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Framework for 21st Century Learning

Framework for 21st Century Learning
Related:  éducation politique éducative

What Are 21st-Century Skills? Learning to collaborate with others and connect through technology are essential skills in a knowledge-based economy. ATC21S started with a group of more than 250 researchers across 60 institutions worldwide who categorized 21st-century skills internationally into four broad categories: Ways of thinking. Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learningWays of working. Communication and collaborationTools for working. The ATC21S project has now moved from conceptual to practical, working with two skills that span all four categories: Collaborative problem-solving.

Show Me Your Badge The picture is a digital badge, a new type of credential being developed by some of the most prominent businesses and learning organizations in the world, including Purdue, Carnegie Mellon, the University of California, the Smithsonian, Intel and Disney-Pixar. The badge movement is being spearheaded by the Mozilla Foundation, best known for inventing the free Firefox Web browser, the choice of nearly one-quarter of all Internet users worldwide. While they may appear to be just images, digital badges are actually portals that lead to large amounts of information about what their bearers know and can do. They are also being used to improve education itself, by borrowing techniques from video games that keep users playing, until they advance to the next level. Badges are gaining currency at the same time that a growing number of elite universities have begun offering free or low-cost, noncredit courses to anyone with access to the Internet and a desire to learn.

Partnership for 21st Century Skills NEA is a founding member of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, a national advocacy organization that encourages schools, districts, and states to infuse technology into education -- and provides tools and resources to facilitate that effort. The six elements of 21st century learning are: Emphasize core subjects Emphasize learning skills Use 21st century tools to develop learning skills Teach and learn in a 21st century context Teach and learn new 21st century content Use 21st century assessments that measure core subjects and 21st century skills Resources Developed by the Partnership Route 21: An Interactive Guide to 21st Century Learning - Web tool that provides a one-stop-shop for 21st century skills-related information, resources, and community tools. Related Link Results That Matter: 21st Century Skills and High School Reform - This March 2006 report from The Partnership for 21st Century Skills presents three fundamental ideas about high school reform.

L’école à l’ère numérique : une question de pédagogie! « Pédago 21 Contexte Depuis quelques années déjà, l’ère numérique suscite des discussions sur l’avenir de l’éducation. Discussions qui remettent en question le modèle industriel actuel de notre système, vu la diminution continue de l’engagement des élèves et la nature évolutive de notre société de plus en plus mondiale. Points d’entrée La dernière décennie a donc donné naissance à diverses approches pédagogiques novatrices. Pédagogie efficace! Mais attention ! Notre cible : faire différemment Alors oui, attention ! Des lunettes pour voir différemment Les 4 métaphores pour illustrer où l’apprentissage a lieu est un document adapté (traduction libre) de Spaces and Places (via @FrTurpin). En pensant à vos expériences personnelles, qu’est-ce qui vous a permis de faire des apprentissages durables et profonds ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 Questions du #Claved du 10 octobre 2012 #Q1 : En tenant compte de l’élève de l’ère numérique, comment ces 4 métaphores peuvent-elles guider votre planification pédagogique ? Like this: - Limited English Proficiency (LEP): A federal Interagency Website How the Internet is Revolutionizing Education - TNW Industry As connection speeds increase and the ubiquity of the Internet pervades, digital content reigns. And in this era, free education has never been so accessible. The Web gives lifelong learners the tools to become autodidacts, eschewing exorbitant tuition and joining the ranks of other self-taught great thinkers in history such as Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Paul Allen and Ernest Hemingway. “Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” -Albert Einstein 10 years ago in April 2001, Charles M. He says, “I think there’s a wide array of reasons why faculty should be engaged in recording and publishing lectures online. So. Some of the biggest names in tech are coming to TNW Conference in Amsterdam this May. Both Yale and Stanford have followed suit, and even Harvard has jumped on board in the last two years. Open Culture Should knowledge should be open to all to both use and contribute to? Khan Academy Watch more about The Khan Academy here. Skillshare

L'École numérique » Boîtiers de vote et de réponse : au service de l’interactivité Aujourd’hui, les boîtiers ont leur place dans l’enseignement, notamment pour faire participer tous les élèves. Cet outil peut être un moyen d’améliorer l’interactivité de séquences définies, de favoriser la motivation des élèves, de recueillir instantanément les réponses d’une classe et non de quelques volontaires et d’informer rapidement le professeur sur leurs erreurs. Les boîtiers de vote Les boîtiers de vote permettent d’interroger les élèves d’une manière simple sous forme de questionnaire à choix multiples (QCM). Ces boîtiers présentent souvent cinq boutons indiquant un chiffre et/ou une lettre (1/A), un autre pour allumer et éteindre l’appareil, un bouton pour valider. Les avantages La facilité et la rapidité de l’exercice. L’affichage possible de la réponse permet à l’interrogé de reconnaître son erreur et de progresser. Il existe deux types de boîtiers de vote, l’un associé à un ordinateur par liaison radio (récepteur USB), l’autre sans aucun lien. Les boîtiers de réponse

5 Tips and Tools for the Tech Terrified Teacher By Marisa Kaplan May 24, 2012 11:28 am I left the classroom in September to pursue my interest in education innovation and technology. It saddens me that I had to leave the classroom to pursue these interests but while I was in the classroom, I found myself overloaded with responsibilities. At points I felt that my teaching practice was confined to my city, my school, or worse, the four walls of my classroom. There are two kinds of teachers today, the tech guru and the tech terrified. Rhena shared about how intimidating and overwhelming it was to be in a room full of “techies.” Over the past two years, I have gone through a transformation process. 5 Tips for the Tech Terrified Teacher Remember, it’s not about you! 5 Simple Tech Tools for the Tech Terrified Teacher: A starting point Get a Gmail account! Until we actively start addressing the discomfort that teachers like Rhena feel in the edtech space, we will not be successful in moving our teachers or students into the 21st Century. 1.

Les TIC et l’école du 21e siècle : un changement de paradigme qui s’impose… Clause de désistement – Le texte ci-dessous représente mes opinions personnels et pas nécessairement ceux de mon employeur. J’assume entière responsabilité des propos qu’on y retrouve. Je reconnais toutefois la grande contribution de quelques collègues et amis; Lucie, Robert, Sylvie, Patricia, Rino, Jocelyne, Marc-André, Alain, Laurie et d’autres. Les TIC et l’école du 21e siècle : un changement de paradigme qui s’impose… Préambule – L’urgence d’agir… «En cinq ans, le Canada est passé du 9e au… 19e rang mondial en matière de technologies de l’information et des communications. « Les gouvernements du monde entier craignent que l’accès inégal à Internet n’amplifie les écarts sociaux et économiques entre les particuliers, les entreprises, les régions et les nations. » L’économie numérique au Canada, Industrie Canada[2] Un monde qui change et qui continuera de changer QUI sont nos jeunes? Repenser l’école = Ce n’est pas en améliorant la chandelle qu’on a inventé l’ampoule électrique! Le «plan»…

Teaching Tips Year-round teaching tips Activities for NewcomersWhen brand new English language learners first enter your school, it can be overwhelming for the teachers responsible for their instruction. It's hard to know what to do first. Here are some activity-based tips to get you started. Includes classroom resource picks. August 1, 2011 #ELLCHATAt the August 1st #ELLCHAT, we discussed free and inexpensive resources for teachers of English language learners. August 15th #ELLCHAT Resources on Parent EngagementOn August 15th #ELLCHAT discussed how to increase parent engagement in our schools. August 8th Twitter Resources on Co-TeachingThanks to Karen Nemeth for leading the August 8th #ELLCHAT on strategies for co-teaching and collaborating. Bloom's taxonomy and English language learnersYour English language learners should be developing thinking skills as they acquire English. Collaborative Teaching: Are Two Teachers Better Than One? Comprehensible Input and OutputHow do newcomers learn English? What!

What is 21st Century Education Revised August 2008. Your Assignment, Should You Choose to Accept It . . . Like Alice, many educators, policy makers and even the general public respond resoundingly with "That's impossible!" when challenged to adopt a new paradigm of education for the 21st century. Web 2.0 and new Social Communities Dr. What is 21st century curriculum? What does all this mean for how we design and build schools? 1. References Kellner, Douglas; New Media and New Literacies: Reconstructing Education for the New Millennium Grant, Jodi, Director of the After School Alliance; Fourteen Million Kids, Unsupervised McLeod, Scott, Dangerously Irrelevant Time, Learning and Afterschool Task Force, A New Day for Learning Belasco, James A., Teaching the Elephant to Dance, 1991 Wesch, Michael, Ph.

ē.l@b | Laboratoire. Éducation. Numérique Qui sommes nous ? Acteurs du monde éducatif, de l’école primaire à l’université, nous avons voulu sortir de notre isolement pour échanger sur nos pratiques pédagogiques. Nous avons besoin d’avoir une vision globale et commune de l’École et d’expérimenter pour innover. Convaincus d’avoir chacun à apprendre des autres, et tant à imaginer encore pour inventer l’école de la société numérique, nous avons donc décidé de créer ensemble e.l@b. Missions Que voulons nous faire ? Comment allons-nous faire ? Nous allons bien entendu nous appuyer sur des outils numériques pour mettre en contact, développer l’entraide et la collaboration, publier, former et informer, fédérer les énergies autour de ce projet. L’équipe d’animateurs de l’association Président : Guillaume Touzé Vice président(e)s : Emmanuel Gunther, Stéphanie de Vanssay, Christine Vallin, Ghislain Dominé Trésorière : Caroline Jouneau-Sion Le CA est composé de : Jérôme Staub Caroline Jouneau-Sion Géraldine Duboz Emmanuel Gunther Sylvain Pérot

Developing Questions for Critical Thinking “Education must be increasingly concerned about the fullest development of all children and youth, and it will be the responsibility of the schools to seek learning conditions which will enable each individual to reach the highest level of learning possible.” Benjamin Bloom Handbook on Formative and Summative Evaluation of Student Learning Bloom’s original taxonomy (developed in the 1950's) divided the way people learn into three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. In the 1990's Lorin Anderson, a former student of Bloom revised the original cognitive domain. The revised taxonomy is preferred by some educators as a more authentic tool for curriculum planning, instructional delivery, and assessment.
