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German History in Documents and Images

German History in Documents and Images
Related:  Primary SourcesImperialism/ColonialismNazi Germany

Photographs Interpreting a visual source, like a photograph, is very different to interpreting words on a page, which is the case with written sources. Therefore, you need to develop a different set of skills. Photographs are very useful types of primary sources. They provide a rare glimpse of a particular second in time, which will never again be repeated. Many people assume that photographs are unbiased, accurate records of historical events. If you want to gain a further appreciation of how different photographers can effect what an audience sees in an image, watch the clip below: When people take a photograph, they make decisions about what to show in, or leave out of, the picture. Therefore, to correctly interpret what the photographer intended their audience to understand from their image, we have to identify some specific information. 1. You can work out what the photographer wanted you to focus on by looking at what is in the centre of the photo, or what appears the largest. 2. 3.

Verso In Insurgent Empire Priyamvada Gopal examines a century of dissent on the question of empire and shows how British critics of empire were influenced by rebellions and resistance in the colonies, from the West Indies and East Africa to Egypt and India. To mark publication, we bring you a selection of books that challenge notions of slavery, empire and colonialism - all 40% off until July 25 at 23:59 EST. Read more on the Verso blog - The Imperial Boomerang: How colonial methods of repression migrate back to the metropolis HardbackEbook Hardback Hardback with free ebook $53.95 CAD$32.37 CAD40% off 624 pages / June 2019 / 9781784784126 Ebook June 2019 / 9781784784157 “Priyamvada Gopal has calmly and authoritatively produced this impressive study of resistance against Empire, in the face of the kind of constant hostility that only serves to reminds us why her work is so urgent in the first place. – Afua Hirsch, author of Brit(ish) Read an excerpt from Insurgent Empire here. PaperbackEbook Paperback

Kristallnacht: The Night That Changed Germany Forever and Signalled the Start of the Holocaust Kristallnacht, or the Night of the Broken Glass, was a pogrom against Jewish people in Nazi Germany, on 9-10 November 1938. The German authorities took no action to stop the pogrom. A mixture of SA troopers and German citizens destroyed Jewish houses and businesses as well as attacking synagogues. The name Kristallnacht refers to the scattered broken glass that was left in the streets after the incident. The historian Martin Gilbert argues that Kristallnacht was the most widely-reported event in the history of Jewish persecution. Accounts from foreign journalists who were working in Germany at the time shocked the world. Destroyed Jewish shops on Kristallnacht, Nov. 1938. Background While Kristallnacht was not rigidly planned, it is believed blueprints for its execution had existed for at least a year prior. Jews had been harassed by the Nazi government since the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Enabling Act of 1933. The German synagogue at Siegen, burning during Kristallnacht. Life?

The Medieval Masterpiece, the Book of Kells, Is Now Digitized & Put Online If you know nothing else about medieval European illuminated manuscripts, you surely know the Book of Kells. “One of Ireland’s greatest cultural treasures” comments, “it is set apart from other manuscripts of the same period by the quality of its artwork and the sheer number of illustrations that run throughout the 680 pages of the book.” The work not only attracts scholars, but almost a million visitors to Dublin every year. The ancient masterpiece is a stunning example of Hiberno-Saxon style, thought to have been composed on the Scottish island of Iona in 806, then transferred to the monastery of Kells in County Meath after a Viking raid (a story told in the marvelous animated film The Secret of Kells). Its exquisite illuminations mark it as a ceremonial object, and its “intricacies,” argue Trinity College Dublin professors Rachel Moss and Fáinche Ryan, “lead the mind along pathways of the imagination…. Related Content:

Britain’s story of empire is based on myth. We need to know the truth | Priyamvada Gopal These days we’ve become wearily accustomed to depictions of Brexit Britain as oppressed by a villainously imperial Europe. Annexed “without permission”, Nigel Farage claimed melodramatically, defending Brexit party MEPs against charges of “disrespecting” the European Parliament. In a particularly far-fetched comparison, Ann Widdecombe MEP has compared Brexit with the resistance of “slaves against their owners” and “colonies against empires”. These bizarre comparisons can be made and go unchallenged because the stark fact remains that most Britons know very little about the history of the empire itself, still less the way in which its long afterlife profoundly shapes both Britain and the wider world today. This great amnesia or “shocking lack of understanding” has led a respected race equality thinktank, the Runnymede Trust, to call this week for the teaching of the intertwined histories of empire and migration to be made compulsory in secondary schools. Here’s the irony.

Two Objects That Illustrate the Horrors of Nazi Oppression This article is an edited transcript of The Third Reich in 100 Objects with Roger Moorhouse on Dan Snow’s History Hit, first broadcast 20 November 2017. You can listen to the full episode below or to the full podcast for free on Acast. Reinhard Heydrich stamp Reinhard Heydrich was the Reich’s protector of Bohemia and Moravia, second only to Heinrich Himmler in the hierarchy of the SS. He was assassinated by British-trained agents, one Czech and one Slovak, in the summer of 1942 in Prague. The stamp bearing his name (pictured above) shows Heydrich, along with his life dates and, interestingly, the SS runes giving life and death, rather than Christian symbols. It was issued primarily in Bohemia and Moravia. Heydrich was sent in to sort out Bohemia and Moravia for the Nazis. The pricing on the stamp, for example, is 60 haléřů and then it’s another 440 surcharge on top. It’s a stamp that ripped off the Bohemian or Czech people a year after Heydrich’s death. The Treblinka Rose Brooch

Political Cartoons Interpreting a visual source, like a political cartoon, is very different to interpreting words on a page, which is the case with written sources. Therefore, you need to develop a different set of skills. Political cartoons are ink drawings created to provide a humorous or critical opinion about political events at the time of its creation. They were particularly popular in newspapers and magazines during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While political cartoons can be funny, that is usually not their main purpose. Further information: Learn more about the history of the political cartoon with this short YouTube clip: If you've never seen a political cartoon before, you can see a contemporary one being made below: Understanding what a historical political cartoon means can be difficult for us because we did not live through the political events the cartoons talk about. 1. If you want to see how a cartoonist uses caricatures, watch the short clip below: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

From Corn Laws to cold war, what history can teach us about Brexit | Politics English Reformation, 1534 Brexit means taking Britain’s signature off the treaty of Rome, a cue for comparisons with Henry VIII’s repudiation of the jurisdiction of the pope. The Tudor king had several motivations, not least the need to find a wife who would produce a male heir. As with Brexit, the Reformation unleashed bitter struggles about sovereignty, identity and authority under Henry and several of his successors. Imperial preference, 1902-1937 Witnesses of the Tory party’s unity-shredding convulsions over Brexit often look for similarities with the Conservative split over the Corn Laws under Sir Robert Peel in the first half of the 19th century. There’s a connection with those Brexiters who radiate nostalgia for empire and a yearning to somehow recover lost international clout. Cold war, 1945-89 Some suggest Brexit will be one of those struggles that will be fought out over a generation or longer. They also proved irrelevant.

Lebensraum: Policy or Rhetoric? When the Germans talked of Lebensraum, or ‘living space’, they used the term to denote a perceived need to have enough physical room to provide for themselves comfortably. In particular, it identified the possession of enough land to feed a population large enough to ensure Germany a place on the world stage. Hitler did not just start talking about the need to conquer Lebensraum in 1941; its origins lay much further back than even 1939. The second volume of Mein Kampf, published in December 1926, contained a chapter entitled ‘Eastern Orientation and Eastern Policy’. Where could Hitler’s country expand? Hitler developed the idea in his Second Book, written while he stayed at his mountain retreat on Obersalzberg during the summer of 1928. Second Book contains a much more pithy and well-rounded statement of Hitler’s views than Mein Kampf. What was to be done? According to Hermann Rauschning, Hitler returned to this theme in 1932-34. The Lebensraum project changed with implementation.

Prelinger Archives : Free Movies : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming by Castle Films movies eye favorite 162 comment 13 Complete presentation of the banana industry from the clearing of the jungle and the planting to the shipment of the fruit to the American markets. favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 13 reviews ) Topics: Agriculture: Bananas, Central America by Handy (Jam) Organization favorite 26 comment 2 Epic history of industrial medicine in the first half of the 20th century, showing how manufacturers and the medical profession came to terms with one another and culminating in GM's rehabilitation program for returned World War II veterans. by Centron Corporation favorite 111 comment 8 Young girl's mirror image teaches her fundamentals of good posture. favoritefavoritefavorite ( 8 reviews ) Topic: Health and hygiene by Unknown favorite 49 Promotional film for "Nutrilite," a 1950s-vintage food supplement. favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 8 reviews ) Topics: Agriculture: Food industry: Supplements, Nutrition by Encyclopaedia Britannica Films favorite 100

India's caste system could play a pivotal role in this week's upcoming elections — here's how Updated 6 Apr 2019, 11:50pmSat 6 Apr 2019, 11:50pm In India, your fate and future are often sealed at the moment of your birth, depending on your ancestors' place in society. Key points: India's caste system is the world's oldest surviving form of social stratificationIt affects most aspects of people's lives, including how they vote in electionsPM Modi's historic 2014 election win was partly due to his appeal across castes Despite rapid urbanisation and change, the caste system remains highly relevant in modern India. And with the world's biggest democratic election set to begin this week on April 11 the issue is back in the spotlight, raising questions as to how the caste system could impact the ballot. Here's a look at what exactly the caste system is, how it fits into India's democracy, and how it could influence the upcoming elections. First off — what is the caste system in a nutshell? On the other end of the scale are Dalits, who are not afforded a position on Brahma's body.

The Weimar Republic Timeline On March 13, 1920, the Erhardt Brigade, a rebellious military unit, marched into Berlin as part of the first serious rightist attempt to destroy the Republic and seize power. This brigade, a Freikorps unit that had fought in the Baltic under Captain Hermann Erhardt, had refused orders to demobilize. It was greeted in Berlin by the civil servant Wolfang Kapp and General Walther Luttwitz who proclaimed a new government of national unity. The Social Democratic leadership proved unable to get regular military units to engage the Erhardt Brigade. President Friedrich Ebert and his cabinet fled to Dresden and then to Stuttgart where they called on their supporters to stage a general strike.

Use of Propaganda in WWI Postcards – Europeana Blog Millions of postcards circulated during the First World War and influenced public opinion. It is not surprising that something as ordinary as a postcard was used by governments on all sides to either defend their own actions, to discredit the enemy and to rouse the masses to support their nation. Within just three days of the declaration of war on 1 August 1914, publishers had war-themed postcards on sale. Their powerful images had an unprecedented impact on the masses: The postcard became a weapon of propaganda. During WWI, propaganda became, for the first time, the responsibility of government agencies like the Ministry of Information in Great Britain. World War I propaganda postcards can be divided into two categories: 1. The images portrayed the positive aspects of war. 2. The images were used to dehumanize the enemy and to stir up hatred against them. Of course, postcards were also used as a simple means of communication. Finally, there were commercial picture postcards.
