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Brené Brown: Listening to shame

Brené Brown: Listening to shame
Related:  Shame, Trauma & Pain

Ppl often stay in abusive relationships bc of something called 'trauma bonding' — here are the signs it's happening to you ian dooley / Unsplash People often don't even realise they are in an abusive relationship. It can be hard for others to understand why someone stays with an abusive partner. Those who have never been in an abusive relationship struggle to understand how people remain in one for so long. For survivors, this can be a really tough question to answer. This is because we are conditioned to believe abuse is always physical. According to therapist Shannon Thomas, author of "Healing from Hidden Abuse," psychological abuse is insidious, and it occurs a over time like an IV drip of poison entering your veins. It starts with an off-hand comment here, or an insult there, but often victims brush these moments off. People stay in these relationships partly because they are trying to win back the abuser's affection. It's a bit like becoming addicted to a drug. "You have this back and forth, and the body becomes addicted," Thomas said.

35 Affirmations That Will Change Your Life | Dr. Carmen Harra If you believe the phrase you are what you think, then life truly stems from your thoughts. But we cannot rely purely on thoughts; we must translate thoughts into words and eventually into actions in order to manifest our intentions. This means we have to be very careful with our words, choosing to speak only those which work towards our benefit and cultivate our highest good. Affirmations help purify our thoughts and restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly begin to think nothing is impossible. The word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, originally meaning “to make steady, strengthen.” Affirmations do indeed strengthen us by helping us believe in the potential of an action we desire to manifest. The art of the spoken word is critical in crafting our futures. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.) 16.) 17.) 18.) 19.) 20.) 21.) 22.) 23.) 24.) 25.) 26.) 27.) 28.) 29.) 30.) 31.) 32.) 33.) 34.) 35.) Affirming my love, Dr. For more by Dr.

The Impact of Trauma | Echo Parenting & Education Loss of safety: The world becomes a place where anything can happen. Loss of danger cues: How do you know what is dangerous when someone you trust hurts you and this is then your ‘normal?’ Loss of trust: This is especially true if the abuser is a family member or a close family friend. Shame: Huge, overwhelming, debilitating shame. Loss of intimacy: For survivors of sexual abuse, sexual relationships can either become something to avoid or are entered into for approval (since the child learns that sex is a way to get the attention they crave) and the person may be labeled ‘promiscuous.’ Dissociation: Often, to cope with what is happening to the body during the abuse, the child will dissociate (disconnect the consciousness from what is happening). Loss of physical connection to body: Survivors of sexual and physical abuse often have a hard time being in their body.

Optimism Quotes (1547 quotes) “Promise Yourself To be so strong that nothingcan disturb your peace of mind.To talk health, happiness, and prosperityto every person you meet. To make all your friends feelthat there is something in themTo look at the sunny side of everythingand make your optimism come true. To think only the best, to work only for the best,and to expect only the best.To be just as enthusiastic about the success of othersas you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the pastand press on to the greater achievements of the future.To wear a cheerful countenance at all timesand give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourselfthat you have no time to criticize others.To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

Therapy Tools for Sexual Trauma Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Nienke Helder has created a set of sensory objects that can be used to rehabilitate women affected by sexual abuse. Presented at this year's Dutch Design Week, Sexual Healing is designed to help women who are suffering from trauma-induced sexual problems, such as pelvic muscle blockage. According to the designer, current treatment available often focuses on a clinical perspective – putting too much emphasis on physical issues, rather than the psychological aspects of trauma. From her own experience, Helder recognised the frustration this can cause, which prompted her to develop an alternative therapy which focuses more on the emotional aspects of sexual trauma. "I was really frustrated with the way we treat these kinds of issues. "It was totally taking me away from the sexual context; it became really clinical. The first object is an ergonomically shaped mirror that lights up. "If you have a trauma, it can be really difficult to talk about it.

Genital Body Armoring When I began practicing Tantra back in 2008, I could have one clitoral orgasm with a vibrator or my finger. My vagina felt numb during intercourse—or even hurt. I believed my G-spot was a fairy tale. I certainly didn't know my body was capable of more types of orgasms than I had fingers to count them. In short, I was like most other women in North America—ignorant of my true orgasmic potential and uneducated about how body armoring can desensitize our erogenous zones. The concept of body armoring began with Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), who is considered to be the father of somatic psychology. So, what causes genital body armoring? Body armoring can happen to any area of the body that has been physically traumatized by assault or injury. Genital body armoring can develop without direct physical trauma. It is the result of us being taught and believing on some deep level that sexual pleasure is shameful, scary, impure, sinful, dirty, or wrong in any way. 1. There is nothing wrong with you. 2.

Act | Steve Gleason | Team Gleason Team Gleason believes everyone who gets diagnosed with ALS has the right to fight and has the right to the best treatment and help. ALS today is under-funded, under-resourced and it is largely ignored. We are not OK with that. ALS may be a horrific disease, but if you believe that it is no longer alright for thousands of people to die every year, then we invite you to join the Team. Team Gleason consists of: The Gleason Initiative Foundation and The Gleason Family Trust Donate Now View the latest projects Steve Gleason, the Gleason Initiative Foundation and Team Gleason friends are doing to raise public awareness towards ALS and to help other ALS patients. All Team Gleason merchandise proceeds benefit Team Gleason. Sign up for Team Gleason emails to stay up to date on events, news and volunteer opportunities.
