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10 herramientas gratuitas para hacer excelentes Infografías.

10 herramientas gratuitas para hacer excelentes Infografías.
Hace un par de años atrás crear una infografía necesitaba, además de tiempo, de una habilidad especial en el manejo de programas como Photoshop. Hoy en día eso ha cambiado totalmente. Hoy existen herramientas y recursos gratuitos que nos permiten crear infografías deuna forma muy fácil y rápida. Pero como dice el dicho, no es solo soplar y hacer botellas. El elemento principal es el contenido. Debemos definir bien que es lo que queremos mostrar y tener en material necesario. Primero elegimos que aplicación usaremos. A continuación tienen varias aplicaciones web y luego recursos que pueden utilizar para incluir en la infografía para que sea más atractiva visualmente hablando. Aplicaciones en línea para crear Infografías Piktochart Creately Recursos para usar en una Infografía Los siguientes recursos incluyen diagramas, visualizaciones, clipart, fotografías libres de derechos y otros recursos más que pueden llegar a utilizar en una infografía. Hohli Chartsbin IconsPedia Related:  Infografiak

Cool Infographics - Blog Dazzle your data handling class with an infographic project Infographics are: fun, informative, inspiring, thought-provoking, knowledge-enhancing, stimulating and above all, engaging. If you don’t know what an infographic is, it’s the fusion of graphic design, with data handling. An infographic takes some data and turns it into an attractive poster which uses a variety of data representation techniques to communicate the message that emerges from the data. A nice example is the infographic below that compares the size of historic volcanic eruptions with the number of fatalities caused. Click on the image to see it full-size. Image taken from web/1006/biggest-volcanoes/flat.html For a rich resource of infographics visit the website by clicking here. I believe the use of infographics within teaching maths to be a great way to approach a data handling topic. I’ve blogged in a previous post about this fantastic Facebook infographic that looks at users’ habits. Enjoy!

Primary English Ello. Find a great variety of listening games for beginners. Some easy listenings for kids. Adele’s Corner Easy online listening activities with blank filling exercises. English listening skills learning for beginners includes English listening comprehension exercises for basic listening skills such as the alphabet, numbers and simple dialogues. In ESLPod you’ll find lots of listenings some of them useful for primary students English on line is a resource site for French students of English with some easy dictations. taped dictations to improve your listening skils. A blog full of podcasts for people learning english. An interesting site with oral ‘postcards’ from different English speaking communities. General listening quizzes with levels of difficulty. La Mansion del Ingles listening resources divided up in three levels of difficulty. This is a paying site with some sample listenings if you subscribe for free. Blog with a variety of graded podcasts.

Una docena de herramientas gratuitas para hacer infografías Las infografías están de moda. Y no lo están por ser bonitas, que lo son, sino porque, como bien dice el refrán, vale más una imagen que mil palabras. En concreto, los últimos informes dicen que una infografía tiene entre treinta y cuarenta veces más posibilidades que un simple texto de ser vista y compartida. Además entra en juego la superabundancia de información, conocida como infoxicación. Estamos saturados de leer textos y cualquier cosa que haga que esta información que consumimos sea más digerible, mejor que mejor. Simplicidad: menos es más. Vamos allá: 1. Esta aplicación permite crear infografías a partir de la información que hay en tus propias cuentas de Twitter o Facebook. 2.Piktochart Una aplicación que en su versión gratuita dispone de tres plantillas bastante personalizables para crear tus propias infografías de una forma sencilla e intuitiva. 3. 4. Un clásico de las herramientas online para realizar gráficos y diagramas. 5. Otro clásico, la verdad. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

The Best Resources For Creating Infographics | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... Infographics are visual representations of data design to help communicate information clearly. They are great for English Language Learners, and the rest of us, too! The information can also be either serious or humorous. To see examples of some of the best ones, you can visit: The Best Infographics — 2010 The Best Interactive Infographics — 2009 You can find even more at The Best Sources For Interactive Infographics and A Collection Of “The Best…” Lists On Infographics. Of course, you don’t need online resources to have students create their own infographics that can be used towards achieving numerous learning outcomes, as I recently posted about at What A Great Infographic To Use As A Model For Students. However, creating them online can also be both useful and fun — for both teachers and students. Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Creating Infographics: I’m going to start-off with some of my previous “The Best…” lists, including: The Best Tools To Make Simple Graphs Online

10 Tools for Digital Storytelling in Class Digital storytelling is simply using computer-based tools to tell stories. There are many different ways to do this – from making movies, recording voices, creating animations or electronic books. In schools they can help to take a task that might be seen as mundane – write a report, write a story, explain a process, describe an experiment – and turn it into something a whole lot more interesting. There are a great many tools out there that could be used for digital storytelling. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. For more help and information on Digital Storytelling, take a look at this site from the University of Houston and for more tools you really need to take a look at Alan Levine (CogDogRoo) 50 web2.0 Ways to tell a Story wiki. Got any favourites?

The Biggest Shift Since the Industrial Revolution [Infographic] You’ve probably already seen this great infographic on social media from by If not, take a look at the staggering statistics on the social media shift. Look at everything that has happened in the past 5 years. It’s hard to believe the evolution (revolution) of social media in the past 5 years. As I looked through the infographic, the most surprising statistic for me was finding out that 80% of Twitter usage is on mobile devices. Even if your district does not support social media integration, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it on your own time. (infographic created by
