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No More Fake News Jon Rappoport Investigative Reporter

No More Fake News Jon Rappoport Investigative Reporter
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The Solari Report Blog | The Solari Report Blog war81 | tolfa IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET :: A Weekly Radio Program with Dr. Helen Caldicott Home - The Trump Impeachment Fukushima Forever | Charles Perrow Recent disclosures of tons of radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima reactors spilling into the ocean are just the latest evidence of the continuing incompetence of the Japanese utility, TEPCO. The announcement that the Japanese government will step in is also not reassuring since it was the Japanese government that failed to regulate the utility for decades. But, bad as it is, the current contamination of the ocean should be the least of our worries. The radioactive poisons are expected to form a plume that will be carried by currents to coast of North America. But the effects will be small, adding an unfortunate bit to our background radiation. Fish swimming through the plume will be affected, but we can avoid eating them. Fukushima is just the latest episode in a dangerous dance with radiation that has been going on for 68 years. Initially the U.S. Powerful arguments were needed, due to the fallout from the fallout from bombs and tests.

H I Sutton - Covert Shores Comments and corrections welcome. Killing KANYON: Countering new Russian Intercontinental Nuclear Torpedoes The Russian Navy fields the Poseidon Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo will run much deeper and faster than submarines. Therefore new weapon systems will be required to counter it. This article explores some of the near-future systems which may be developed by NATO. It is not clear why the Poseidon (Посейдон) torpedo (NATO: KANYON, aka 'Status-6' (Статус-6), and 'Skif' (Скиф) for seabed launched variant) has been developed. What is unlikely to be a motivating factor however is stealth. Original artwork - CLICK IMAGE FOR HIGH-RESOLUTION: This unique multipurpose weapon spans both the strategic deterrent and tactical nuclear domains, and can be thought of as an exceptionally long-range torpedo with a nuclear warhead which can target coastal cities, and reportedly also moving targets. Check it out on Amazon Check it out on Amazon Nerpa anti-diver UUV

Nullify NSA! |Nullify NSA! PN True Crime Diary Forbidden Bookshelf | Open Road Integrated Media The gripping account of an assassination on US soil and the violent foreign conspiracy that stretched from Pinochet’s Chile to the streets of Washington, DC, with a new introduction by Ariel Dorfman On September 10, 1976, exiled Chilean leader Orlando Letelier delivered a blistering rebuke of Augusto Pinochet’s brutal right-wing regime in a speech at Madison Square Garden. Eleven days later, while Letelier was on Embassy Row... in Washington, DC, a bomb affixed to the bottom of his car exploded, killing him and his coworker Ronni Moffitt. The slaying, staggering in its own right, exposed an international conspiracy that reached well into US territory. Pinochet had targeted Letelier, a former Chilean foreign minister and ambassador to the United States, and carried out the attack with the help of Operation Condor, the secret alliance of South America’s military dictatorships dedicated to wiping out their most influential opponents. [ Ebook Details ]

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