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GenerateIt - Image Generators, Website Tools, CSS Generators

GenerateIt - Image Generators, Website Tools, CSS Generators
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2500 free resources for designers Every designer loves free stuff. So here we bring together 2500 brilliant freebies, covering everything from typography to 3D design, in one mammoth list. We'll update this feature regularly, adding more resources as we find them, so amazingly that number will increase over the coming months and years... Graphic design and illustration freebies Web design freebies Free cheat sheet so you can brand your social media pages with easeGet 500 web design books - they're totally free and available nowDesign your new Twitter header with this free PSD130 CSS and JavaScript tutorials to power up your skills50 superb WordPress tutorials10 top WordPress resourcesHow to build an app: 45 great tutorials 3D design freebies Typography freebies Photoshop freebies 300+ free vector shapes for Photoshop45 free Photoshop brushes every creative must have! Have you spotted a free design resource?

20 meilleures banques d'images gratuites et libres de droits Trouver LA bonne image prend parfois un temps précieux, que l’on pourrait investir ailleurs, comme faire la vaisselle ou sortir pour une simple pause. Choisir une image ne doit jamais se faire à la légère, il faut garder en tête le message que l’on veux faire passer. Que ce soit pour illustrer l’article de son blog, faire une affiche pour la kermesse de son enfant ou bien présenter un projet décisif, chaque image et photographie aura un impact. C’est sur ces deux constats, le temps perdu et l’important d’avoir des images parlantes et de qualités, que j’ai décidé de prendre un peu du mien pour vous proposer : Les 20 meilleures banques d’images gratuites et libres de droits, ainsi d’une liste commentée de plus de 60 autres sites d’images gratuites et parfois libre de tout droit d’auteur. Attention cependant à bien lire les conditions d’utilisation.

The 22 best places to find free vector art online You know that feeling when you're busy in the office or working from home but that piece of work just isn't coming together? You don't have the time to sort something from scratch so you decide to search for some free vector art online – but it's not always easy to find what you're looking for. A good selection of free resources – including free fonts and free vector art – can be a lifesaver for any designer. But more often than not, the process of finding what you need amidst cluttered, confusing pages just adds to the mounting deadline stress. To help you avoid that experience, we've put together a hand-picked guide to the best free vector art resources, including various useful designs you can download in preparation for future projects. 01. Previously known as VectorOpenStock, Vexels still features thousands of free vector graphics and designs, organised into easy-to-browse categories. 02. 03. After a properly retro look and feel for your work? 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 12. 13.

WideText jQuery Plugin I was searching around the internet trying to find a responsive text solution that was lightweight and easy to use. The few that I stumbled upon didn't work exactly how I wanted, or they had too many bells and whistles. As always, I decided to mess around with each one to figure out the best approach I could take to simplify everything and get it working for me. In the end, I managed to put together a tight little jQuery plugin that gets the job done and nothing more. Once you've included jQuery and my jquery.wideText.js file on your page, you can call the WideText function like so... $(window).load( function() { $( '.responsive' ).wideText();} ); Make sure to add this little snippet of CSS to yoru stylesheet so each element is ready to be resized. To avoid seeing your text before it's resized correctly, add visibility: hidden; to the CSS for each element. To see it all working, resize this page and keep an eye on the header text and buttons above.

CSS3 – Des effets avancés de survol d’image | epica design Aujourd’hui, je vais mettre à votre disposition une série de code vous permettant de créer des effets pour vos images lorsque celle-ci sont soumises au survol de la souris. Nous utiliserons des lignes fines, beaucoup d’espace blanc, une typographie propre et des effets subtils. Je ne vous cache rien, ces éléments ne sont pas de moi mais simplement rencontré au détour de mes déambulations sur la toile. Ces réalisations sont Full HTML5 et CSS3, aucun JavaScript n’est utilisé: vous pourrez les intégrer très facilement dans la majorité des éditeurs en ligne de sites dès lors que ceux-ci vous offre la possibilité d’insérer ce type de code. Les techniques utilisées pour ces effets de survol impliquent des transformations 3D et certaines transitions utilisants des pseudo-éléments. Crédits de cet article : source de l’article : Tympanus.netsource des photos : Unsplash.comsource des icones : et pour Feather Icons Mise en place du style CSS de base Lily Code HTML: Code CSS:

10 Awesome Visual, Proven Sitemap Generator Tools For many SEO and web design agencies and consultants, building and submitting a sitemap will often be the first step in a website design project or SEO campaign. Many clients will see a spike in traffic and better SEO results shortly after submitting a sitemap to search engines, making it an important tactic for improving your clients’ website performance. This post includes an overview of what sitemaps are, why they matter, how to generate them, and how to submit them. I hope you find it useful! More on this40 Technical SEO Mistakes — SEMrush Study Post Elena Terenteva #SEOisAEO: The Knowledge Graph - How Well is Google doing in 'understanding the world'? Webinar recorded on Oct 16, 2018 SEMrush Toolkit for SEO Ebook Mar 16, 2018 What is a Sitemap? Why Do Sitemaps Matter? Sitemaps are a core piece of a website and critical to search engine optimization – xml sitemaps allows search engines to easily crawl a website and index each page so that it appears in search engine results.

Making queries Once you’ve created your data models, Django automatically gives you a database-abstraction API that lets you create, retrieve, update and delete objects. This document explains how to use this API. Refer to the data model reference for full details of all the various model lookup options. Throughout this guide (and in the reference), we’ll refer to the following models, which comprise a Weblog application: Retrieving objects¶ To retrieve objects from your database, construct a QuerySet via a Manager on your model class. A QuerySet represents a collection of objects from your database. You get a QuerySet by using your model’s Manager. >>> Blog.objects<django.db.models.manager.Manager object at ...>>>> b = Blog(name='Foo', tagline='Bar')>>> b.objectsTraceback: ...AttributeError: "Manager isn't accessible via Blog instances." Note The Manager is the main source of QuerySets for a model. Retrieving all objects¶ The simplest way to retrieve objects from a table is to get all of them. Example:

8 outils gratuits de Google pour tester les performances de votre site Web Aujourd’hui, j’ai déjeuné avec Laurent. Et devinez quoi, nous avons parlé de Référencement Naturel (SEO). Ca vous étonne, pas moi : L’algorithme de Google est un secret bien gardé. En effet, je confirme. Google propose gratuitement au moins 8 outils à utiliser sans modération pour tester et optimiser le site Web de votre entreprise. Il y a sûrement certains de ces outils que vous ne connaissez pas, et d’autres que vous connaissez sans savoir comment vraiment les utiliser. Dans cet article, je vais non seulement énumérer les meilleurs outils de test de site Web fournis gratuitement par Google, mais aussi essayez de vous convaincre de les utiliser. Et au risque de me répéter : ce sont tous des outils totalement gratuits. L’ordre de présentation est aussi l’ordre dans lequel je vous conseille d’implémenter ces outils au fur et à mesure que vous gagnez en compétence. Êtes-vous prêt(e) à apprendre comment tester, analyser et optimiser votre site web avec les outils gratuits de Google ? 1. 3. 4. 5.

8 different ways to beautifully style your HTML lists with CSS The use of HTML lists (<ol> for an ordered list, <ul> for an unordered list) is very common these days. Today, we're going to look a little bit further than creating regular lists, by showing 8 different ways to beautifully style your HTML lists with CSS. We'll use some pure CSS techniques to make a bored list look awesome (and even have some extra functionality). As a reminder, here's how a default ordered list and a unordered list look like: And check out the demo to see what we're going to create with it. Looks much better, doesn't it? List #1 : Simple navigation The most common use currently for using a list on your web page, is because for navigation. <div id="list1"><ul><li><a href="#">Home</a></li><li><a href="#">Blog</a></li><li><a href="#">About</a></li><li><a href="#">Contact</a></li></ul></div> List #2 : Different font for numbering The problem with lists, is that you can't make the looks of the list be different than from the text. List #3 : Image bullets List #5 : Nested lists

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