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Lithuanian Liteature: top Lithuanian books and writers | True Lithuania Lithuanian Literature Translated foreign literature is more popular in Lithuania than the Lithuanian one but some local "star authors" manage to write an extremely successful book now and then. For others a small market precludes from making a decent living as very few Lithuanian books get translated to English. Like other art, Lithuanian literature passed multiple distinct phases. Until the 19th century the folk tales/myths remained largely unwritten leaving the books to Christian religious works. The National Revival (19th century) brought Lithuanian language and national romantic topics to the Lithuanian readers, concentrating on beautiful nature, glorious Grand Duchy history and ethnic traditions. After that freedom was achieved (1918) literary experimentation prevailed in many new magazines, establishing a writer as an "anticonformist" figure, mostly either a neoromantic (seeking to unify ethnic tradition, Christianity and modernity) or a leftist. Most famous Lithuanian books

Short Stories for College Students | University Students This page contains a wide selection of short fiction appropriate for college / university students. Every story is part of the literary canon and is suitable for deep reading and studying the usual story elements: plot, point of view, character, setting, tone and style, theme, and symbol. For stories that are about college see Campus | Academic The stories on this page are well known, so you’ll be able to find a lot of explanatory notes on most of them to supplement your understanding. Sonny’s Blues | James Baldwin The narrator is a teacher in Harlem; he has managed to keep away from the bad influences around him. Read “Sonny’s Blues” A Hunger Artist | Franz Kafka A hunger artist – a professional faster – puts on public fasting exhibitions. This allegory (or myth) could represent the misunderstood artist who isn’t appreciated by the public. Read “A Hunger Artist” The Story of an Hour | Kate Chopin A woman receives the news that her husband has been killed in a train accident. Read “Cathedral”

Fiction Archives Our privacy promise The New Yorker's Strongbox is designed to let you communicate with our writers and editors with greater anonymity and security than afforded by conventional e-mail. When you visit or use our public Strongbox server at The New Yorker and our parent company, Condé Nast, will not record your I.P. address or information about your browser, computer, or operating system, nor will we embed third-party content or deliver cookies to your browser. Strongbox servers are under the physical control of The New Yorker and Condé Nast. Strongbox is designed to be accessed only through a “hidden service” on the Tor anonymity network, which is set up to conceal both your online and physical location from us and to offer full end-to-end encryption for your communications with us. The system is provided on an “as is” basis, with no warranties or representations, and any use of it is at the user's own risk.

American Stories in Easy English / American Stories in VOA Special English There are 57 fifteen-minute MP3 files. That is about 14 hours of listening. Bierce, Ambrose (1842-1914) Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950) Butler, Ellis Parker (1869-1937) Pigs Is Pigs (Ellis Parker Butler) Cather, Willa (1873-1947) Chopin, Kate (1850-1904) Crane, Stephen (1871-1900) The Open Boat (Stephen Crane) Folk Stories John Henry [Flash Listen and Read Along]Paul Bunyan (An American Tall Tale)Pecos Bill (An American Tall Tale) Garland, Hamlin (1860-1940) The Return of a Private (Hamlin Garland) [Listen and Read Along Machine] Harte, Bret (1836-1902) The Luck of Roaring Camp (Bret Harte) Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-1864) Henry, O. (1862-1910) Irving, Washington (1783-1859) Jewett, Sarah Orne (1849-1909) The White Heron (Sarah Orne Jewett) [Listen and Read Along Machine] London, Jack (1876-1916) Melville, Herman (1819-1891) O'Brien, Fitz-James (1828-1862) Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849) Porter, Eleanor H. (1868-1920) The Lady in Black (Eleanor H. Stockton, Frank R. (1834-1902) Twain, Mark (1835-1910) About

11 Free Reading Websites for Kids At Really Good Stuff, we know that teachers and parents have limited time when it comes to finding free, high-quality online resources for their children. When we first published the 11 Free Reading Websites for Kids article, we had no idea the response it would have. In fact, the cry for more resources encouraged us to publish 11 Free Math Websites for Kids. We hope you find this article and the free resources in contains helpful! 11 Free Reading Sites for Kids Free resources are always a teacher’s dream, but when it comes to free sites to use during reading instruction the choices can be few and far between. As always, it is strongly recommended that teachers view the sites before introducing them to their students to make sure the content is appropriate for the grade/age level. Be sure to check out 11 Free Math Websites for Kids and 11 Free Science Websites for Kids too!

English : The best site for the Students to learn English online. Project Gutenberg Australia 1000+ Hojas de trabajo de ELE gratuitas hechas por unos profesores de idioma para otros The best young adult books of 2015 Many Short Stories are here for your enrichment. This page is dedicated to Short Stories and to those interested in reading light prose. Fewer and fewer people these days read stories. This is unfortunate. So only the lucky few will experience the joy that reading such fine work can give. The short story is a literary genre. It is our hope that our visitors, the schools and the teaching community and the parents would welcome this new page on Short Stories with enthusiasm. We shall be grateful for constructive suggestions from all of you with a view to the improvement of this page. In case, you know any short story which you want to be published in this page, you can send that story to us. Other Stories : Short Stories to HOME PAGE

Scientists: Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans MINNEAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report)—Scientists have discovered a powerful new strain of fact-resistant humans who are threatening the ability of Earth to sustain life, a sobering new study reports. The research, conducted by the University of Minnesota, identifies a virulent strain of humans who are virtually immune to any form of verifiable knowledge, leaving scientists at a loss as to how to combat them. “These humans appear to have all the faculties necessary to receive and process information,” Davis Logsdon, one of the scientists who contributed to the study, said. More worryingly, Logsdon said, “As facts have multiplied, their defenses against those facts have only grown more powerful.” While scientists have no clear understanding of the mechanisms that prevent the fact-resistant humans from absorbing data, they theorize that the strain may have developed the ability to intercept and discard information en route from the auditory nerve to the brain.
