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Related:  Visualization

How to use CocoonJS Improving the HTML5 execution speed is in CocoonJS’ identity. When it comes to mobile web app and game deployment, a lot of problems arise and performance is one of them. Ludei provides the best JavaScript and HTML5 execution environments to choose from depending on the type of your project and the platforms you want to deploy it to. If your project is an HTML5 canvas game CocoonJS provides the most performant canvas 2D and WebGL implementation in the market for iOS and Android. This environment is a highly specialized JavaScript virtual machine with a blazing fast implementation of everything needed to make canvas 2D or WebGL based games shine on mobile! But CocoonJS not only improves performance but deals with fragmentation too. One of the main advantages of CocoonJS is that you can benefit from it without having to give up on the HTML5 app development framework or game engine you love. Learn how to use CocoonJS now. CocoonJS is also compatible with Apache Cordova/PhoneGap projects.

Cone Action Spectra Human Cone Action Spectra In most vertebrates that have what humans term “color vision”, there appear to be three classes of cones, based on their absorption spectra. Although many fundamental aspects of color vision remain to be worked out, the chemistry of the cones’ visual pigments is pretty much the same as in the rods. A photon is absorbed by a cis-11-retinal, converting it to the trans- configuration and initiating the phototransduction process. One of the most important differences between cones and rods is in the amino acid sequence of the opsin component of the rhodopsin molecule. You can see that in spite of their names (“Red”, “Green”, and “Blue”), each class of cone shows an absorption, or action, spectrum that extends over a range of wavelengths, with the result being considerable overlap in the three action spectra.

Presenteer.js Introduction Presenteer.js a very flexible HTML5 presentation tool that works in one line of code, but is configurable with constructor options and many callbacks. In its simplest form, it works like And then navigate through the presentation with presentation.start();,;, presentation.prev(); and; Installation Include jQuery and Presenteer.js (and possibly Sylvester.js, see below) in your page. Create the HTML and style it with CSS Then, on page load, create a Presenteer instances for every presentation on the page. I set followElementTransforms to false to make Presenteer not follow element transforms. And set followElementTransforms: true. Constructor options Apart from the followElementTransforms constructor argument, there's many more options and callbacks. Where canvas is a selector or jQuery element of the canvas on which the presentation is placed. The list of elements on the canvas is specified in the elements argument. Navigation 1.

Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds! deployd - instant backends for html5 developers The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization and OverDrive - The Bookish Blog 06 March 2012 The whole team at — that is Virginia Murdoch, Peter Haasz, and me — is excited to announce that we are partnering with OverDrive to form OverDrive Australia. OverDrive Australia will accept the reins from Inventive Labs. You can read more in our joint press release. This move helps deliver an even more awesome platform for our readers, as well as our bookseller and publisher partners. All your books are safe as ever, our privacy policy and terms of service of course remain unchanged, and excellent new things are coming your way. Thanks to everyone who has supported us on the journey so far — stick around, this is going to be fun. — Joseph Pearson

créer un site web statique hébergé sur github - Vous utilisez peut-être github pour héberger vos dépôts logiciels (repositories), voyons comment créer un site web (statique) qui ne sera rien d'autre qu'un dépôt parmi les autres. Il existe une autre variante qui consiste à créer un site au sein d'un projet existant, nous n'envisagerons pas ce cas dans le cadre de cet article. Pour notre exemple, nous allons utiliser mon nom d'utilisateur : cybermonde Le site sera accessible à l'adresse J'ai ajouté un domaine personnalisé : Ce domaine est configuré chez Gandi. La documentation complète est disponible ici : Créer le dépôt dont le nom sera obligatoirement : Ici : Toutes les autres options sont facultatives, je vous conseille de donner une description, d'ajouter un readme et surtout de laisser le dépôt public. Je suppose que vous êtes familier avec les commandes de bases de Git. Créons :

Operational transformation Operational transformation (OT) is a technology for supporting a range of collaboration functionalities in advanced collaborative software systems. OT was originally invented for consistency maintenance and concurrency control in collaborative editing of plain text documents. Two decades of research has extended its capabilities and expanded its applications to include group undo, locking, conflict resolution, operation notification and compression, group-awareness, HTML/XML and tree-structured document editing, collaborative office productivity tools, application-sharing, and collaborative computer-aided media design tools (see OTFAQ). In 2009 OT was adopted as a core technique behind the collaboration features in Apache Wave and Google Docs. History[edit] Operational Transformation was pioneered by C. System architecture[edit] Basics[edit] The basic idea of OT can be illustrated by using a simple text editing scenario as follows. Consistency models[edit] The CC model[edit] T(ins( ),ins( and

Remixing Data Visualization, by Alessio Macrì [This is a guest post by Alessio Macrì*, about the infographic he created as part of the "Remixing data visualization" workshop, at Resonate 2014, in Belgrade. The visualization compares the sovereign debt exposure of sixty-one European banks to the twenty-nine nations of the old continent.] Last April, I attended an information design workshop at Resonate 2014. Resonate is an aggregator of brilliant names related to media art, programming, technology, data visualization, visual and interaction design. It brings together the best experts from all over the world. It’s a small dip in future technologies related to art and culture. image via In this context, I had the opportunity to participate at the workshop held by Accurat – Information Design, a studio based in Milan and New York that deals with static data visualization (for printing) and interactive visualization (cross-platform). (image: an infographic by Accurat) Infographic legend

Welcome - Polymer 1.0 blog/angular-express.html AngularJS is like the missing Batarang on your utility belt of web development awesomeness. It gives you two-way data binding that's both easy to use and fast, a powerful directive system that lets you use create reusable custom components, plus a lot more. Express is an excellent webserver for Node.js that provides routing, middleware, and sessions. Incidentally, the two work quite well together! In this tutorial, I'm going to walk through writing a simple blog app with Angular and Express. For this, I'm assuming basic knowledge of Angular and Node. If you'd rather skip to the end and see the finished product, you can grab the finished product from Github, or take a look at a live demo here. Anatomy of the App This application is really divided into two parts: client, and server. Getting the Angular Express Seed To kick start the process of writing an AngularJS app, I've created the Angular Express Seed, based on the Express web server (which runs on Node.js) and the Angular Seed. <!

Three Ways to Tell Stories with Data
