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FREE permaculture eBooks & free environmental eBook downloads

Permaculture is all about one part of a system trying to help another, so this is our attempt to help replicate that, by sharing permaculture knowledge as freely and as widely as we can. In this section you'll find a selection of completely free eBook downloads on permaculture and wider environmental topics, including the fantastic Farmers' Handbook series by Chris Evans and Jakob Jespersen, which provides a complete grounding in key permaculture techniques in a simple, easy-to-read e-book download format. On top of that, we are also offering free download copies of Gaia's Education's brilliant Four Key series, including the indispensable instruction manual for anyone looking to apply permaculture techniques to communities, Beyond You & Me, and Gaian Economics - a penetrating look at how economics can be made to work in harmony with nature, not against it. We have been experiencing problems with free ebooks on checkout. Related:  PermaculturePermaculture

Produire ses graines bio Récemment édité par Terre Vivante, "Produire ses graines bio" nous dit tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour cultiver légumes, aromatiques et fleurs afin d'en obtenir les graines. Le tout pour ne production de qualité puisque conforme aux pratiques de l'agriculture biologique. L'auteur, Christian Boué, est lui-même producteur de semences biologiques et est membre depuis 18 ans du groupement "le biau germe". Ces agriculteur, visiblement passionné et engagé nous explique les fondamentaux et la pratique de la sélection des espèces végétales avec une clarté et une précision remarquables, le tout agrémenté d'une pointe d'humour assez rare dans ce genre d'ouvrage, qui en rend la lecture agréable alors que le sujet aurait pu s'avérer fort rébarbatif. Six chapitres constituent les deux parties principales de l'ouvrage. Tout d'abord Christian Boué nous résume les notions élémentaires de classification botanique et nous explique pourquoi maintenir, améliorer ou même créer des variétés végétales.

Chapter 2: Design Principles | A Permaculture Design Course Handbook The principles above are laid out in Bill Mollison’s later book “Introduction to Permaculture”. There he presented a concise form of the concepts he laid out in the Chapters 2 & 3 in Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual. A summary of them can be seen below and even downloaded here: BM PC Principles summary. The principles seem to be patterns laid out on how nature’s inherent intelligence is formed in time and space. They are a great tool for interpreting ecosystem establishment and functions and from there designs can unfold. Summary of Permaculture Principles from TreeYo Permaculture (click on each Principle for further pics and explanation, more coming) from Introduction to Permaculture by Bill Mollison 1. Functional Analysis: is a tool to realize the full potential of each element by examining products and behaviors, needs, and intrinsic characteristics. 2. 3. 4. Zone Planning refers to the placement of elements based on their intensity of use and management. 5. 6. A schematic of coppice 7.

soils majority come from weathered rock, approximately a 1/2 come from water and air, and a small portion ( less than 10%) from humus, decomposing but not decomposed organic material. Minerals derived from the soil must be dissolved in water. Otherwise the plant will not be able to obtain them. How do plants obtain the nutrients in the soil? CEC is important for maintaining adequate quantities of plant available calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+) and potassium (K+) in soils.

Ebooks Gratuit : Livres Pdf A Journey of Transition: Becoming a Professional Permaculture Designer - Part 3 by Dan French Photo © Craig Mackintosh This time, in Part 3 of this series discussing my journey towards becoming a professional permaculture designer, I will be talking about marketing, knock-backs and my progress since the last article. Part 2 of this series focused on two large issues facing many of us trying to build our own business, commitment and confidence. Reflecting on these points, the pressure of these emotions is ongoing. I’m glad to report however, the series of strategies I outlined in Part 2 are helping me in both of these areas. Momentum is your friend in life, particularly when starting a business, as it takes constant effort, and not only in one area. It’s a long road and it can get both frustrating and disillusioning, especially prior to getting a job through the door. This is what I am concentrating on at the moment. One final discussion point before signing off. I hope this helps.

The Sun Hive: experimental Natural Beekeeping Sun Hives are a hive design coming out of Germany and now gathering interest in Britain. They’re part of the world-wide movement towards ‘apicentric’ beekeeping – beekeeping that prioritizes honeybees firstly as pollinators, with honey production being a secondary goal. The Sun Hive is modeled in part on the traditional European skep hive, and is aimed at creating a hive that maximises colony health. The main thing I love about this hive and the enthusiasm surrounding it is not the hive itself, but the philosophy behind it, that of apicentric beekeeping. In brief, the Sun Hive has an upside down skep hive at its base with curving frames in the top section and no frames in the bottom section. The hive is placed well above ground level (optimal for bees – they never choose to create a hive on the ground). As I said, it’s not the design of this hive that particularly gets me going (though it is very beautiful), but the philosophy behind it… putting bees first before honey yields.

In Libro Veritas - La passion de lire et ecrire A Journey of Transition: Becoming a Professional Permaculture Designer - Part 2 - OK, here we go, the second installment of this series regarding my journey to become a professional permaculture designer. In my last article I touched on who I am, what I am doing and why, and discussed some general topics which included defining my services, networking and, on a very general level, the importance of examining price structures for services. As a result, I was contacted by a nice guy by the name of Scott Mann who runs a great podcast series called The Permaculture Podcast. It turned out we had a lot in common. Anyhow, during the interview Scott asked me about obstacles I have encountered so far in my professional development and ways in which I have addressed these. When I reflect on the process so far, although there have been numerous obstacles, the most notable for me have been psychological — specifically those of commitment and confidence. Commitment. Commitment is a course of action. When starting anything afresh, building confidence plays an important part.

Honey On Tap From Your Own Beehive - Flow™ Hive Home Savoir revivre (Jacques Massacrier)
