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What the Teacher Wants!: F...l....u....e.....n.....c.....y

What the Teacher Wants!: F...l....u....e.....n.....c.....y
As I was finishing up my report cards a few weeks ago. I noticed that MANY of my students were FAILING not meeting the standards in fluency. I always talk about fluency, but I've never really stressed it. My teammates also had the same problem. I've also started using Jodi's Fluency packs. Then, as one of my Daily 5 mini-lessons, I did a fluency lesson. I made these posters to help them remember. With each poster there is also an action:Rate- Not too fast and not too slow {they pretend to run slow and run fast- with their arms}Expression- Don't sound like a robot {they do the robot dance- channel your inner 80's dance moves}Accuracy-Read the words right {they do a check mark in the air with their pointer finger}Punctuation- Read the punctuation marks {they make an exclamation point in the air} Then, once a week, after I do a running record on a student, I quickly have them fill out this self-assessment. Any other fluency tips for my 1st graders? Related:  Duktig lärare med praktiska ideér

Skolstartslektion och frågor om sommaren Jag skulle starta en skolvecka med frågor. Varje lektion skulle jag ge en sommarlovsfråga: Berätta om ett möte med en insekt?Berätta om en glass du ätit?Berätta om en regnig dag? Jag skulle låta eleverna få byta samtalspartner och diskutera frågan under en minut. När eleverna har fått prata kan man be varje elev berätta något som klasskamraten berättade. – Är det något som ska tilläggas? Jag har genomfört de här lektionerna, eller lektionsstarterna, och det blir livlig och roligt i klassrummet. Idioms Idioms are expressions that would have different meanings if you took the words apart. The individual words in the idiom don’t usually help you make sense of it; you just have to know what it means. It would be helpful to do some online practice to gain a better understanding of idioms. In the dark- The actual meaning for this would be that there is no light were you are, but the meaning of the idiom is that you don’t know what’s really going on. Inside joke- These words don’t make much sense together, but the meaning of this idiom is that it is a joke that only certain people will understand; maybe those inside the circle of friends. Idioms are fun to read, but they’re even more fun to use in your writing. Here are a few more you can use: catch you later, say the word, hit the roof, a piece of cake.

Verb | Flashcard Rating: 4.0/5 (11 votes cast) List of Common Verb walk, run, play, sleep, read, write, jump, ride, talk, cry, laugh, climb, cook, wait, watch TV, dance, fight , fly drink, eat, listen, open, close, throw away, turn on, turn off, sing pull, push, think, win, give, wash, sit down, stand up, cut Verb, 4.0 out of 5 based on 11 ratings Fluency: Instruction Instruction Teaching Strategies and Examples: Oral Reading Fluency Step 1: Is Fluency Building Appropriate? Examine student's performance on the oral reading fluency measure to determine whether accuracy is an appropriate target. Step 2: How to Develop Oral Word Reading Fluency: Mediated Scaffolding and Review Identify passages students can read with 90-95% accuracy. Oral Reading Fluency Critical Components: The majority of activities involve: repeated reading of the same materials fixed-time or fixed-length activities goal setting corrective feedback opportunities graphing/charting of learner performance Repeated Readings Are: Not a replacement for beginning reading instruction. (modified from Hasbrouck, 1998; see References) Methods for Repeated Readings Fixed-time readings (1 minute) in which student reads the same text repeatedly (e.g., 3 times). Sample Directions for Fixed-Time Repeated Reading "Read this passage as quickly and carefully as you can. Guidelines for Pairing Students

Värdegrundsvecka Den här veckan har vi värdegrundsvecka på vår skola. Då arbetar samtliga klasser med vår värdegrund, vår likabehandlingsplan m.m. I min etta har vi bl.a. diskuterat hur man är en bra kompis, hur man gör förlåt och skolans värdeord. Våra värdeord som är ansvar, gemenskap, glädje, hänsyn och mod har vi diskuterat på varsin lektion. English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials Kinesthetic Activities for Teaching Reading I am excited to be a part of iHomeschool Network’s Summer Hopscotch! To see a list of all the amazing bloggers, please click here. This week, my topic is Multi-Sensory Activities for Teaching Reading. If you’d like to read more about multi-sensory teaching, please read my post from yesterday! Today, I want to focus on kinesthetic activities that you can do with your child. 30+ Kinsethetic Activities for Teaching Reading 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. What other kinesthetic activities have you used to teach your child to read? Stay connected to This Reading Mama so you don’t miss a thing: ~Becky

Beskriva matematiska händelser Beskriva matematiska händelser. Den här planeringsperioden övar vi på att beskriva matematiska händelser på olika sätt. Tryck på länken för att se uppgiften! Thanks for trying the Visual Thesaurus The Visual Thesaurus is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus that allows you to discover the connections between words in a visually captivating display. With a subscription you will also get access to the Spelling Bee, VocabGrabber, and Online Magazine. 14 day risk-free trial! Visual Thesaurus Unlike a paper-bound book, the Visual Thesaurus is fluid and dynamic, like the way you think. Subscribe Now Spelling Bee The Visual Thesaurus Spelling Bee will sharpen your spelling skills and expand your vocabulary. VocabGrabber Take any text and Vocabgrabber will instantly pull out the most useful vocabulary words and show you how those words are used in context. Online Magazine The Visual Thesaurus magazine is a feast for language lovers, with informative features written by experts in fields ranging from word origins to copywriting. With a subscription to the Visual Thesaurus, you can: Find the right word and explore The Visual Thesaurus has over 150,000 words and 120,000 meanings. - New York Times

reading-fluency Fluency instruction Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately and quickly. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically. They group words quickly to help them gain meaning from what they read. Fluent readers read aloud effortlessly and with expression. Fluency is important because it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. More fluent readers focus their attention on making connections among the ideas in a text and between these ideas and their background knowledge. Less fluent readers must focus their attention primarily on decoding individual words. Fluency develops gradually over considerable time and through substantial practice. Even when students recognize many words automatically, their oral reading still may be expressionless, not fluent. Brown/ bear brown/ bear what/ do/ you see. A fluent reader will read the same line as: Brown bear/ Brown bear/ What do you see? What does scientifically-based research tell us about Summing up

Att skriva ett bra svar. | Hanna Fjeld Jag har precis kört igenom en typ av lektionspass som jag verkligen gillar. Inte för att det är det mest lustfyllda vi gör kanske, utan för att jag alltid går från de lektionerna med känslan att eleverna verkligen har lärt sig något. Vilket ju alltid känns tillfredsställande. Jag brukar vika någon eller några lektioner under varje läspass till att prata om kvalitet i elevsvar. Den här gången gjorde vi så här: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Läs igenom frågan noggrant så att du verkligen svarar på rätt sak.Ta det lugnt så att du hinner tänka till. De är kloka mina 7:or! Nu ska jag lägga någon lektion till på att läsa och svara på frågor innan vi avslutar den delen av läsandet, sen går vi vidare mot en skrivuppgift. /Hanna

Simple Present Exercises Simple Present Exercises Here's a list of all my present simple exercises: Present Simple Form (with the verb 'be'): Present Simple Form (with all verbs except 'be'): Mixed exercises with all verbs (be and other verbs): Mixed exercise 1 with be and other verbs (fairly easy) (download in PDF) Here's an exercise about spelling changes in this tense: Spelling changes (easy) (download in PDF) Practice exercises about how we use the present simple: Welcome toPerfect English Grammar! Welcome! Nya undervisningsgrepp | Fröken Evas skola Det riktigt studsar och spritter i hjärnan när jag pysslar med mina ”nya undervisningsgrepp”! Ni undrar säkert vad det kan vara för något nytt grepp? Jaa, nytt och nytt? Vad är nytt under solen 2015? Inget revolutionerande, utan sådant som man tänker att: ”det där ska jag pröva!” Så här ska det gå till: Med hjälp av dessa begreppskort, som utgår från de aktuella begrepp som eleverna har stött på i det aktuella arbetsområdet (i vårt fall Geografi – Europa, gränser, naturtyper, erosion t ex), ska eleverna fundera, plocka ett antal kort och sedan lägga dessa i en kedja. Vinster: Jag får in: eget tankearbete, tänka tillsammans, samarbeta (Think-Pair-Share), förklara för både sig själv, sin grupp och för klassen (och för mig!) Jag lovar att jag ska dokumentera och visa hur det gick! Det här kan ni göra i NO, vilket område som helst!

