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Text Messaging, Chat Abbreviations and Smiley Faces - Webopedia

Text Messaging, Chat Abbreviations and Smiley Faces - Webopedia
Updated November 16, 2016 / Posted March 01, 2004 By Vangie Beal This chat guide lists more than 1,460 text message and online chat abbreviations to help you translate today's texting lingo. With the popularity and rise in use of online text-based communications came the emergence of a new texting language, tailored to the immediacy and compactness of these new communication media. While it does seem incredible that there are thousands of text abbreviations, keep in mind that different chat abbreviations are used by different groups of people. Top 10 Text Abbreviations According to search query data the following 10 text abbreviations are the most requested chat definitions: What does rofl mean? List of 1,461 Online Chat and Text Message Abbreviations To keep our chat guide user-friendly for all ages, some inappropriate words have been edited to include an alternate meaning. Numbers & Characters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The History of Text Messaging Related:  Communication Systems, Means, & Memes

An Interactive Mind Map Made With Thinglink This morning I saw a Tweet from Thinglink Edu about an interactive image of examples of uses of Thinglink in education. One of the examples was this interactive mind map created by Phillipe Packu. The mind map is a drawing that was uploaded to Thinglink then pinned with videos, images, audio files, and links to example each part of the mind map. I've embedded the mind map below. Applications for Education I've written about Thinglink a bunch of times because I think that it can be a very useful tool for students to tag and identify important elements in images. Scorecard Home Tempoic Imprint: The Fingerprint of Speech Every individual speaks at a different pace. The pace of the individual’s speech is highly idiosyncratic, allowing for only superficial similarities to others, at best. Truly, it can be said with full confidence that an individual’s speech patterns are akin to a fingerprint. The pace and timing of one’s words give some insight as to the nature of the individual’s thought connectivity. However, this tempoic imprint, particular to the individual, may indeed become compromised by inner and outer interferences. Consider, for instance, how you relate to your employer. But consider what happens when your boss crosses a certain line. We fear that if we upset our bosses, we will lose our jobs and as a result, lose the health insurance that is taking care of our sick children. Related Social Rejects Are More Creative Most of the outliers know that being strange, unique, and original has always been advantageous to creative ingenuity and discovery. Sep 17, 2012 In "News"

elt-resourceful | Full of tips and ideas for creating ELT and ESOL resources Business Models – David Crow A business model is a method of doing business. All business models specify what a company does to create value, how it is situated among upstream and downstream partners in the value chain and the type of arrangement it has with its customers to generate revenue. – Michael Rappa Software+Services and SaaS models have been discussed for while, mostly called utility computing. We’ve started to see the rise of utility computing services like EC2, App Engine and Reddog, along with storage including S3, CloudFS, and SSDS. Less traditionally thought of utility computing options include mapping, contacts, mail, among other services pushed in to the cloud. users consider the service a necessity high reliability of service is critical ease of use is a significant factor the ability to fully utilize capacity is limited services are scalable and benefit from economies of scale exclusive rights are granted for providing service in a given area

The Official U.S. Highway Sign Font Is Changing From Clearview to Highway Gothic In a notice posted in the Federal Register on Monday, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration announced a small change that has huge implications for the nation. The agency terminated an order it had issued back in 2004 approving the use of a new font in highway signs. Now those signs are going to change. Again. By ending its “Interim Approval for Use of Clearview Font for Positive Contrast Legends on Guide Signs,” the FHWA reversed its position on Clearview, a font developed to improve highway-sign legibility on the roads. Just 12 years later, the FHWA is changing course: Highway Gothic is the only font for U.S. highways going forward. The announcement took Donald Meeker by complete surprise. “It’s unfortunate. A new font for older drivers Clearview was made to improve upon its predecessor, a 1940s font called Highway Gothic, at a time when an aging Baby Boomer generation meant lots of older drivers on the road. At the time, the FHWA agreed. An about-(type)face Was everyone wrong?

Wyatt, Rawdon - Check Your Vocabulary for TOEFL Exercise 1Look at these sentences and decide if the statement which follows each one is true or false. Use thewords and expressions in bold to help you decide. General Vocabulary Changes 1. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people living in the country. 2. steady decrease in the number of people out of work. 3. deterioration in the national road system. 4. decline in the number of exam passes. 5. weakening of the dollar. 6. tightening up of border controls. 7. We're running down our stocks of coal. 8. constant rise in the rate of inflation. 9. sharp fall in the pass rate. 10. The alliance are going to build up the number of weapons they have. 11. growth in industrial activity. 12. relaxation of the rules. 13. narrowing of the gap between those working in different sectors of the economy. 14. Some management roles are going to be phased out 15. There has been an upward trend in the number of people shopping in small local stores. 16. There has been marked progress in her English. 17. general improvement 18.

Carboniq - pour concilier énergie et environnement - stratégie carbone lifehack Actual phone calls are being made less and less with every day, and mostly in cases where there is a truly intimate connection or an emergency. Instead, texting has taken over. Everyone, from young to old, is using texting as their main means of communication, whether it is via SMS, Facebook or Whatsapp, using either their phones or a version of the app on their computer. Even though it is a cool and easy way to reach someone, people still have problems grasping the unwritten rules and manners of texting. 1. Be a good person and respond swiftly. You do not have to do it the same second, but don’t wait for hours or days either. If you are not convinced yet, ask yourself if you would like this to happen to you. 2. OK, Dostoyevsky, calm down! If your friend asked you to go for coffee, just answer yes or no, and maybe agree on the details in case you are meeting. Oh, and one more thing, “K” is not an acceptable answer in any situation. 3. If you are an adult, try to act like it. 4. 5. 6.

Как выучить английские неправильные глаголы Английский язык всё больше и больше приобретает статус международного. Его учат в странах Евросоюза, России, Китае. Со знанием английского языка проще устроиться на хорошую работу. Возможно, секрет в том, что это - язык ведущих стран мира. А возможно, в том, что он достаточно прост и структурирован. Что это такое? Все глаголы в английском языке имеют три формы, которые формируются благодаря несложным правилам. С какой стороны подойти? Существует несколько мнений. Тем, кому отступать поздно и некуда, остаётся запастись терпением, выбрать себе подходящий метод обучения и смело двигаться вперёд! Метод рифмования. Этот метод основан на том, что большинство неправильных глаголов можно зарифмовать. come – came — come become – became – become speak — spoke — spoken break — broke – broken Те неправильные глаголы, которые не удалось зарифмовать с себе подобными, прекрасно рифмуются со строчками на русском языке. Проверить себя: сделать тест на неправильные глаголы из этого стишка Группа 1. Группа 2.

A 90/10 Rule for Web Marketing? | Zen of Digital Brand We’ve all heard of the 80/20 rule, applied to myriad business outlooks. Interesting thing is, I continually encounter even more extreme percentage break-downs in studies and articles on Web marketing. Specifically for now I reference two research briefs presented on “Twittering to Keep Current,” and “8% of Internet Users Account for 85% of all Clicks” (both by Jack Loechner). A great case for this was the original Apple/AT&T iPhone launch. But there might be a twisted logic to this accelerated negativity and response. Like this: Like Loading...

From sexual liberation to liberation from sex Young people are forever shocking their elders, and elders, however shocking they themselves may have been to their own elders once upon a time, never fail to play their generation’s perennial role of shocked onlookers to shocking youthful behavior of one sort or another. Not very long ago, well within living memory, parents found their children’s sexual behavior shocking. Sex was so open, so free, so ubiquitous, so uninhibitedly taken for granted. No hiding, no guilt, no confining it against nature within institutional straitjackets like marriage. Half a century later, kids are still shocking and elders still shocked, but for shockingly different reasons. The Asahi Shimbun has lately been running a series of reports on what it’s like to be 18 in a country no longer young. The first two may go some way toward explaining the third. Parents. But they have met. Take bathing. What’s wrong with it? A separate article in the Asahi series looks at another aspect of parent-child intimacy.

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