (d) Substances employed in the formulation of defoaming agents include: (1) Substances generally recognized as safe in food. (2) Substances subject to prior sanction or approval.

Les surprenants bienfaits pour la santé de l'ail germé Ne jetez plus votre ail lorsqu'il est germé! Ses propriétés médicinales sont encore plus puissantes! De nouvelles recherches sur l'ail suggèrent que celui-ci pourrait avoir encore plus de bienfaits pour la santé lorsqu'il est germé. Utilisé depuis des millénaires pour ses propriétés médicinales, on reconnaît aujourd'hui de très nombreux bénéfices à l'ail frais. Il est également utile pour traiter les otites et dans les cas de rhume ou grippe, en stimulant les défenses immunitaires mais également par son puissant pouvoir antibactérien et antiviral. Il fait également partie des aliments recommandés pour se protéger contre différents cancers. Des chercheurs en Corée ayant déjà étudié l'augmentation du pouvoir antioxydant de certaines graines et fèves, ce sont également penchés sur l'ail germé. Varions notre consommation de l'ail en réservant une place aux bulbes germés, pour le plus grand bienfait de notre santé. L'ail, le meilleur antibiotique et bactéricide naturel dans votre cuisine

Chick-fil-A proudly offers chicken with MSG and toxic chemicals (NaturalHealth365) If you’ve ever seen Chick-fil-A’s advertisements or billboards, you’ll find a clever and cute message enticing you to eat more chicken all the while insinuating that beef is bad for you. They also offer low calorie, low carb, and low fat meals touting their use of “fresh, quality ingredients.” In 2014, the restaurant chain announced they would work with suppliers over the next several years to remove antibiotics in their chicken supply. According to the public statement, they have already converted more than 20 percent of their poultry supply. Chick-fil-A is proud of their new strict auditing process to verify their suppliers are “never to directly administer antibiotics.” Loaded with dozens of harmful chemicals, Chick-fil-A’s ‘antibiotic-free’ chickens won’t make a difference on public health. Some of these chemicals are known to be highly toxic: Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) – a flavor enhancer. Food & Nutrition Natural Health 365 Read Some of Our Most Popular Articles

Subway restaurants exposed for using toxic ingredients (NaturalHealth365) As one of the largest fast food chains, Subway Restaurants is working effortlessly to make an impact with the lives of people around the world as they campaign to “eat fresh.” With more than 37,000 locations around the world and nearly 30 million Facebook fans, they have become the leading choice for people seeking quick and nutritious meals that the whole family can enjoy. But are their delicious and made-to-order sandwiches truly “fresh?” Their ingredients say otherwise. While this super food chain has made efforts in reducing or eliminating some harmful ingredients, they are still serving foods with toxic chemicals that make people sick. So, how fresh are they really? Due to health advocates taking a stand against dangerous chemicals in Subway’s foods, the restaurant did publish a statement to its consumers to serve quality products. By the way, the principal use of this hazardous chemical is in the production of plastics and synthetic leathers. Food & Nutrition

The 4 Worst Fast Food ‘Ingredients’ They Don’t Tell You About by Anthony GucciardiNatural Society From breast implant chemicals to laxatives Remember back when Burger King was found to be secretly selling horse meat? It sounded concerning at the time, but the reality is that horse meat may be the least of your worries when it comes to dining out on fast food. Here are 4 of the absolute worst fast food ‘ingredients’ that you have likely never been told about: 1. Nothing is more appetizing than chowing down on some artificial breast implant chemicals. “…the fast-food chain makes this popular menu item with the chemical preservative tBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone, a petroleum-based product. Unsurprisingly, the McDonald’s in Britain does not include this chemical in their McNugget lineup. 2. Wendy’s Frosty may bring back great memories, however the list of chemicals behind the drink will likely incite something much less nostalgic. 3. The troubling chemical is one of the 70 ingredients that compromise the ‘pork’ in the McRib sandwich. 4.

Top 20 Dangerous Foods You Absolutely Must Avoid Photo credit: bigstock Everyone knows the foods that are healthy and those that are not, right? Yet, there are still a lot of those foods on the store shelves that are being advertised as the “healthy option”, but really are far for being a decent choice. In fact, some of the worst offenders are filled with ingredients that, on top of being unhealthy, keep those inches on your waistline and won’t let you take off those extra pounds. Those little bags of popcorn are just so convenient and easy to use. First, let’s start with the bag itself, which is lined with a chemical called PFOA, or perfluorooctanoic acid. The popcorn itself doesn’t appear to be GMO, but you can’t be sure since there are no labeling requirements. Last is that “butter flavor.” There is no need to buy microwave popcorn when it is SO easy to make your own at home. Continue to Page 2

Junk Food Encoded in Children's DNA and Beyond New study ponders impact of Western food and GMOs on posterity's genes... Heather CallaghanActivist Post Through the emerging information from epigenetics - the study of environmental exposure on genes - it becomes apparent that we are not the body equivalent to Las Vegas. What happens to us doesn't stay with us - it moves on. It's not so much that disease moves on, but a "poorly trained" immune system does, according to a unique new study in Nutrition Journal. It starts with inflammation from the Western diet and an infinite domino effect begins.... An excerpt from the abstract of "Fast Food Fever: reviewing the impacts of the Western diet on immunity": Detailed attention is given to the dietary impact on the gut microbiome and the mechanisms by which our poor dietary choices are encoded into our gut, our genes, and are passed to our offspring. On page 4: What is perhaps of larger concern is that the harmful effects of diet can actually stretch across generations. The authors conclude:

How to Eliminate Junk Food Cravings for Good By Dr. Mercola Americans' reliance on processed foods and snacks is undoubtedly one of the primary factors driving our skyrocketing obesity and disease rates. Even many people who "know better" have trouble keeping their hands out of the Doritos. What Makes Processed Foods and Snacks Addictive? Before we jump into the solutions, let's take a quick look at what's causing junk food cravings in the first place. Other Tricks of the Junk Food Trade Two primary factors make the experience of eating food pleasurable. Intermittent Fasting—One of the Best Ways to Eliminate Sugar Cravings One of the most effective ways I know of to eliminate sugar cravings and shed unwanted weight is intermittent fasting, as this will help reset your body to burning fat instead of sugar as its primary fuel. Switch from Processed Foods to Unprocessed, Whole Foods Replacing processed foods with homemade meals made from scratch using whole ingredients is an ideal and important way to ensure optimal nutrition.
