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About the Programming Historian

About the Programming Historian
Related:  Digital ToolsData-driven history / DigHum

Palladio Palladio is a toolset for easy upload and careful investigation of data. It is an intertwined set of visualizations designed for complex, multi-dimensional data. It is a product of the "Networks in History" project that has its roots in another humanities research project based at Stanford: Mapping the Republic of Letters (MRofL). MRofL produced a number of unique visualizations tied to individual case studies and specific research questions. You can see the tools on this site and read about the case studies at With "Networks in History" we are taking the insights gained and lessons learned from MRofL and applying them to a set of visualizations that reflect humanistic thinking about data.

words | Thomas Padilla | Digital Scholarship Librarian Last week the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum announced online availability of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Master Speech File. The collection contains 1,592 documents, totaling 46,000 pages, spanning the years 1898-1945. That being said, digital collection access points are generally not designed to support users interested in working with collections at scale. In light of these challenge I’ve strung together a sample bulk data gathering and transformation workflow using the FDR Master Speech File as a use case. Steps are as follows: 1. compile a list of collection item links 2. use that list to instruct wget which content it should download 3. specify wget limitations so it doesn’t burden source data server 4. mass append file extensions to items when they are missing them 5. mass remove the first page of every file (reasons will become clear) 6. extract OCR data from every PDF file 7. create plain text files with OCR data Tools Challenge 1: Examining the data source

What is the Spatial Turn? · Spatial Humanities “Landscape turns” and “spatial turns” are referred to throughout the academic disciplines, often with reference to GIS and the neogeography revolution that puts mapping within the grasp of every high-school student. By “turning” we propose a backwards glance at the reasons why travelers from so many disciplines came to be here, fixated upon landscape, together. For the broader questions of landscape – worldview, palimpsest, the commons and community, panopticism and territoriality — are older than GIS, their stories rooted in the foundations of the modern disciplines. Read the Introduction. About the Author Dr.

Ian Milligan – Digital History, Web Archives, and the History of 20th Century Canada Gephi - The Open Graph Viz Platform Exploring Big Historical Data: The Historian's Macroscope Welcome to the companion site for Exploring Big Historical Data: The Historian’s Macroscope, published by Imperial College Press. If you want to buy a copy, you can purchase one for $39.00 USD. Feel free to visit our original live-written fully open draft website, which is still online – and if you like what you see, you can always buy the book! On this site you will find code, essays (things we liked from the draft that did not fit), and datafiles that go with our book. The first draft’s interactive visualizations can be found here. •Diversity is vital to digital history, and our readers should consider it an essential additional chapter. Illustrations in the print book are in black-and-white. If you want clickable footnotes (which you probably do!) If you’re curious who we are, you can learn more about us here. Please explore our website, and if you have questions, get in touch or check out the wonderful DH Questions & Answers Site!

First steps | Historical Network Research 1) Start with some introductory texts on Social Network Analysis Among the general HNR articles in the Bibliography, Scott Weingart’s blog post series “Networks Demystified” and Claire Lemercier’s article “Formal network methods in history” are particularly useful to get you ideas. To get a first idea of Social Network Analysis terminology and concepts, you may find this Cheat Sheet helpful. A great resource which will help you understand what you can expect from Social Network Analysis is Valdis Krebs’ Network Discovery Matrix. 2) Find answers to these questions: 1. The “Should I do Social Network Analysis?” If you are already working with network visualisations, take a look at Yannick Rochat’s blog post on best practices: 209983CAZ4EFH4items1chicago-fullnote-bibliographydefau

A Fifteenth Century Technopanic About The Horrors Of The Printing Press In talking about various technopanics over time, there's always someone who hates some new technology because it somehow "undermines" the good "way things were." These days, think of the books by the likes of Nick Carr or Andrew Keen, who focus on just how awful new technology is making people, compared to "back in their day..." when things were just lovely. Yet, as we've pointed out, these sorts of complaints about new technology happen throughout history, such as the attacks on the telephone (makes men lazy and breaks up your home life) and novels (corrupts the mind). But sometimes it goes back much, much further. In the past, we've even joked about those "poor monks" put out of the scribe business by the printing press. But what we didn't realize was there actually was just such a concern at the time. It was okay that the act of copying was hard. For among all the manual exercises, none is so seemly to monks as devotion to the writing of sacred texts.

MapAnalyst Annales de Démographie Historique Présentation de la revue Fondées en 1964 par la Société de Démographie Historique, les Annales de Démographie Historique, seule revue francophone du domaine, publient des recherches internationales en français et en anglais sur l'histoire, ou plutôt les histoires, de la population et de la famille telles qu'elles se présentent aujourd’hui : des travaux soucieux de leurs méthodes et de leurs catégories d'analyse, des approches largement ouvertes sur l'histoire sociale et l'histoire de la santé, attentives aux apports de l’anthropologie comme de l'économie. La revue publie deux numéros par an, ces numéros sont thématiques et portent sur une problématique liée à l’histoire de la population, de la famille, des mobilités ou de la santé. Chaque numéro comporte les articles du dossier thématiques, des varia et des recensions de la bibliographie internationale. Les Annales de démographie historique sont publiées avec le soutien de l'INSHS (CNRS). Liens Collection sur Site de l'éditeur

Introduction to Digital Humanities | Concepts, Methods, and Tutorials for Students and Instructors The History Project Annotating Relations The Relations tool enables you to draw connections between annotations in a text, and tag the connection in order to make a statement about its type. How to Use the Relations Tool Switch to Relations annotation mode in the toolbar. To start a connection, click on an annotation once (or click and hold if your prefer). Move the mouse to the target annotation and click again (or release the mouse, if you started by click-and-hold). Type a tag into the editor box that pops up and hit Enter to confirm and create the connection. Exporting Relations Data Recogito can export relation data to multiple formats. Network Exports If relations exist in your document, the downloads page includes an additional box with network-specific download options. Note that each network node corresponds to one annotation. Embedded Exports In addition, relations are also embedded into the TEI export, represented as <relation> elements in the document header.
