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Survival English for Travelers

Survival English for Travelers
A Basic EFL Course with lesson plans and activities - By Yoda Schmidt Recently, I was asked to teach a one week course to some EFL students at a college near where I work. The course aim was to prepare the students for going to New Zealand for 6 weeks as language exchange students. I was told (and expected) that their level was going to be very low: false beginners, but just barely. Some true beginners in the mix for sure. When I walked into the class, I said a very casual, "How's it going?" Nothing. A look of relief on their faces as they replied, "Fine. OK. What follows is a course outline complete with lesson plans and activities for teaching some very basic functions that they may need immediately on arrival in an English speaking country or even a country where the level of English as a second language is quite high. Classroom English: A Card Activity. What to Say When You Don't Understand Someone This is actually not my lesson plan. Making Introductions: A Line-up How Much Is It? Related:  10carlaeikaiwa

Tourism English- Getting Around Tourism English: Getting Around This is a final project of TSL 6372, materials for use in teaching Tourism English at the English Language Institute. The topic in this page focuses on making trip arrangement by car, air, bus, rail, and sea and things related to travel agents or tour guide. Teachers can find not only online activities but also teaching ideas in a traditional classroom setting without technology. I suppose that target students' English skills are intermediate or above and they study Tourism in their college. By In-Kyung Yang Transportation in the U.S. Teaching Tips : Discuss different modes of transportation available in the United States with your students. Webquest : A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. Proposal For Your Senior Trip : This webquest was designed for high school students to design a proposal for their senior trip to Orlando. Travel Articles in the U.S.

flashmobELT #2 "Flight to Rubovia" This is an exercise I discovered while preparing for my FTBE exam. I liked the idea - it's very student-centered, TTT is not a necessity. What is more, I have been struggling with reducing TTT for a while (I am not much of a chatterbox, but sometimes I just use sooo many words to explain simple things, especially when I see my passive, German students). Back to business. Firstly, tell your Ss about a country called Rubovia (of course it does not exist, so it's a totally imaginary situation.) Ss board a flight to Rubovia (business trip) and they happen to sit next to a Rubovian (male / female). In my opinion, it is a teaching bestseller :) Ss practice asking questions, talking to a stranger, responding to questions, a little bit of small talk. Thank you for reading! @LearnStrong @jestemolga - Find out the meanings of common sayings LearnEnglish Podcasts on the App Store The Best Resources For Using Art As A Way To Teach & Learn English – Help Me Find More I have periodically shared links to lessons on using art as a language-learning activity, and have published some of my own. I thought it would be useful to start compiling them here, and to invite readers to contribute what I hope are a whole lot more. I’m excluding music lessons from this list since I have several separate ones for them: The Best Music Websites For Learning EnglishThe Best Online Sites For Creating MusicThe Best Online Karaoke Sites For English Language LearnersNot “The Best,” But “A List” Of Music SitesThe Best Places To Find Lyrics On The WebThe Best Sites For Ideas On Making Simple Musical Instruments You might also be interested in The Best Resources Discussing The Importance Of Art In Education — Help Me Find More. Here is a beginning Best Resources For Using Art As A Way To Teach & Learn English: Videos: Using Art As A Language-Learning Activity Using art in the classroom is from ELT-Cation. Five Reasons to Teach English Using Art

Growth mindset Search Slidestory All Categories TIC en la educación Esta presentación te permitirá reflexionar acerca de los cambios que han respresentado las TIC a nivel educativo. Feb 17, 2016 7 1:17 minutes 10 Intriguing Photographs to Teach Close Reading and Visual Thinking Skills Photo Updated, March 17, 2016 | We have published a companion piece: “8 Compelling Mini-Documentaries to Teach Close Reading and Critical Thinking Skills.” Ever want your students to slow down and notice details when they read — whether they’re perusing a book, a poem, a map or a political cartoon? Young people often want to hurry up and make meaning via a quick skim or a cursory glance when a text can demand patience and focus. Closely reading any text, whether written or visual, requires that students proceed more slowly and methodically, noticing details, making connections and asking questions. We’ve selected 10 photos from The Times that we’ve used previously in our weekly “What’s Going On in This Picture?” Below, we offer ideas from students and teachers who have engaged with these images for ways to use them, or images like them, to teach close reading and visual thinking skills. 1. I stumbled across your site while looking for alternate ideas. 2. You can use our “What’s Going On?”

Life on Scilly – pedagogfredrik Den här serien från UR är helt underbar. I sex avsnitt får vi följa ungdomarna Tom, Amy, Harry, Shamus och Jess. Vi får följa deras liv, tankar, drömmar, skola, hobbies och mycket annat från deras liv på de vacka Scillyöarna utanför Englands sydvästkust. Varje avsnitt är ca 15 minuter och man kan välja om man vill ha svensk, engelsk, eller ingen text. Jag har använt den här serien till åk 6, 7, 8 och 9. Eleverna får lyssna på engelsktalande ungdomarEleverna får kännedom/kunskaper om företeelser och sammanhang i ett område där engelskan talas som modersmålEleverna kan känna igen egna tankar och känslorDet finns färdigt arbetsmaterial med varierat innehåll, inkl lärarhandledningMaterialet är lätt att anpassa till den unika elevgrupp man för tillfället harDet är lätt att jobba digitalt med arbetsmaterialetDet finns hörförståelseuppgifter till varje avsnitt På mitt förra jobb körde jag den här serien i min specialundervisning jag hade med elever i åk 7-9. Where is it?  How big is it?
