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Online Resources for Math - Algebra, Trigonometric, Geometry, Calculus, Boolean Algebra, Probability, Decimal, Fraction, Permutations and Combinations

Online Resources for Math - Algebra, Trigonometric, Geometry, Calculus, Boolean Algebra, Probability, Decimal, Fraction, Permutations and Combinations
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Interactive Teaching Programs Mathematics - free teacher resources for every UK primary school teaching topic A collection of Maths tools for the whiteboard. Developed by the National Numeracy Strategy, they seem to have fallen out of favour lately and are very hard to find on the monstrous DCSF website. Which is where TopicBox comes in... Area Click 'Run Area 2.2' to get started. View now Calculating Angles Click 'Run Calculating Angles' to get started.This ITP allows you to place… View now Coordinates Click 'Run Co-ordinates 1.1' to get started.This ITP allows you to use a ma… View now Count On Click 'Run Counting on and back 1.1' to get started.This ITP simulates a 10… View now Data Handling Click 'Run Data handling 2.9' to get started. View now Decimal Number Line Click 'Run Decimal number line 0.5' to get started.This ITP allows you to s… View now Difference Click 'Run Difference 1.2' to get started.This ITP allows you to compare tw… View now Division Grid Click 'Run Division Grid 0.9' to get started.This ITP allows you to model l… View now Fixing Points View now Fractions View now Grouping View now Isometric Grid

ANGELO - Allenatore Numerico Generale e Loquace Istruzioni per l'uso Scegli su quale tipo di esercizio vuoi allenarti. Le domande compaiono nel rettangolo bianco in cima alla pagina. Clicca sui pulsanti del pannello-risposte per dare le tue risposte. Ci sono le dieci cifre e altri simboli: V = Vero F = Falso ^ = Eleva a potenza; per esempio, 3^2 = 32 / = Linea di frazione Per correggere una risposta, clicca su "Cancella" Per inserire la risposta, clicca su "Ok" In qualunque momento puoi cambiare il tipo di esercizio; clicca prima su un tipo di esercizio e poi su "Cambia esercizio". Per avere una valutazione del test, clicca su "Valutazione". Nota: Questa pagina si basa su un programma javascript. Potete scaricare la pagina sul vostro computer e utilizzarla anche senza essere collegati a internet. Vi prego di segnalarmi eventuali errori. Diario dei cambiamenti (change log) 18 marzo 2011 - Versione 0.3 beta Risolto il bug che considerava una risposta vuota come esatta. Per avere un voto bisogna risolvere almeno 10 esercizi. xhtml 1.0

Danmarks Matematiklærerforening » Matematikkens Dag Temaet i år er – Historisk Matematik Indholdet i bogen til Matematikkens Dag i 2014 tager udgangspunkt i fejringen af 200-året for undervisningspligtens indførelse i Danmark. Bogen er blevet til med indholdsbidrag fra Danmarks Matematiklærerforenings 14 kredse og i samarbejde med Skole 200. Der er lavet en sang til Matematikkens Dag – På rejse i historien.Her er tekstenHer er sang i MP3Her er sang med vokal i MP3 De første 34 sider af bogen kan ses her Du kan bestille bogen i vores Butik – husk at anmode om Log-in, hvis du ikke allerede har et. Materialer fra foredragsholdere og instruktører på Konferencen den 12. september 2014. Anne Katrine Gjerløff – Love, latriner og læsebog – ser mere på Klaus Fink – Regne- og matematikundervisning i 200 år Klaus Fink – Sidste nyt fra Undervisningsministeret Klaus Fink – Workshop 1 – Hvad skal vi gøre.. Trine Nyvang og Poul Græsbøll – Workshop 3 – Koder og skjulte udregninger .. Skole 200 arrangerer en jubilæumsuge i uge 41/2014.

Mathematics Grades 3-6 A+ MATH This Web site has flashcards, math problems, and games -- all with the intent of increasing mathematical knowledge. AAA Math This interactive site provides online math exercises with explanations and challenging games as a resource for the classroom BBC Education Maths File ReviseWise Beacon Learning Center The resources posted in the Beacon database are products of professional development activities teaching a standards-based planning model. Brainchild - twenty-four questions, followed by practice on any incorrect responses Brain Teasers Solve these weekly brain teaser math puzzles. Cool Math Cool Math is "designed for the pure enjoyment of mathematics." CarrotSticks is an online multiplayer game that improves math skills for 1st - 5th graders as they practice and compete with peers around the world! Cyberchase Based on the award-winning TV show, this site teaches kids that math is everywhere, everyone can be good at it, and it's fun! Think Math from Harcourt School Publishers top

Mathway: Math Problem Solver MathDisk Home | Exponential Learning Math Practice - Aplicações no Android Market ★ Math for kids is either a big task or a milestone. Teaching your child math isn't something that happens overnight. ★ Remember KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid! Small children aren't going to be able to handle too much complexity with math at this point. Be patient and never go faster than your child can take. ★ Begin teaching them with an interactive activity. ★ Kids Learn Math has 7 Games:1. ★ Kids Learn Math ( Kids Math ) is an interactive app which makes learning maths easy, simple and fun which helps kids learn faster.( Kids 1-20 Kids Math ) ★ Kids Learn Math is an interactive educational game through which your child can develop hand-eye coordination and observation skills.( Kids 1-20 Kids Math ) ★ Observation Skills are developed by paying close attention to many details, focus, analysing, reasoning and memory. ★ What does the game offer? ★ How to play? ★ We at UPUP are trying to do the same – Make your child enjoy learning.

YouMath - Per chi odiama la Matematica Danish GeoGebra Institute | Det danske GeoGebra institut
