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Flood Map: Elevation Map, Sea Level Rise Map

Flood Map: Elevation Map, Sea Level Rise Map

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Revista Mexicana de Bachillerato a Distancia Vol 13, No 26 (2021): Revista Mexicana de Bachillerato a Distancia Revista Mexicana de Bachillerato a Distancia, año 13, núm. 26, marzo-agosto de 2021, revista semestral, editada por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, domicilio: Ciudad Universitaria, Alcaldía Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, Ciudad de México, México, a través de la Coordinación de Universidad Abierta, Innovación Educativa y Educación a Distancia (CUAIEED) y la Dirección de B@UNAM & MOOC, domicilio: edificio de la CUAIEED, primer piso, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Alcaldía Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, Ciudad de México, México, teléfono 5556 228808, correo electrónico: Editora responsable: Guadalupe Vadillo Bueno, Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo núm. 04-2010- 120613024600-203, ISSN 2395-9800, ISSN-E 2007-4751.

Los huesos más antiguos de nuestra especie están en Marruecos | El Cultural Reconstrucciones del cráneo de los primeros fósiles de Homo sapiens descubiertos en el yacimiento de Jebel Irhoud (Marruecos). / Philipp Gunz, MPI EVA Leipzig La idea de que los humanos modernos evolucionaron en el este de África hace 200.000 años ha dejado de ser válida. Un equipo de paleoantropólogos ha descubierto restos óseos de Homo sapiens de unos 300.000 años de antigüedad en el yacimiento Jebel Irhoud, en Marruecos, un hallazgo revolucionario que adelanta 100.000 años los orígenes del Homo sapiens. Los científicos acaban de mover los orígenes de nuestra especie en el espacio y en el tiempo. Este descubrimiento indica que el Homo sapiens apareció más de 100.000 años antes de lo que se creía. Cronología de un gran descubrimiento Hublin supo de la existencia de este yacimiento por primera vez a comienzos de la década de 1980, cuando le mostraron una desconcertante mandíbula inferior de un niño procedente de dicho lugar. Evidencia genómica

Every Country Has Its Own Climate Risks. What’s Yours? President Biden has wasted no time in moving to repudiate his predecessor’s regressive climate policies. That’s good news. This map shows which areas could be at high risk unless greenhouse-gas emissions are cut drastically. We’ve colored the map to identify the top risks across the globe, using a model by Four Twenty Seven, a company that analyzes climate risks. Tell us where you live and see how your country compares. In the United States, for instance, nearly 80 percent of the population, the economy and agriculture will be exposed to at least one high-risk climate hazard. Worldwide, roughly 90 percent of the population will be exposed to one or more threats. From 2000 to 2019, floods upended the lives of at least 1.65 billion people — the highest number in any disaster category. In the past 20 years, hurricanes, typhoons and other storms were the deadliest weather-related disasters, killing nearly 200,000 people worldwide. Then there is climate inequality. Consider the Philippines.

New elevation data triple estimates of global vulnerability to sea-level rise and coastal flooding Global Given each sea level scenario analyzed (Supplementary Table 1), and alternately using SRTM and CoastalDEM, we estimate the number of people on land that may be exposed to coastal inundation—either by permanently falling below MHHW, or temporarily falling below the local annual flood height (Table 1, Supplementary Data 1). Coastal defenses are not considered, but hydrologic connectivity to the ocean is otherwise enforced using connected components analysis. Figure 1 presents permanent inundation surfaces at select locations for median K17/RCP 8.5/2100. Future population growth and migration are also not considered; rather, we use 2010 (essentially current) population density data from Landscan13 to indicate threats relative to present development patterns. Permanent inundation surfaces predicted by CoastalDEM and SRTM given the median K17/RCP 8.5/2100 sea-level projection. National CoastalDEM versus SRTM by country. Validation Sensitivity analysis

The Outcome of Mutation Google Learn more about this provider ads/ga-audiencesUsed by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor's online behaviour across websites. Expiry: SessionType: Pixel YouTube VISITOR_INFO1_LIVETries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. Expiry: 179 daysType: HTTP YSCRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Expiry: SessionType: HTTP yt.innertube::nextIdRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Expiry: PersistentType: HTML yt.innertube::requestsRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. yt-remote-cast-availableStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video Expiry: SessionType: HTML yt-remote-cast-installedStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video

Arbre homínids - homo & evolució Washington State University Aquest vídeo mostra en poc més d'un minut l'evolució de la cara al llarg dels darrers cinc milions d'anys. REGNE - Animal FÍLUM - Cordat CLASSE - Mamífers ORDRE - Primats FAMÍLIA - Homínids GÈNERE - Homo ESPÈCIE - Sapiens Recentment i, atesa la semblança entre homo i pan, alguns autors han proposat la següent classificació. Incorporo aquest arbre perquè el considero clarificador. Per observar els detalls podeu anar a la pàgina web d'Human Origins i allí trobareu el recurs interactiu. Aquest cronograma de Nature es va publicar en motiu del descobriment del fragment de mandíbula a Etiòpia de fa 2,8 milions d'anys. Un arbre filogenètic de l'espècie humana no és una cosa definitiva. Quan observem un quadre evolutiu cal saber-ne la font ja que cada quadre reflexa una teoria concreta i, per aquest motiu, pot incloure espècies noves i/o atribuir una situació i unes relacions diferents a una espècie que la posició que l'hi dona una altra teoria. . . .

The Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica's Biggest, is Cracking Up The narrow and mountainous Antarctic Peninsula extends north from West Antarctica some 800 miles toward Chile. This picturesque region has warmed at least twice as fast as Earth’s overall average. That’s led to the collapse of ice shelves. Larsen A, at the peninsula’s northern tip, crumbled in 1995. (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio) Since then, scientists have kept a close watch on Larsen C. Scientists see warnings of the chaos to come at Earth's poles. Once this iceberg drifts into the ocean, the shelf behind it might collapse. If the floating Larsen C does collapse, it won’t raise sea levels directly.

Rising Seas Will Erase More Cities by 2050, New Research Shows Rising seas could affect three times more people by 2050 than previously thought, according to new research, threatening to all but erase some of the world’s great coastal cities. The authors of a paper published Tuesday developed a more accurate way of calculating land elevation based on satellite readings, a standard way of estimating the effects of sea level rise over large areas, and found that the previous numbers were far too optimistic. The new research shows that some 150 million people are now living on land that will be below the high-tide line by midcentury. Land underwater at high tide Southern Vietnam could all but disappear. The first map shows earlier expectations of submerged land by 2050. More than 20 million people in Vietnam, almost one-quarter of the population, live on land that will be inundated. Standard elevation measurements using satellites struggle to differentiate the true ground level from the tops of trees or buildings, said Scott A.

18.2B: Reproductive Isolation - Biology LibreTexts Reproductive isolation, through mechanical, behavioral, and physiological barriers, is an important component of speciation. Given enough time, the genetic and phenotypic divergence between populations will affect characters that influence reproduction: if individuals of the two populations were to be brought together, mating would be improbable, but if mating did occur, offspring would be non-viable or infertile. Many types of diverging characters may affect reproductive isolation, the ability to interbreed, of the two populations. Reproductive isolation is a collection of mechanisms, behaviors, and physiological processes that prevent the members of two different species that cross or mate from producing offspring, or which ensure that any offspring that may be produced is not fertile. Scientists classify reproductive isolation in two groups: prezygotic barriers and postzygotic barriers. Some types of prezygotic barriers prevent reproduction entirely.

: Educational materials Use of OneZoom in education OneZoom has been used by students of all ages in classrooms, lecture theatres and home learning environments. We're looking for teachers and educators to help create learning materials and lesson plans that use OneZoom. If you're using OneZoom for teaching and learning and have some materials that you are willing to share with others, please let us know and we'll populate this page with downloads and links to these materials so that others can benefit from them. With COVID-19 having recently closed many schools and universities across the globe, tools for home learning have never been more important. If you're a teacher or home educator with an idea of activities to do at home with OneZoom, please let us know and we'll post your suggestions here. Please help Join the growing community of teachers and educators using OneZoom in the classroom and lecture theatre to aid learning about biodiversity and evolution. Linnean Learning Downloadable materials

Top scientists warn of 'ghastly future of mass extinction' and climate disruption | Environment The planet is facing a “ghastly future of mass extinction, declining health and climate-disruption upheavals” that threaten human survival because of ignorance and inaction, according to an international group of scientists, who warn people still haven’t grasped the urgency of the biodiversity and climate crises. The 17 experts, including Prof Paul Ehrlich from Stanford University, author of The Population Bomb, and scientists from Mexico, Australia and the US, say the planet is in a much worse state than most people – even scientists – understood. “The scale of the threats to the biosphere and all its lifeforms – including humanity – is in fact so great that it is difficult to grasp for even well-informed experts,” they write in a report in Frontiers in Conservation Science which references more than 150 studies detailing the world’s major environmental challenges. An estimated one million species are at risk of extinction, many within decades, according to a recent UN report.

The stunning winners of an architects’ competition to draw fairy tales about the future Architects, it turns out, draw fantastic fairy tales. Since 2013, Blank Space, an ideas platform for architecture, has been hosting “Fairy Tales,” an open call contest for short stories told through illustration and words about architecture. The fiction competition has evolved to become a way for architects, engineers, and students to wrestle with real life concerns about the practice, explained Blank Space founders Matthew Hoffman and Francesca Giuliani to Arch Daily last year. Entries this year tackled topics ranging from globalization, technology-fatigue, displacement and disillusionment. “Judges of the competition are most impressed by how architects and designers are able to leverage their skills to imagine the future that is already upon us.” says Hoffman to Quartz. “These futures fall outside of the traditional architecture profession, but in many ways are more ‘grounded’ than anything else out there.” “Welcome to the 5th Façade” Olson Kundig “Parisian Lullaby” Hagai Ben Naim

Digestion We are made mostly of water. It accounts for about 65% of our body weight and more than 90% of our blood. And water makes up the bulk of our food and drink. The breakdown products of proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids dissolve in water. They can travel easily in the watery contents of our digestive system, bloodstream, and cells. But when it comes to fats, oil and water don’t mix. In fat breakdown, above, you can see how bile salts help break fats from food into small droplets, giving them a greater surface area so that digestive enzymes can break them apart. This theme of wrapping fats in coated packages continues. Good and bad cholesterol You may have heard of LDLs and HDLs in the context of cholesterol. What's different is the characteristics of the packages. HDLs are considered "good" for a few reasons.
