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Show What You Know Using Web & Mobile Apps - Version 4

Show What You Know Using Web & Mobile Apps - Version 4
Related:  tehtäväpankki terveystieto

12 Tools To Create Powerful Presentations About two weeks ago, I wrote an article about representing information in form of an infographic. You can read the article here: 17 Fantastic Infographic Generators! Today, in this article I would write about another form of representing information i.e. through a presentation. Presentations have an important place in the corporate world. Apart from the corporate world, presentations are used in education as well. While its hard to replace professional presentation designers, here is a list of some powerful tools that would help you to create interactive presentations in case of the absence of professional help. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Taskboard - Simple Lists and Visual Workflow Write Code You can see your code, run it, and see what it outputs all at the same time. This makes it a lot easier to learn. Try Code KidsRuby is real Ruby code. You can also do anything that "Hackety-Hack" can do like display messages.

Uskontotuntiunelmia: Ihan pilvessä sanapilvistä! Olen tutustunut uuteen pilvipalveluun ja haluan jakaa sen helppouden sinulle lukijamme! Kyseessä on Answergarden, ilmainen pilvipalvelu, jolla saan opiskelijoiden tai koulutettavien ajatuksia näkyville mukavaksi sanapilveksi. Mikäs tässä nyt sitten on niin ihmeellistä? No se helppous ja vielä se, että saan nopeasti vetäjänä tai opettajana tietoa kurssilaisteni ajattelusta. Pedagoginen lisäarvo? Noh, jos esim kysyn opiskelijoilta answergardenin avulla, mikä käsite etiikan termeistä jäi heille vielä epäselvimmäksi, näen saman tien pilvestä, mikä on tuottanut eniten haastetta ja pääsen vielä porautumaan opiskelijoiden kanssa asiaan. Tai kouluttajan työkalu kurssin alkaessa: Mitä odotat kurssilta? Jos kiinnostuit, kurkkaa lyhyt opetusvideoni sanapilven teosta ja voit kokeilla oman pilven vääntämistä. Palvelun plussia: + ilmainen + täysin pilvessä: ei latauksia open tai opiskelijoiden laitteille + ei rekisteröitymistä (aivan, jeeeeee!) Kokeilemaan vaikka kokoustenkin alussa! Aiotkos kokeilla?

3 Interactive iPad App-tivities that aren’t Apps! As I mentioned in a previous post, I am always intrigued by sites that offer interactivity but are not apps (ala Quizlet). I had observed Mr. Wayment’s class reviewing the Greek & Latin roots using an 82 card Quizlet deck he had created. Students were utilizing various activities within Quizlet (e.g. Speller, Learn, and Scatter) to review the terms. While the students were engaged in the app-tivity, Mr. Wayment's Greek and Latin Roots: Online Jeopardy Here’s how it works: Multiple Teams: The site allows multiple teams (up to 12) to play the same board.Choose a Category and a Point Value.Answer in question form: They are presented with a statement and must verbalize the correct question to match (e.g. Though the lesson itself essentially was English Language Arts focused in nature, the idea of jeopardy for any content area or grade level is fully translatable and customizable. Bingo Baker step-by-step directions: I created a Snapguide for how to create and play your Bingo Card.

Corporation of New York: Transforming Teaching & Learning Through Technology by Kathy Seal Fourteen year-old Will Gomez leans back on his chair, stretching away from the black-framed computer screen in front of him. He wears a blue oxford cloth shirt and khakis, and his light brown hair is gelled up into spikey peaks. “Does anyone have a bunch of golf balls?” he tosses out toward the backs of the 20 other students in his physics classroom at San Diego’s High Tech High, who are also seated at computer screens ranged around three of the four classroom walls. “If you convert the volume of the stadium into cubic inches, you would divide that by the volume of the golf ball,” answers Steve James, a tall slim boy with black hair combed back smoothly over his skull. The two teenagers bend over a piece of paper on a table, James talking excitedly as he sketches and scribbles formulas and calculations, Gomez watching. This poster assignment aims to sharpen his students’ “real world critical thinking skills,” says High Tech High physics teacher Jared Schiffman.

iOS-sovellukset - Mobiilisovellukset opetuksessa Applen laitteilla toimivat iOS-käyttöjärjestelmälle luodut sovellukset. Sovellukset ovat ladattavissa AppStoressa. Mikäli haluat hankkia maksullisia sovelluksia, ja käytät iTunes-lahjakortteja maksuvälineenä, toimi näin. (Luottokorttimaksu on myös mahdollinen.) Lisäksi oppilaitoskäytössä VPP ja esim. AirWatch-hallinnointijärjestelmä mahdollistaa isojen määrien helpomman hallinnan. Sovellukset on listattu käyttötarkoituksen mukaan. Kustakin kategoriasta on esitelty yksi hyväksi havaitsemamme sovellus ja sen pedagogiselle käytölle on ideoitu ainakin viisi mahdollisuutta. Sovellusten ohessa on linkattuja videoita niiden käytöstä.

Pop in with BrainPOP By a series of fortuitous events (e.g. a last minute cancellation and a random email), I had the app-ortunity to lead a webinar for BrainPOP on “iProductivity in the iClassroom“. The session covered a few online tools for assessment, tips to preview and preselect apps, shared 17 free apps that can be used to create student products, and culminated with tips for submitting and preparing student work. Andrew from BrainPOP and Me at Mobile 2012 edited with online version of BeFunky The archived webinar can be located through the BrainPOP site. We received some great feedback on the content delivered in the session and I am looking forward to the possibility of delivering a follow-up iPad session over the summer. Thanks again Andrew for the app-ortunity to share my app-thusiasm for iLearning.
