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List, Books and Biographies of Famous Authors

List, Books and Biographies of Famous Authors
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Aesop's Fables - Online Collection - 656+ fables - JK Rowling Archetypes in Movies Through Joseph Campbell In Star Wars IV: A New Hope, Campbell’s archetypes fit nearly perfectly. The following is a list of archetypes with definitions and examples for each from the movies that teachers can use in their classrooms. Complete the assignment at the end of the article. The Hero The hero endures self-sacrifice through hardship and separation for those he protects. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones sacrifices his love life, experience incredible hardship and pain. The Mentor The mentor, usually an old sage, trains the hero. In the Karate Kid, Miyagi is Daniel’s mentor. The Threshold Guardian The threshold guardian provides the first hurdle in front of the hero – the beginning of the adventure. In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy first encounters the Cowardly Lion, who scares her and then joins her on her adventure.In the Losers, the threshold guardian is the Columbian drug dealer they kill to rescue the children. The Herald In The Matrix, Trinity is the herald. The Shapeshifter The Shadow The Trickster

George R R Martin untitled Neil Gaiman Macbeth Summary and Cliff Notes | Free Book Notes William Shakespeare bases the title character of his famous play, Macbeth, off of an actual Scottish king. However, the similarities are few. While the historical King Macbeth was thought to be an honest and good king, the Shakespearean version is noticeably less so. When three witches present a three-part prophecy to Macbeth, he is somewhat skeptical. Full Book Notes and Study Guides Comprehensive Macbeth study guides, summaries, cliff notes, and book notes Short Book Summaries Sites with a short overview, synoposis, book report, or summary of Macbeth By William Shakespeare Teaching Resources Resources specially for teachers looking to plan classroom exercises around Macbeth By William Shakespeare Other Resources Other resources such as literary criticism and essay assistance of Macbeth By William Shakespeare Other Books by this Author Find additional resource pages for this author´s books

P&E: Opinion © 2000 James Russell Publishing Despite the fact there are many books for authors on how to submit manuscripts to publishers and agents, a condensed primer of good advice is needed. Here are some valuable tips to help you get your book published. You must have a "completed" manuscript ready for publication. If all you have is a great idea for a book and no product to sell you are wasting time and effort. Few publishers will accept such submissions from unknown writers. By enhancing the quality and marketability of your query letter and manuscript agents and publishers will be receptive to you.

Fahrenheit 451 Summary and Cliff Notes | Free Book Notes Our Summary of Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" is a story about the mask of happiness. Characters within the story structure their lives around their need for comfort and safety. Guy Montag, the main character of the story, is thirty years old; to maintain the integrity of the town, he burns books that he believes are dangerous to the minds of the citizens. He is married to Mildred, who lives in the television set; to ensure that she doesn't miss any of her shows, she makes certain that each wall has a television set attached to it. In essence, she is surrounded by the characters she finds the most comforting. Full Book Notes and Study Guides Comprehensive Fahrenheit 451 study guides, summaries, cliff notes, and book notes Short Book Summaries Sites with a short overview, synoposis, book report, or summary of Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury Book Reviews Sites with a book review or quick commentary on Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury Other Resources Other Books by this Author

Book Blog - Book Reviews - Bestsellers - Best Buy Halloween Classics Illustration by Harry Clarke Halloween gives us the opportunity to go beyond arts and crafts and use the holiday as an excuse to dive into some classic suspenseful stories. Luckily, many of these stories are in the public domain. Most of these are probably most suitable for middle and high school. I put the word count so you can get an idea for pacing. Short Stories Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell Tale Heart (~2,000 words) is short enough to print on one sheet of paper. From Arthur Conan Doyle, of Sherlock Holmes fame, The Horrors of the Heights is a supernatural tale involving a pilot trying to reach an altitude past 30,000 feet (~6,500 words). W.W. Finally, The Brothers Grimm’s Hansel and Gretel seems somewhat appropriate for Halloween (~3,000 words). Longer Stories Irving Washington’s classic The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (~12,000 words), familiar to many students because of the Disney cartoon. Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr. Bram Stoker’s DraculaMary Shelley’s FrankensteinH.G. Art
