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To My Old Master

To My Old Master
In 1864, after 32 long years in the service of his master, Jourdon Anderson and his wife, Amanda, escaped a life of slavery when Union Army soldiers freed them from the plantation on which they had been working so tirelessly. They grasped the opportunity with vigour, quickly moved to Ohio where Jourdon could find paid work with which to support his growing family, and didn’t look back. Then, a year later, shortly after the end of the Civil War, Jourdon received a desperate letter from Patrick Henry Anderson, the man who used to own him, in which he was asked to return to work on the plantation and rescue his ailing business. Jourdon’s reply to the person who enslaved his family, dictated from his home on August 7th, is everything you could wish for, and quite rightly was subsequently reprinted in numerous newspapers. (This letter, along with 124 other fascinating pieces of correspondence, can be found in the bestselling book, Letters of Note. Related:  Read, Write, ReflectEngelska 2

Academic Phrasebank Teach them English Plot Generator Om engelskundervisning för nyanlända elever | Navets språkklass Våra nyanlända elever kommer till skolan med olika kunskaper och erfarenheter. Det gäller även i engelska. Samma klass – olika kunskapsnivåer I vår somaliska språkklass har vi elever som pratar flytande engelska och som har haft engelskspråkig undervisning i sitt hemland. Den största anledningen till att nyanlända elever inte uppnår kunskapskraven i engelska är just att de inte läst ämnet engelska i samma utsträckning som elever som haft hela sin skolgång i Sverige. Nedan beskriver jag om hur vi kartlägger engelskkunskaper och organiserar undervisningen i engelska för språkklassens elever. Kartläggning och undervisning När eleverna börjar hos oss i språkklassen arbetar vi med ”Boken om mig” och vi ser redan där att många av eleverna har stora kunskaper i engelska. Vi brukar även testa eleverna i läs- och hörförståelse. Efter en bedömning av resultaten nivågrupperar vi språkklassens elever och de undervisas tillsammans med elever i reguljär klass år nio. /Linda

Hey Mama by Kiese Laymon A black mother and her son talk about language and love in the South. Image by Jennifer Packer, Mario II, 2012. Courtesy the artist Hey Mama, I’m feeling alone this morning. Hey Kie, I’m tired. Mama, you always say that. You hug yourself by not allowing haters to distract you and by believing in yourself. Oh, lord. Don’t say “ain’t got” Kie. Or what? Or nothing. Nah, I’m serious. It depends on the judges. Mama, how have we been having the same conversation about language for thirty years? You are a grown man, but you’re still a black boy from Mississippi to people that want to hurt you. I have pictures of the look on my grandma’s face the first time she held my first two books. Hiding won’t protect us. I’m not talking about hiding. I don’t even really do Twitter, Mama. My friends tell me you write crazy-talk on that Facebook, and that Twitter. Mama. They’re trying to fix black boys on the cheap, without reckoning with white supremacy. What have you been thinking? I’ve been thinking too much.

Webbresurs från vårt grannland - London Walk - Språkbloggen Finska Utbildningsstyrelsen är en myndighet som ungefär motsvarar Skolverket (även om jag inte ska svära på de exakta detaljerna rent politiskt). De har också en hel del lärresurser på sin hemsida, och där har jag hittat en guldklimp, via ett tips på Facebook. Mina 9or ska i engelskan arbeta med olika ämnesområden kopplade till Great Britain och vi inleder med att fokusera på London. För att få en bild av sammanhanget tittade vi först på en film från med den självförklarande titeln GREAT BRITAIN, artikel V4258. Efter introduktionen fick eleverna ge sig ut för att själva upptäcka London. Bild: skärmdump från

If He Hollers Let Him Go - by Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah Discussed: Ohio’s Rolling Farmland, Hippies in Tie-Dye, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Kanye West, Oprah, A Simpler Way of Life, Seventy-Year-Old Comparative Literature Professors in Birkenstocks, Negritude,Thurgood Marshall, Black Activism, Patrice Lumumba, Stepin Fetchit, Richard Pryor, Dick Gregory, Mark Twain’s Pudd’nhead Wilson, Hemp Stores, Reuben Sandwiches, Dusk in Yellow Springs Although the city of Dayton is small and has been hit hard by the decline of industry, in Xenia and Yellow Springs the land is green, fecund, and alive, even in the relentless heat of summer. Xenia is three miles from where the first private black college, Wilberforce, opened, in 1856, to meet the educational needs of the growing population of freed blacks that crossed the Ohio River. Yellow Springs, a stop on the Underground Railroad, was initially established as a utopian community in 1825. In 1852, Horace Mann founded Antioch College and served as its president. Chappelle’s comedy found fans in many worlds.

LEARN ENGLISH THROUGH TV Comedies With English Subtitles | Madrastra – a page of English Entradas recientes MIND YOUR LANGUAGE: learn english through TV Comedies With English Subtitles 18 Ene.2016 0 Comments MIND YOUR LANGUAGE: learn english through TV Comedies With English Subtitles “Mind your language”is a British comedy television series that premiered on ITV in late 1977. The first ones with subtitles in english. Season 1 Ep.1 to 5 (Eng Subs) Season 1 Episode 7 (Come Back All Is Forgiven Eng Subs) Season 1 Ep 6 The Cheating Game (Eng Subs) Mind Your Language Season 1 Episode 8 ( The Cheating Game Eng Subs) Some chapters of the rest seasons are subtitled and some others are not. seasons season 1 Season 1 Episode 9 ( Kill or Cure) Season 1 Episode 11 (A Point Of Honour Eng Subs) Season 1 Episode 13 (The Examination Eng Subs) Season 1 Episode 10 (Hello, Sailor Eng Subs Season 1 - Episode 12 - How's Your Father Season 2 Season 2 - Episode 1 - All Present If Not Correct Season 2 - Episode 3 - Brief Re-Encounter Season 2 - Episode 5 - Don't Forget The Driver Season 2 - Episode 2 - Queen For A Day

Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The Observer Ai Aoyama is a sex and relationship counsellor who works out of her narrow three-storey home on a Tokyo back street. Her first name means "love" in Japanese, and is a keepsake from her earlier days as a professional dominatrix. Back then, about 15 years ago, she was Queen Ai, or Queen Love, and she did "all the usual things" like tying people up and dripping hot wax on their nipples. Her work today, she says, is far more challenging. Aoyama, 52, is trying to cure what Japan's media calls sekkusu shinai shokogun, or "celibacy syndrome". Japan's under-40s appear to be losing interest in conventional relationships. The sign outside her building says "Clinic". Inside, she takes me upstairs to her "relaxation room" – a bedroom with no furniture except a double futon. The number of single people has reached a record high. Many people who seek her out, says Aoyama, are deeply confused. Official alarmism doesn't help. Marriage has become a minefield of unattractive choices.

Aha det är så jag ska utveckla min text! Nu förstår jag precis hur jag ska skriva... Aha det är så jag ska utveckla min text! Nu förstår jag precis hur jag ska skriva… Citatet ovan kommer från en elev i årskurs nio. Ni kanske vill veta hur vi arbetade för att eleven skulle utbrista i eufori vad hen kom på. Jag tänkte dela upplägget med er och det är väldigt enkelt. Upplägget i sig är inte revolutionerande men för just denna elev var det det. I /…/ skriftliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formlera sig enkelt, begripligt och relativt sammanhängande. Hur konkretiserar man aspekterna? Jag valde att lägga upp det på ett lite bakvänt sätt för mig då jag brukar börja med att visa på exempeltexter. Gå igenom instruktionen Till att börja med visade jag instruktionen för uppsatsdelen. Eget skrivande Eleverna fick sedan skriva brevet under resten av lektionen och fortsätta under nästa lektion för att hamna på den tid som eleverna får på själva skrivdagen på de nationella proven. Genomgång av bedömningsaspekterna Kamratbedömning på andras texter PS!

Omniscient Gentlemen of The Atlantic | | Notebook Maureen Tkacik [from The Baffler No. 19, 2012] Shepherd, show me how to go O’er the hillside steep, How to gather, how to sow,— How to feed Thy sheep. –Mary Baker Eddy Not long before The Atlantic’s parent company announced its swing into a profit-making business model despite operating in the most moribund corner of a publishing industry, I sat in a glass-paneled press room next to a small auditorium on the second floor of the Washington Newseum and took in the incipient profitability. All the unctuous little scabs who believe the future of words lies in rearranging them online would soon (inter alia) barge into the office of Harper’s publisher Rick MacArthur to trumpet their e-vindication. The din of younger colleagues tapping keyboards is never soothing, but sitting in the press room of the Ideas Forum felt like a human rights violation. Omniscience is the operating principle by which everyone understands everyone else in Washington, D.C. “DAVID!!!!! “Hello, David.” Dramatic pause.
