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Get Small To Get Big Through Microservices If we trace a path that starts with Gutenberg’s use of moveable type to Malcom McLean’s invention of the shipping container, we start to recognize a very interesting pattern: Each new layer of abstraction and standardization creates tremendous value out of the resulting increases in scale and efficiency. Today’s digital innovators can trace a similar historical path that starts with mainframe computers and monolithic applications and then, step-by-step, reveals software’s interchangeable parts until we arrive at today’s cloud-based era of microservices and continuous integration. Microservices is an approach to building software that shifts away from large monolithic applications toward small, loosely coupled and composable autonomous pieces. The benefit of this abstraction is specialization, which drives down costs to develop and drives up agility and quality — while operating much more resilient systems. Our view of the microservices ecosystem. Determine if you really need microservices

Como crear un gran vídeo de demostración con solo Keynote | GRUMO MEDIA Quiere promocionar su producto, pero no tiene presupuesto suficiente contratar a un estudio para producir un vídeo de demostración profesional . No hay problema, en este articulo te enseñaremos como usar Keynote para crear un gran vídeo de demostración y asi ahorrarse miles de dólares. Aparte de su tiempo y el costo del software (menos de $50 en total), se puede producir un vídeo de demostración efectiva en un solo día. Estos son los pasos: 1. Escribir el guión Que sea corto (menos de 200 palabras), conciso y al grano. ¿Necesitas ayuda para escribir el guión perfecto? 2. Todo lo que necesitas es un iPhone y un espacio tranquilo y sin eco, como el interior de un armario o debajo de una manta. 3. Obtenga una copia de Keynote ($ 20). 4. ¿Es un par de pruebas de leer el guión en voz alta y reproducción de la presentación, al mismo tiempo. 5. Establecer la pista de voz en off y sincronizarlo con el vídeo con iMovie (sólo $ 15). 6.

International Team Kicks off Sharing Cities Book Project Graphic recording of a recent Shareable-hosted discussion on sharing cities. 2016 may be the year the sharing cities movement goes big. That is if a new, talent-packed team recently assembled by Shareable has anything to do with it. Shareable’s new book project and team (see below) aims to help the sharing cities movement get to the next level. At first, we intended to create a relatively small team. While the content of the book will provide a commons-based vision of sharing cities, the project is also structured to provide team members with a valuable learning experience in peer production and self-publishing. True to this principle, the team has started with a visioning process to build a more precise understanding of sharing cities and what kind of book (and other media) we will produce. Shareable will publish updates, reach out for tips about successful public policies and community projects and ask for your feedback along the way. Check out the sharing cities project team: M.

Información de Fazzil – Oferta Unica « “Estimado emprendedor con DESEO de éxito, Me identifico contigo. Me gustan los negocios en Internet. Me apasiona crear productos nuevos y venderlos. O incluso promover productos de alguien más y recibir  una comisión a cambio…” Pero cuando se trata de todos los “dolores de cabeza” que implica crear una página Web… ¡No lo tolero! Y mejor dedicarme a lo que me gusta: Los Negocios en Internet. Es válida tu pregunta. En los últimos años he vendido decenas de productos diferentes en Internet y afortunadamente he tenido mucho éxito. En Noviembre 2010, la revista Fast Company me nombró la persona número 31 con mayor influencia en Internet de todo el mundo. Actualmente más de 1,000,000 de emprendedores en todo el mundo siguen mis consejos y técnicas a través de mi boletín electrónico de negocios en Internet. Honestamente, no creo que necesites más prueba. Cuando lees mi “caso de éxito” parece que todo fue muy fácil. Página de Prospectos: Página de Posicionamiento: Página de Persuasión: Conclusión:

Models, Architectures, Perspectives (MAPs) | Caminao's Ways What You See Is Not What You Get Models are representations and as such they are necessarily set in perspective and marked out by concerns. Model, Perspective, Concern (R. Doisneau). Depending on perspective, models will encompass whole contexts (symbolic, mechanic, and human components), information systems (functional components), software (components implementation).Depending on concerns models will take into account responsibilities (enterprise architecture), functionalities (functional architecture), and operations (technical architecture). While it may be a sensible aim, perspectives and concerns are not necessarily congruent as responsibilities or functionalities may cross perspectives (e.g support units), and perspectives may mix concerns (e.g legacies and migrations). Models as Knowledge Surrogates without Ontological Commitment What You Think Is What You Get Products and Usage are two different things Models and Architectures Dial M for Models Languages, Concerns, Perspectives

ud How to Improve Global Workforce Collaboration One of the signature challenges of large organizations today is the unique set of issues they face when trying to improve the way their workers interact, communicate, and collaborate together. The collaborative environment in a typical enterprise is complex: A dozen or more time zones, vast distances between offices, regional cultural differences, corporate politics, bureaucracy, and differing technology capabilities all make it very challenging to improve the status quo. Even though increasing the effectiveness of collaboration is an activity that is highly likely to provide significant gains to how a business operates, it’s typically a fraught process. It also doesn’t help, however, that some of the highest value collaboration scenarios are typically cross-border: Workers with business partners and suppliers, or workers with customers. This then is the key to improving the way a global workforce collaborates: Additional reading: Rethinking Work In the Collaborative Era Inputs.

jamlopa Realistic Digital Strategy – Adjuvi To craft a realistic digital strategy, you need a roadmap for how to get there. One that focuses on the six enabling levers that unlock the benefits of digital transformation. Six Enabling Levers Strategy: What are your objectives? When would you like to fulfill these goals? Adjuvi utilizes a lightweight strategy process. This strategy development can be point-in-time or continuous: Point-in-time: we capture executive goals and needs and jointly develop an actionable digital roadmap across the 6 transformational leversContinuous: we start with an actionable digital roadmap and we ourselves work with you using a digital delivery approach to course adjust your strategy every 45-60 daysBoth delivery models use a secure collaboration platform to work with busy executives, technical or business leads Change championing and change management catalyzes digital transformation. How Continuous Digital Strategy Works

calls Collaborative Economy Honeycomb 2 –Watch it Grow Above Image: Honeycomb 2.0, click and access multiple sizes stored on Flickr, Please share widely, with attribution, non-commercially. The first version had six industries –now it’s twelve I’ll be releasing this graphic on stage tomorrow at LeWeb conference in Paris, on a session called 2015: The Year of the Crowd. Seven months ago, in May 2014, we published the first version of the Collaborative Economy Honeycomb, which is also embedded at the bottom of this post. It’s worth noting that in the newer hex areas, they are often fewer logos as the market is young –in the more central hex areas, we had to remove logos due to excessive market crowding –a sign of market saturation in one area. About this multi-month project For transparency, these startups reflect those that were recommended by our members, industry experts, or which have received notable funding in the recent months. Below: Each region, business, and personal usage will vary.

ramald Notes Essays —CS183C: Technology-enabled Blitzscaling — Stanford University, Fall 2015 latest Scaling Theranos with Elizabeth Holmes — Class 14 Notes of Stanford University’s CS183C Scaling Theranos with Elizabeth Holmes — Class 14 Notes of Stanford University’s CS183C Here is an essay version of my class notes from Class 14 of Stanford University’s CS183C — Technology-enabled Blitzscaling — taught by Reid… Chris McCannNov 6 Scaling Stripe with Patrick Collison — Class 11 Notes of Stanford University’s CS183C Scaling Stripe with Patrick Collison — Class 11 Notes of Stanford University’s CS183C Here is an essay version of my class notes from Class 11 of Stanford University’s CS183C — Technology-enabled Blitzscaling — taught by Reid… Chris McCannNov 5 Scaling YouTube with Shishir Mehrotra — Class 13 Notes of Stanford University’s CS183C Scaling YouTube with Shishir Mehrotra — Class 13 Notes of Stanford University’s CS183C Here is an essay version of my class notes from Class 13 of Stanford University’s CS183C — Technology-enabled Blitzscaling — taught by Reid… Chris McCannNov 4 About

tamally maak
