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12 Recursos y herramientas para crear las mejores infografías

12 Recursos y herramientas para crear las mejores infografías
Hace un par de años atrás crear una infografía necesitaba, además de tiempo, de una habilidad especial en el manejo de programas como Photoshop. Hoy en día eso ha cambiado totalmente. Hoy existen herramientas y recursos gratuitos que nos permiten crear infografías deuna forma muy fácil y rápida. Pero como dice el dicho, no es solo soplar y hacer botellas. Primero elegimos que aplicación usaremos. A continuación tienen varias aplicaciones web y luego recursos que pueden utilizar para incluir en la infografía para que sea más atractiva visualmente hablando. Aplicaciones en línea para crear Infografías Piktochart Creately Recursos para usar en una Infografía Los siguientes recursos incluyen diagramas, visualizaciones, clipart, fotografías libres de derechos y otros recursos más que pueden llegar a utilizar en una infografía. Hohli Chartsbin IconsPedia The Ultimate Free Stock Photo Search Many Eyes Free Vector Infographic Kit Gliffy Acerca de Hector Russo Related:  Infografiak

Cómo crear bellas infografías sin saber diseño gráfico Las infografías son representaciones visuales de información, datos o conocimientos. Se han hecho muy populares en Internet ya que estos gráficos nos permiten captar y comprender rápidamente conceptos difíciles. Nuestro cerebro está especialmente diseñado para el análisis visual combinando imágenes con datos. Las visualizaciones ayudan a transmitir conocimientos de una forma más eficaz que si utilizáramos simplemente texto y números, con lo que pueden ser de gran utilidad en el aula. Hace unos años, la creación de infografías estaba limitada a académicos, empresas e instituciones gubernamentales, quienes tenían acceso a gran cantidad de datos y a diseñadores gráficos. Con ellas los alumnos pueden aprender a presentar una gran cantidad de datos de una forma creativa y divertida, más allá del típico powerpoint. 1. Piktochart es una aplicación web que permite crear bellas infografías a partir de unas plantillas y objetos que se añaden con un simple arrastrar y soltar. 3. 4. 5.

Dazzle your data handling class with an infographic project Infographics are: fun, informative, inspiring, thought-provoking, knowledge-enhancing, stimulating and above all, engaging. If you don’t know what an infographic is, it’s the fusion of graphic design, with data handling. An infographic takes some data and turns it into an attractive poster which uses a variety of data representation techniques to communicate the message that emerges from the data. A nice example is the infographic below that compares the size of historic volcanic eruptions with the number of fatalities caused. Click on the image to see it full-size. For a rich resource of infographics visit the website by clicking here. I believe the use of infographics within teaching maths to be a great way to approach a data handling topic. I’ve blogged in a previous post about this fantastic Facebook infographic that looks at users’ habits. Enjoy!

How Khan Academy is using Machine Learning to Assess Student Mastery | David Hu See discussion on Hacker News and Reddit. The Khan Academy is well known for its extensive library of over 2600 video lessons. It should also be known for its rapidly-growing set of now 225 exercises — outnumbering stitches on a baseball — with close to 2 million problems done each day. To determine when a student has finished a certain exercise, we award proficiency to a user who has answered at least 10 problems in a row correctly — known as a streak. Proficiency manifests itself as a gold star, a green patch on teachers’ dashboards, a requirement for some badges (eg. gain 3 proficiencies), and a bounty of “energy” points. Basically, it means we think you’ve mastered the concept and can move on in your quest to know everything. It turns out that the streak model has serious flaws. First, if we define proficiency as your chance of getting the next problem correct being above a certain threshold, then the streak becomes a poor binary classifier. In Search of a Better Model to this: . . . .

The Best Resources For Creating Infographics | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... Infographics are visual representations of data design to help communicate information clearly. They are great for English Language Learners, and the rest of us, too! The information can also be either serious or humorous. To see examples of some of the best ones, you can visit: The Best Infographics — 2010 The Best Interactive Infographics — 2009 You can find even more at The Best Sources For Interactive Infographics and A Collection Of “The Best…” Lists On Infographics. Of course, you don’t need online resources to have students create their own infographics that can be used towards achieving numerous learning outcomes, as I recently posted about at What A Great Infographic To Use As A Model For Students. However, creating them online can also be both useful and fun — for both teachers and students. Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Creating Infographics: I’m going to start-off with some of my previous “The Best…” lists, including: The Best Tools To Make Simple Graphs Online

'Badges' Earned Online Pose Challenge to Traditional College Diplomas - College 2.0 By Jeffrey R. Young The spread of a seemingly playful alternative to traditional diplomas, inspired by Boy Scout achievement patches and video-game power-ups, suggests that the standard certification system no longer works in today's fast-changing job market. Educational upstarts across the Web are adopting systems of "badges" to certify skills and abilities. At the free online-education provider Khan Academy, for instance, students get a "Great Listener" badge for watching 30 minutes of videos from its collection of thousands of short educational clips. Traditional colleges and universities are considering badges and other alternative credentials as well. MIT also has an arrangement with a company called OpenStudy, which runs online study groups, to give online badges to students who give consistently useful answers in discussion forums set up around the free lecture materials the university has long posted as part of its OpenCourseWare project. The Lure of the Badge Credential Overload?

The Biggest Shift Since the Industrial Revolution [Infographic] You’ve probably already seen this great infographic on social media from by If not, take a look at the staggering statistics on the social media shift. Look at everything that has happened in the past 5 years. What do these numbers mean for educators? The easy answer is that it should not be able to ignore such a societal shift by filtering, banning or whatever you’d like to call it policies. It’s hard to believe the evolution (revolution) of social media in the past 5 years. As I looked through the infographic, the most surprising statistic for me was finding out that 80% of Twitter usage is on mobile devices. Even if your district does not support social media integration, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it on your own time. (infographic created by

A Tech-Happy Professor Reboots After Hearing His Teaching Advice Isn't Working - Technology By Jeffrey R. Young Michael Wesch has been on the lecture circuit for years touting new models of active teaching with technology. The associate professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University has given TED talks. The professor's popular talks have detailed his experiments teaching with Twitter, YouTube videos, collaborative Google Docs—and they present a general critique of the chalk-and-talk lecture as outmoded. To be fair, Mr. Then a frustrated colleague approached him after one of his talks: "I implemented your idea, and it just didn't work," Mr. It was not an isolated incident. Mr. Learning From an 'Old Fogy' Christopher Sorensen also teaches at Kansas State University, and he too has been named a national teacher of the year. "You could say I'm an old fogy," he tells me sheepishly. Exactly how he connects with a roomful of students is unclear to him, but he senses that it happens. Mr. "The way I look at it is, I've plowed the ground," he says. Meanwhile, when Mr.

Eight Free tools for Teachers to Make Awesome Infographics 1- This is a great tool that allows users to create visually rich infographics from pre-designed themes. It is very easy to use and only drag and drop. It actually supports Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. 2- Stat Planet This one here allows users to create amazing visualisations and share them with others. It can be used either within your browser or download the software for free. 3- Hohli This is an awesome chart maker. 4- Creately This is also a great tool in creating diagrams and flow charts. 5- Many Eyes This is one of the easiest of them all. 6- Wordle This is a text based visualisation tool. 7- Tableau This works just on Windows. 8- Inkspace This is also a free infographic creation tool.
