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Lemony Snicket

Lemony Snicket
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Home - Alex Rider R.L. Stine I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Cover from the first edition of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969) I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is the 1969 autobiography about the early years of African-American writer and poet Maya Angelou. The first in a seven-volume series, it is a coming-of-age story that illustrates how strength of character and a love of literature can help overcome racism and trauma. The book begins when three-year-old Maya and her older brother are sent to Stamps, Arkansas, to live with their grandmother and ends when Maya becomes a mother at the age of 16. Angelou uses her autobiography to explore subjects such as identity, rape, racism, and literacy. Caged Bird was nominated for a National Book Award in 1970 and remained on The New York Times paperback bestseller list for two years. Background[edit] Although she did not intend to compose a series of autobiographies,[5] Angelou later wrote six additional volumes, covering a variety of her young adult experiences. Title[edit] Plot summary[edit]

Jean Ure | Author National Novel Writing Month Dear Cohort, Struggling with your novel? Paralyzed by the fear that it’s nowhere near good enough? Feeling caught in a trap of your own devising? You should probably give up. For one thing, writing is a dying form. Clearly, the future is moving us proudly and zippily away from the written word, so writing a novel is actually interfering with the natural progress of modern society. Besides, there are already plenty of novels. Even if you insisted on finishing your novel, what for? Of course, it may well be that you are writing not for some perfect reader someplace, but for yourself, and that is the biggest folly of them all, because it will not work. In short, quit. Lemony Snicket

Zac Power Shel Silverstein Dobar haiku Stevan Filipović | 03/05/2012 Akira Kurosava je u svojoj biografiji, retko iskreno i pošteno napisanoj knjizi, prepričao anegdotu o tome kako je, sa grupom prijatelja, tokom Drugog svetskog rata napravio mali književni klub. Skupljali bi se po skloništima i pisali haiku poeziju, a da često danima nisu ništa jeli. ”Jedini zaključak koji sam izveo iz ove situacije, kad sam posle rata čitao to što smo pisali”, veli Kurosava, ”je da ne možeš da pišeš dobar haiku na prazan stomak”. Ova konstatacija može da zvuči banalno, ali je poražavajuće tačna. Kako se ”Dan D” neumitno približava, sve manje možete da čujete suvisle argumentacije, a sve je više rovovskog rata i odbrane unapred zacrtanih položaja. Analitičko sagledavanje situacije, racionalno donošenje odluka, ali i godinama građene moralne pozicije smešno lako padnu u vodu pred daleko prozaičnijim razlozima kao što su privatni animoziteti i razočaranja, inat, ili, što da ne, glad. Isto tako mi se čini da bi neki (ne svi!)

Viviane Schwarz | Author & Illustrator I make books, comics and games. I was born in Germany. As a child I spent a lot of my time inventing and making things with my family. I developed a strong interest in science and technology as well as traditional methods and crafts. After reading American Literature and Linguistics at Bonn university, I emigrated to England. My first book was published in 2001. I design games and interactive installations which have featured at events on South Bank and international games festivals. I live and work in Croydon, London. We Eat Flesh The Golden Door - Deltora Quest | Scholastic The quest continues... Explore the world of Deltora! The walled city of Weld is under attack from ferocious flying creatures that raid in the night, bringing death and destruction. Rye is officially too young to leave the city to search for the Enemy, but his brothers are among the lost and he must find them. What terrors await him beyond the Wall? Rye’s troubles are far from over. Now one Door out of the city remains: the wooden Door – an ancient entrance that has intrigued Rye since the start of his quest. Emily Rodda is the author of the hugely successful Deltora Quest series, with over eight million copies in print. This site contains information and advertising about Scholastic and third party products.

Scott Westerfeld Франсоа Моријак Франсоа Моријак (фр. François Mauriac Бордо, 11. октобар 1885 — Париз, 1. септембар 1970.), француски књижевник. Један је од ретких католичких писаца који је устао против тоталитарних режима и пружио подршку шпанским републиканцима. Током нацистичке окупације Француске учествовао је у покрету отпора, сарађивао у илегалној штампи и под псеудонимом Форез објавио "Црвену бележницу". Након 1945. године био је врло активан у новинарству (Фигаро, Експрес), а заговарао је националну трпељивост и превладавање ускогрудности. Дебитовао је књигама поезије "Склопљене руке" и "Збогом младости". Током 1950тих подржавао је независност Алжира. Добитник је Нобелове награде за књижевност 1952. године. Дела[уреди] „Склопљене руке“„Збогом младости“„Пољубац губавцу“„Змијско легло“„Мистерија Фронтенацових“„Пустиња љубави“„Судбине“ Спољашње везе[уреди]

Robyn Schneider | Author
