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Breaking News English ESL Lesson Plans - Listening

Breaking News English ESL Lesson Plans - Listening
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Évaluation et titularisation Le dispositif décrit ci-après concerne les lauréats des concours de l'agrégation, qui ont fait l'objet d'une nomination en qualité de stagiaire pour accomplir leur stage dans un établissement du second degré, ou dans un établissement d'enseignement supérieur en qualité de Prag. I- Modalités d'évaluation des professeurs agrégés stagiaires Le stage des professeurs agrégés est évalué sur le fondement du référentiel de compétences du 1er juillet 2013, par les inspecteurs généraux de l'éducation nationale de la discipline de recrutement concernée, ou le cas échéant par un inspecteur d'académie-inspecteur pédagogique régional, désigné par l'inspecteur général de l'éducation nationale, doyen du groupe de la discipline de recrutement concernée. Professeurs agrégés stagiaires affectés dans l'enseignement scolaire : Cette évaluation se fonde sur le référentiel de compétences précité et s'appuie sur 3 éléments : 1. 2. 3. L'ensemble des avis sont transmis à l'inspection générale pour le 17 juin 2016.

E-waste, recycling, and sustainability - Geography (9,10) - ABC Splash - A TV monitor lies amongst electronic trash. Playing on it are images of recycling trash being picked up by truck and sorted and processed in plants.TANYA HA, REPORTERRight now, you are watching trashy television and I mean that in the nicest possible way. But the way we sort the stuff we want from the stuff we don't all boils down to some beautiful simple physics in action, starting with size and weight.Rubbish passes over a vibrating conveyer belt, some of it falling off.TANYA HAThis incline of vibrating, spinning rubber discs acts like a giant sieve. The lightweight paper and cardboard moves up, heavier, more compact bottles and cans move down.Tanya Ha lowers a textbook. She stands before a white board with algebraic expressions written over it.TANYA HAIf you were paying attention in high school physics you'll know that some metals and their alloys, like iron and steel, are innately magnetic.

Programme cycle terminal Article 1 - Le programme des enseignements communs, des enseignements obligatoires au choix de langues vivantes et de l'enseignement facultatif de langue vivante 3 pour les classes de première et de terminale des séries générales, de la série sciences et technologies de la gestion, de la série sciences et technologies de la santé et du social, de la série techniques de la musique et de la danse et de la série hôtellerie est fixé conformément à l'annexe du présent arrêté. Article 2 - Les dispositions du présent arrêté entrent en application à compter de la rentrée de l'année scolaire 2011-2012 pour la classe de première et 2012-2013 pour la classe de terminale. Article 3 - Les dispositions des arrêtés suivants sont abrogées à compter de la rentrée de l'année scolaire 2011-2012 pour la classe de première et 2012-2013 pour la classe de terminale : - arrêté du 28 juin 1989 relatif aux programmes de danois dans les lycées ; Fait à Paris, le 21 juillet 2010 Annexe Enseignement facultatif de LV3

Sweden elections: How do they work? National, regional, and local elections are taking place in Sweden on September 14th. Whether you're a first-time voter or a fresh armchair observer, The Local's beginners' guide will answer the key questions you were too afraid to ask. Why is Sweden holding elections now? There are elections in Sweden every four years. Can I have a say? You have to be a Swedish citizen aged 18 or over to vote in national elections. Where do I vote? If you're allowed to vote, you should get a voting card in the post, giving you the details of your nearest polling station. How do I vote? Sweden uses multi-coloured ballot papers. Once you've worked out what colour you need, you can then choose from three different types of ballot paper. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT How are the winners chosen? Like most of Europe, Sweden uses a system of proportional representation, which means the number of seats a party wins largely reflects the share of the vote it gets nationwide. How will we know which party has won?

Socle commun Ce domaine a pour objectif de permettre à tous les élèves d'apprendre à apprendre, seuls ou collectivement, en classe ou en dehors, afin de réussir dans leurs études et, par la suite, se former tout au long de la vie. Les méthodes et outils pour apprendre doivent faire l'objet d'un apprentissage explicite en situation, dans tous les enseignements et espaces de la vie scolaire. En classe, l'élève est amené à résoudre un problème, comprendre un document, rédiger un texte, prendre des notes, effectuer une prestation ou produire des objets. La maîtrise des méthodes et outils pour apprendre développe l'autonomie et les capacités d'initiative ; elle favorise l'implication dans le travail commun, l'entraide et la coopération. Objectifs de connaissances et de compétences pour la maîtrise du socle commun Organisation du travail personnel L'élève se projette dans le temps, anticipe, planifie ses tâches. Coopération et réalisation de projets Outils numériques pour échanger et communiquer

Stockholm's shocking take on Halloween American Bill Schacht missed the spooky outfits, family feasts and charity events he associated with Halloween when he moved to Sweden. So he did something about it. The Local meets the founder of the capital's annual Shockholm parade. Halloween is a relatively young tradition in Sweden, with few people celebrating it until the 1990s. But the festival is gradually becoming an annual event here as Swedes slowly embrace scary costumes, cobweb decorations and group get-togethers. "The potential for Halloween to grow in Sweden is huge but you can't compare it to how it's celebrated elsewhere just yet," American Bill Schacht tells The Local. Originally from New York, Schacht is a huge Halloween enthusiast who has experienced his home city's annual Village Halloween Parade many times over. Missing the autumn party atmosphere, Schacht started Shockholm in 2011 – the first Halloween parade around the Swedish capital, with residents invited to dress up and join the procession. Words by Mimmi Nilsson

Langues vivantes - Cadre européen commun de référence (CECRL) Le CECRL : une base européenne pour l'enseignement des langues Le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL) est le fruit de plusieurs années de recherche linguistique menée par des experts des Etats membres du Conseil de l'Europe. Publié en 2001, il constitue une approche totalement nouvelle qui a pour but de repenser les objectifs et les méthodes d'enseignement des langues et, surtout, il fournit une base commune pour la conception de programmes, de diplômes et de certificats. En ce sens, il est susceptible de favoriser la mobilité éducative et professionnelle. Télécharger le CECRL (896,37 ko) Ce n'est ni un manuel ni un référentiel de langues. Le cadre est un outil conçu pour répondre à l'objectif général du Conseil de l'Europe qui est de " parvenir à une plus grande unité parmi ses membres " et d'atteindre ce but par l'" adoption d'une démarche commune dans le domaine culturel ". Le cadre introduit au moins quatre nouveautés : La notion de " tâche "

Tips on how to make a video news report Do you want to make a TV news report but have no idea where to start? Watch this video to see how a group of students, with help from the BBC's Sophie Long, go about it and read the advice below. How to make a video news report What's the story? Before starting any news report, the most important point to remember is: Keep it simple. Think about how can you tell the story in the most engaging way, without making it too complicated. Planning As with any story, you must plan how you want to start your report and how you want to end it. When planning your report, you will need to consider the five Ws. What - What is the story? Why - Why is the story important to your audience? Who - Who is involved? Where - Where is the story happening, and where is the best place to film? When - Has the story already happened, or is it about to happen? By planning each of these points in detail, you'll know exactly what you need to film, where and when. Filming A basic TV news report is made up of five parts:

TV news report project | Miss Summer's Corner You are hired as a TV anchorman/ anchorwoman by the BBC. Present a TV news report! Carte des compétences et connaissances à maîtriser pour cette séquence projet: Utilisez votre souris pour naviguer sur la carte Évaluation de la tâche finale: Tache-finale-bareme (format docx) Your teacher’s advice 1. a short introduction of the various news items (if possible with illustrations)2 news items (international and local)a live commentary (interview, news commentary…)cultural news or sports newsweather forecast 2. who does what? 3. Write the script for each news item. ⇒You can watch TV news reports on the internet and write down expressions and sentences you can hear. 4. Microphone, prompters boards, slideshows*(=diaporama), and so on. 5. As much as you can because Practice makes perfect. ⇒Use your webcam to record your TV news presentation. make adjustments. ⇒Practice with your team. J'aime : J'aime chargement…

SixPix #45 ESL Listening Game about Horses Hey, let's do the listening game. Which picture can you see? In the first picture, there's a man and a woman and they are sitting on a rail and they are talking to each other. You can only see a man and a woman. You can't see a horse. In the next picture, you can see a man, a woman and a horse and they are walking towards you. In this next picture, you can see the man, the woman and the horse, but you can't see their face. In the next picture. In this picture, we can see the man the woman and the horse, and the horse is turned sideways and we can't see the man or woman's face clearly, but the man and woman are not standing next to each other. In this last picture, all we can see is the woman and the horse and the horse has its head up and it is looking a little bit to the right. Could you get all the pictures.

Creating a Newscast ESL Lesson Media is an ever-present reality and one that students are intimately familiar with. As such, diving into the media landscape offers multiple avenues for interesting lessons that will hold students' attention. You can start by studying media-related words so that students are familiar with the basics. From there, lesson plans can revolve around anything from watching news videos on YouTube to publishing a class newspaper. ESL Newscast Lesson Plan Breakdown Aim: Develop a working knowledge of vocabulary related to mediaActivity: Creating a newscastLevel: Intermediate to advanced Lesson Activities Study media-related vocabulary covering the basics of printed and broadcast video.Discuss different roles on news broadcasts including anchorpersons, meteorologists, and sports reporters. Newscaster Language Match the following purpose to the jargon phrases that follow. Broadcast Journalism Jargon (Answer Key Below) Example News Transcript Anchor: Good evening and welcome to the local news.

Ten Great Activities: Teaching With the Newspaper Ten terrific classroom activities that use the newspaper to teach all sorts of valuable skills -- including reading and writing for meaning, map reading, media literacy, sequencing, word meaning, and math. "The newspaper is the most widely used of the media [as a teaching instrument in the classroom], the direct result of a national campaign by publishers, known as Newspapers in Education (NIE). Before the advent of NIE, newspapers tended to be used only by secondary school social studies teachers in two-week units or for Friday current events sessions. Now, however, newspapers are used throughout the school year in every area of the curriculum." Those are the words of Nola Kortner Aiex, author of Using Newspapers as Effective Teaching Tools. Indeed, the news is more a part of the school curriculum than it ever was -- for many reasons. Read and write for meaning. Read a map. In what city did the story take place? Understand the media. Arrange in sequence. Expand your vocabulary.

Wardman - Making the News: A Motivating Writing Skills Project for ESL Students The Internet TESL Journal Clare Wardmanc.wardman1 {at} St John University (York, UK) Rationale Many ESL students, children and adults alike, dislike or even dread writing tasks in the ESL classroom, finding them boring or difficult (Winer,1992: Cimcoz, 1999). This can lead teachers to avoid all but the shortest of writing tasks in the classroom, for fear of not being able to motivate or support their students highly enough. The project described below has been used to good effect with two different groups of students studying on short courses at a university in northern England and can be adapted to suit different levels with relative ease. Introduction to the Project The goal of the project is for small groups (between three and five students) to produce a newspaper, or the front page of a newspaper within the timescales decided. Technological Requirements There are, of course, a number of ways in which the students could present the final ‘newspaper’. The Process Day One
