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What the Hex?

What the Hex?
Related:  El color

What the Hex: un juego de adivinación de colores estilo geek Por @Alvy — 13 de Junio de 2010 Diversión: Dificultad: What the Hex es un peculiar juego en el que hay que adivinar qué color corresponde al código HTML que aparece. Leer colores RGB en hexadecimal con la mente y poder visualizarlos correctamente es un superpoder sólo al alcance de unos pocos diseñadores web que están tan acostubrados que lo hacen ya de memoria, asi que el juego es todo un reto para quien quiera probar la experiencia.

Beyond Pink and Blue: A Look at Gender Colors It goes beyond culture. There is science behind the gender-relationships when it comes to colors. A study by John Hallock compares the color preferences among various demographics and takes into account information collected from 22 countries. Our friends at KissMetrics put together this informative infographic that tears down the gender barriers to reveal what really goes on in visualizations. Click any portion to enlarge. Colors by Gender The Color Purple - The most notable gender difference can be seen in the color purple. Blue Reigns Supreme – Both males and females like the color blue, which receives favor with 35% of female respondents and more than half of the male respondents. A Closer Look In 2007, Doctor Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling created an experiment to explore how men and women differ in their perceptions of color. Results of the Experiment The experiment showed that men and women both preferred blue out of the sets of colors. Color Naming: Men Keep It Simple

belle maison Códigos de Colores HTML Colors of the Social World (Wide Web) [Infographic + Video] by COLOURlovers When a social network like Twitter allows a user to select a theme to represent themselves in the digital world, that user is choosing to identify their digital persona with colors... And we wanted to look at who chooses what colors... If the world is made up of people and those people have a color preference... what then is the color of Texas? What color are mothers? By looking at the more than 1 Million people who have used our Themeleon tool to design their Twitter Profile in the past 3 months, we were able to paint a picture of the world connecting colors to locations and profile data. *A little note regarding the "World vs. Click The Image Below for the High Res Version A Colorful Tour of the Themeleon World We took the colors from 100,000 profiles designed with Themeleon and geolocated them to the designers location. Colors of the Social Web from CHROMAom on Vimeo. Team Written by COLOURlover www.COLOURlovers.comMy name is Darius A Monsef IV & my friends call me Bub(s)(ba).

10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.1 Powerpoint has produced more bad design in its day that perhaps any other digital tool in history with the possible exception of Microsoft paint. In this post we’re going to address the epidemic of bad presentation design with ten super practical tips for designer better looking and more professional presentations. Along the way we’ll see a number of awesome slide designs from Note & Point along with some custom examples built by yours truly. Let’s get started! Also be sure to check out 10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.2! Not a Designer? Most of the content on this site is targeted specifically towards professional designers and developers, or at the very least those interested in getting started in this field. You’ve chosen a visual tool to communicate and should therefore take the time to learn a thing or two about visual communications. Follow the ten tips below and see if you don’t start getting comments about your awesome presentation design skills. Kuler Piknik

Visión en el infrarrojo gracias a nanopartículas inyectadas bajo la retina - La Ciencia de la Mula Francis La visión de los mamíferos está limitada al rango entre 400 y 700 nm; por ello no pueden ver la luz infrarroja sin gafas adecuadas, hasta ahora. Se publica en Cell que la inyección intraocular de nanopartículas en ratones les permite ver en el infrarrojo cercano (alrededor de 980 nm). Las nanopartículas que se acoplan a los fotorreceptores (pbUCNPs) actúan como nanoantenas transductoras que transforman la señal de 980 nm en una señal de 535 nm (la región más sensible del ojo humano está alrededor de ∼550 nm en condiciones fotópicos, o sea, de alta iluminación). El nuevo nanodispositivo biointegrado abre vías muy interesantes a explorar en un futuro en el contexto del mejoramiento humano en aplicaciones militares y civiles. Las pbUCNPs (photoreceptor-binding upconversion nanoparticles) se anclan en los conos y bastones de la retina de forma biocompatible y segura (al menos no se ha observado daño alguno en las retinas de los ratones).

The Most Powerful Colors in the World by COLOURlovers When we released our report on the colors of the social web, based on data analyzed by our Twitter theme tool, we were surprised that blue was such a dominant color in people's profile designs. Was Twitter's default color influencing their design decisions? Or is blue really THE most popular and dominant color online? ...We decided to look at the colors in the brands from the top 100 sites in the world to see if we could paint a more colorful picture. [click to view in full size] Turns out the blue-berry doesn't fall far from the bush. While the initial reasoning for the colors chosen may be trivial, the impact that these dominant players now have in the web world will surely influence the smaller startups that want to share in the positive color associations created by their bigger siblings... Would A Corporation By Any Other Color, Still Profit As Well? Color is an important part of any brand, but along with the actual name of a company... The Colors of 1 Million Brand Icons Uh-oh! Team

Design Your Revolution ¿Cómo se hace un cubo de color de Alfred Hickethier? | ▪Mi Blog▪ Como decía, es una buena practica para el diseñador, artista, decorador o cualquier persona que quiera aprender acerca del uso del color y no sólo tener la teoría de este modelo, en lo personal tuve la oportunidad de crear el mio y me ayudo a tener una buena comprensión y fue una buena práctica para manejar el color en pinturas acrílicas, ayuda también a tener control con el pincel y a conocer como mezclar los colores para obtener más gamas, si hacemos este cubo tendremos una guía clara de los colores para aplicarlo en cualquier trabajo de tipo visual que vayamos a realizar, los colores físicos muchas veces varían con lo digital, y ya tendrás oportunidad de darte cuenta de esto. ¿Qué vamos a necesitar? Materiales: •Cartulina ilustración, la necesaria (el pliego mide 76 x 102 cm)•Pinturas acrílicas:(magenta, amarillo, azul celeste, negro, blanco) (politec, vinci, la marca que prefieras, en su presentación de 250 ml. en adelante)•Dos pinceles planos Paso 1. Paso 2. Paso 3. Paso 4. Paso 5.

for Firefox - Eyedropper, Color Picker and much more Important - new version 3 Due to new Firefox add-on developer requirements and restrictions requiring all future add-on development to be done using WebExtensions technologies, ColorZilla for Firefox has been re-written from the ground up to comply with the new requirements. This new version retains all the functionality, but there might be minor UI/UX and other differences. Your history and favorites palettes should be backed up under <Firefox Profile Folder>/colorzilla after the update. ColorZilla v3.3 has many improvements and fixes. Please contact us to report any issues. ColorZilla for Firefox is an add-on that assists web developers and graphic designers with color related tasks - both basic and advanced. With ColorZilla you can get a color reading from any point in your browser, quickly adjust this color and paste it into another program. ColorZilla is also available as a Chrome extension. What's new New in ColorZilla 3.3 New in ColorZilla 3.0 New in ColorZilla 2.8 New in ColorZilla 2.7

3 formas de comprender la numeración hexadecimal Pasos Comprender el sistema hexadecimal 1Familiarízate con el sistema hexadecimal. Comprender el sistema hexadecimal por color 1Aprende cómo se determinan los colores en una pantalla de computadora. Aprender a pensar en hexadecimal 1Aprende a leer en hexadecimal de manera intuitiva. Consejos Puedes buscar en línea una calculadora para convertir las bases entre binaria, decimal y hexadecimal.Puedes representar fácilmente cualquier número binario en el sistema hexadecimal. Acerca del artículo

Complementary Colour Swatches by `DigitalPhenom on deviantART CMY and CMYK Unlike RGB, the CMY color model makes use of subtractive color mixing with the primaries cyan, magenta, and yellow, rather than additive color mixing. Subtractive mixing may be familiar to most from painting with watercolors. Furthermore, pigments for the colors cyan, magenta, and yellow are commonly used in printers. The CMY cube, which is equivalent to the flipped RGB cube, is shown in the figure below. The CMY cube. In principle, converting colors from RGB to CMY and back is simple. ⎛⎜⎝cmy⎞⎟⎠=⎛⎜⎝111⎞⎟⎠−⎛⎜⎝rgb⎞⎟⎠(1) ⎛⎜⎝rgb⎞⎟⎠=⎛⎜⎝111⎞⎟⎠−⎛⎜⎝cmy⎞⎟⎠(2) However, there is a problem with this method when used in practice. ⎛⎜ ⎜ ⎜⎝c′m′y′k⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎟⎠=⎛⎜ ⎜ ⎜⎝c−km−ky−kk⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎟⎠,(3) where k=min{c,m,y} [BB09b, p. 223]. A comparison of RGB and CMY is shown in the figure below. Comparison of the RGB and CMY cubes.
