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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
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Decisions, Recommendations and other Instruments HAVING REGARD to Article 5a) of the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development of 14 December 1960; HAVING REGARD to the Decision of the Council of 30 March 1992 concerning the control of transfrontier movements of wastes destined for recovery operations C(92)39/FINAL, as amended, which establishes an operational control system for transboundary movements of wastes destined for recovery operations; HAVING REGARD to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, which entered into force on 5 May 1992, as amended on 6 November 1998 with Annexes VIII and IX listing respectively wastes characterised as hazardous pursuant to Article 1(1)(a) of the Convention and wastes not covered by Article 1(1)(a) of the Convention; NOTING that most OECD Member countries (hereafter Member countries) and the European Community have become Parties to the Basel Convention; On the proposal of the Environment Policy Committee: 1.

世界博覽會 世界博覽會(英語:Universal Exposition或World's Fair),又稱國際博覽會及万国博览会,簡稱世博會、世博、万博,是一個具國際規模的集會。參展者向世界各國展示當代的文化、科技和產業上正面影響各種生活範疇的成果。 意義[编辑] 舉辦世界博覽會的目的,是透過一個國際性的展覽平台,使參與的國家在主題上得到廣泛的聯絡與交流。世界博覽會是對當時社會文明的智慧的一種記錄,和對未來的前瞻。 不過並非每一屆世界博覽會都成功地表達強烈的主題色彩,許多世博會都變質成為了大型博物會館的基調,但由於會期很久,展覽會的一些令人驚嘆的新奇展品和場館,有時會在結束後還繼續用來展出,便成為了永久珍藏或是地標性建築。 世博會可分為兩類,一類是展期較久,通常為時半年的「註冊類世博會」,需要主辦單位準備綜合所有方面的成果來展出,从2000年起每5年一次的展覽;另一類則是穿插在兩屆註冊類世博會之間,展期長達3個月的「認可類世博會」,主題取向也變得比較偏向專業,所以大概全球2-3年就會有一次世界博覽會。 歷史[编辑] 世博會的起源是中世紀歐洲商人定期的市集,市集起初只牽涉到經濟貿易。 早期的世博會多以大眾化的綜合博覽為主題,例如慶祝某個國家成立百週年、法國大革命百年紀念等。 有鑑於世博會可為主辦國帶來龐大的產業與經濟效益,31個經常參與或舉辦世博會的國家在1928年簽署國際博覽會條約,並成立負責規範管理世博會的國際展覽局,至2010年10月31日為止,共有157個成員國[5]。 世界博覽會沒有規定多少年才可以舉辦一次;不過,正式提出申辦要求不得早於預計開幕日的前9年。 歷屆世界博覽會一覽[编辑] 参考文献[编辑] ^ John R. 外部連結[编辑] 参见[编辑] 國際展覽局成員國

LHAE :: Benjamin Levin :: Leadership Higher and Adult Education at OISE Time: Thursday, April 24 - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: OISE Library | 252 Bloor St W OISE's Higher Education Group joins the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU)and the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) to host a free, one-day research policy symposium. This event will focus on building a community of researchers and practitioners to advance policy-based knowledge on Ontario's postsecondary education system. This event will be streamed live on April 24 starting at 9:00am. Please visit the website to join in the live webcast. More info:

WWF's global network Radar “Even the biggest cities have small towns buried within them.” When Steven B. Johnson made that observation in his Wired article on what 311 calls can tell us about New York City, he referred to an unexpected connection that Mayor Bloomberg made with a former colleague in a city call center. As Gov 2.0 goes local, the neighborhoods of New York City will be a prime place to watch this year. Similar connections and reconnections, made intentionally or serendipitously through social networks, phones and in-person meetings, are part of the warp and weft of the fabric of civil society in every major city in the United States. When it comes to big cities, few have the energy and dynamism of Gotham, with its ceaseless activity, millions of citizens and global heft in the financial, media, fashion and entertainment industries. “I was involved in e-government decades ago,” said Goldsmith, the former mayor of Indianapolis. Putting open data to work Lessons from the Snowpocalypse

About the GHS Chemicals, through the different steps from their production to their handling, transport and use, are a real danger for human health and the environment. People of any ages, from children to elderly, using many different languages and alphabets, belonging to various social conditions, including illiterates, are daily confronted to dangerous products (chemicals, pesticides, etc.) To face this danger, and given the reality of the extensive global trade in chemicals and the need to develop national programs to ensure their safe use, transport and disposal, it was recognized that an internationally-harmonized approach to classification and labelling would provide the foundation for such programs. Once countries have consistent and appropriate information on the chemicals they import or produce in their own countries, the infrastructure to control chemical exposures and protect people and the environment can be established in a comprehensive manner.

The $80 Trillion World Economy in One Chart Record Breaking Auction Sales in 2021 2021 may have been the year of the NFT, but wealthy collectors still dropped plenty of cash on physical objects. This included the usual items like paintings and cars, as well as some more obscure ones like meteorites. To gain insight into the world of rare collectibles, this infographic summarizes the biggest auction sales of 2021, spread across 12 different item categories. The Numbers The key details of these sales are listed below in tabular format. The Details Here are some interesting facts and details about these rare collectibles, starting with: Pablo Picasso’s Femme assise près d’une fenêtre (Marie-Thérèse) This 1932 painting is a depiction of Picasso’s lover, Marie-Thérèse Walter (1909-1977). He loved the blondeness of her hair, her luminous complexion, her sculptural body.– Brassaï Sold by Christie’s in New York, this was the first painting to auction for over $100 million in nearly two years. 1995 McLaren F1 1933 Double Eagle Coin

Psychiater Glen Gabbard: ‘Professionaliteit is grenzen stellen’ interview Psychiater Glen Gabbard over zijn nieuwste boek ‘Professioneel gedrag is belangrijk voor alle artsen, maar met name voor psychiaters’, zegt de Amerikaanse hoogleraar psychiatrie Glen Gabbard. ‘Bij psychiaters is de arts-patiëntrelatie een essentieel onderdeel van de therapie.’ Susanne Fledderus ‘Elke interactie tussen psychiater en patiënt heeft invloed op het genezingsproces. Gabbard heeft zich in het onderwerp gespecialiseerd (zie profiel Gabbard). Grenzen stellen, dat is waar het volgens Gabbard bij professionaliteit vooral om draait. Is het denkbaar dat een arts ooit een relatie krijgt met een (ex-)patiënt? Kun je informatie uit je privéleven aan patiënten vertellen? Wat doet het toenemende internetgebruik met professionaliteit? Een ander fenomeen dat je tegenwoordig steeds meer ziet zijn de rate your doctor-websites, waarop patiënten, vaak anoniem, een beoordeling over hun arts invullen. Tegenwoordig besteden opleidingen meer aandacht aan professioneel gedrag dan vroeger.

Conferencia Mundial sobre el Clima Comunicado de la Conferencia Siga la Conferencia Siga la Conferencia donde quiera que esté: vea las sesiones plenarias, escuche las declaraciones y lea los resúmenes. Más información Programa Consulte el programa detallado, los libros blancos y los oradores, y realice búsquedas por reunión. Sección de prensa Lea los comunicados de prensa, consulte la carpeta para los medios de comunicación y obtenga información sobre los eventos especiales, entre otros. Eventos Infórmese sobre las exposiciones, las actividades para los jóvenes, los eventos paralelos y otras actividades. La mayor gloria no es nunca caer, sino levantarse siempre.

The world bank Mesmo nos lugares mais remotos da América Latina, não surpreende mais a imagem de alguém trocando mensagens em seu celular de última geração. Agricultores, empresários, médicos e comerciantes estão unidos por este aparelho – agora interativo – que seduziu boa parte da população do planeta. Fazer ou receber uma chamada de celular na América Latina nunca foi tão fácil quanto agora. As cifras que o estudo ‘Maximizando o Acesso Móvel para o Desenvolvimento’ (em inglês) reúne mundialmente também são impressionantes: 75% da população têm acesso a celulares e há cerca de 6 bilhões de assinaturas. O uso de internet nos celulares vem subindo desde 2005 e representando 24% de todas as assinaturas móveis na Venezuela e 21% no México. Exemplo a seguir Com relação à transição tecnológica de 2G a 3G, a América Latina é vista como um exemplo a seguir, segundo o estudo. Com relação ao Brasil, o estudo destaca os seguintes dados:

Pharyngula Probably not. But the New York Times reports: A review of studies has found that the health benefits of infant male circumcision vastly outweigh the risks involved in the procedure. Actually, it doesn’t. Prevalence of adult circumcision in the United States during the past 6 decades (1948-2010). It does toss in a table purporting to show the tremendous risks of not circumcising baby boys, but this is not new — these are the same sloppy data that the author has been peddling for over a decade. The author is Brian Morris, better known as the Man Who Hates Foreskins. I suppose it could be because glorious Scandinavian penises are perfect and universally wholesome — that’s what I’ve been told, anyway — but that would be baseless speculation and unwarranted extrapolation of anecdotes into unsupportable evidence, of the sort that Brian Morris does. Take that first condition, the likelihood of urinary tract infections. Or look at his claim of much greater rates of HIV infection.

Bloomin' Apps This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place.Each image has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Android, Google and online tools and applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.I have created a page to allow you to share your favorite online tool, iOS, or Android app with others. Cogs of the Cognitive Processes I began to think about the triangular shape of Bloom's Taxonomy and realized I thought of it a bit differently.Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes in and out of the each level as they acquire new content and turn it into knowledge, I created a different type of image that showcased my thoughts about Bloom's more meaningfully.Here is my visual which showcases the interlocking nature of the cognitive processes or, simply, the "Cogs of the Cognitive Processes". IPAD APPS TO SUPPORT BLOOM'S REVISED TAXONOMYassembled by Kathy Schrock​ Bloom's and SAMR: My thoughts

OEA - Organización de los Estados Americanos: Democracia para la paz, la seguridad y el desarrollo VALD.ORG: Jóhannes Björn

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