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Teacher Resources, Children's Books, Student Activities for Teachers

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The Learning Network Educator Review | Common Sense Education How Can Teachers Use It? For teachers in states that have adopted the Common Core standards, the site provides a reliable place to make connections with reading, writing, and content-area topics from social studies and science. Kids and teachers can search articles according to content area as well as by keywords, and there is a Common Core link, too. In many ways, The Learning Network could be a valuable place to begin class each day, either by flashing it on an interactive board for class discussions or by providing links to individual students. Educators don't have special access to an internal dashboard at the site, but there are plenty of helpful areas located right off the homepage. Read moreRead less What's It Like? The Learning Network is a blog-style website that features New York Times news content for teacher use. Is It Good For Learning? The Learning Network is a place built for student voices, with an entire area dedicated to inviting student responses.

The scary truth about what's hurting our kids - Your Modern Family In the past week, I’ve read several studies that are scary to me… the scary truth about what’s hurting our kids. We all know that what our kids hear becomes their inner voice, but it’s hard to control what they hear from others, isn’t it? CNN recently interviewed Dr Jean Twenge, author of iGen and her interview really worried me – because I saw the truth that I would be facing in just a few short years. Dr. The results of that should scare all of us. This was the year that more kids started to say that they felt “sad, hopeless, useless… that they couldn’t do anything right (depression).” They aren’t dating as much. More likely to feel lonely. They are getting less sleep. She goes onto say that we are on the worst mental health crisis in decades. Why is this happening? Think about bullies. I can’t imagine being a tween or teenager now. She goes on to say that “Today’s children are being deprived of the fundamentals of a healthy childhood: Instead, children are being served with:

Laura Candler's Teaching Resources - Interactive Teaching Made Easy! Recommended books from ALSC - Association for Library Service to Children The Association for Library Service to Children promotes reading and books through recommendations, compilations of lists, and related services. Looking for a book list you thought was on this page? - Check out the ALA Institutional Repository for archived ALSC book lists. Building a Home Library (June 2016) Four bibliographies created by the ALA-Children’s Book Council (CBC) Joint Committee, with cooperation from ALSC’s Quicklists Consulting Committee to provide guidance to parents, grandparents, and others interested in assembling a high-quality library for their children at home. 2016 Summer Reading Lists (May 2016) ALSC's Quicklists Consulting Committee has updated our Summer Reading Lists with new and exciting titles! Share the Gift of Reading: 20 Years of Día (April 2016) A special list to encourage everyone to participate in the celebration of Día's 20th anniversary! Graphic Novels Reading List - 2016 Update ALSC has released three new Graphic Novel Reading Lists. Read!

Bulletin Board Ideas By Phil Nast, retired middle school teacher and freelance writer Found In: all subjects, preK-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 Bulletin Board Ideas gathers material from the Internet, welcomes ideas from teachers, and offers original ideas as well. The website’s commercial aspect can be ignored. Bulletin board ideas are organized under month, season, holiday, grade PreK-12, subject, and theme. back to school, classroom management, interactive, motivational, door display, and more. Each project page provides a photo of the completed board or door and describes what supplies were used and how. Scholastic: Bulletin Board Ideas Another source of ideas is Scholastic’s Bulletin Board Ideas: Everything You Need. Topic Magazine: Worldwide Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations Topic Magazine’s Worldwide Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations is a good source of information on international holidays.

U2 All About Pregnancy Lapbook The Teacher's Guide-Free Lesson Plans, Printouts, and Resources for teachers. ICDL - International Children's Digital Library Literacy & NCTE - The official blog of the National Council of Teachers of English Science for Kids: Toothpick Structures When most of us think of science for kids we think chemistry and biology projects, but why not incorporate a little engineering for kids in there instead? I actually think building structures with kids is one of the most engaging science activities you can do together; kids love building things and they won’t even realize they are doing a fun science project at the same time! Plus this project takes just minutes to set up using materials you probably have on hand (did you save those packing peanuts from all your online purchases this year?). And be sure to scroll to the end of the post where we of course DESTROY said structures with a simple trick! This post contains affiliate links to products I love and recommend to my readers, plus it keeps this little blog o’mine afloat! Materials Biodegradable Packing PeanutsToothpicksSpray Bottle filled with WaterTray Instructions Step One Set up the invitation to play. You’re done! Looks Like Antonio Gaudi. More

Reading Is Fundamental - Booklists We've dusted off a few of our favorite books to create a brand new booklist to help you celebrate... See This List Help your reading list sprout along with your garden! It’s been a stand-out year for children’s picture books. November is Native American Heritage month, making this time of the year the perfect opportunity to... Spooky reading to keep you up at night! Our Multicultural Book Collection includes 40 children’s books specially selected to encourage... February is Black History Month. Reading Is Fundamental’s 2013–2014 Multicultural Book Collection is comprised of 40 children’s... Reading Is Fundamental’s 2012–2013 Multicultural Book Collection is comprised of 40 children’s... The John Newbery Medal is a literary award given by the Association for Library Service to...

Welcome to the Middle Level Section of NCTE ------ your home in the middle! The NCTE Linda Rief Voices from the Middle Award recognizes an outstanding publication in Voices from the Middle written or co-written by classroom teachers or literacy coaches. Many of today’s recognized authors and experts published their early work in Voices from the Middle and this award aims to support the development of future voices to lead our profession forward. The Middle Level journal Voices from the Middle has a new set of editors and a whole new way of sharing the excellent content and ideas. Under the leadership of Sara Kajder and Shelbie Witte, Voices has launched an engaging podcast, digital-only content, and a vibrant Facebook page. Not yet a subscriber? Go Green! The Middle Level Section Steering Committee is pleased to announce the winners of the 2016 Middle Level Section Awards: Author, teacher, coach, and speaker, Laura Robb has been named the winner of the 2016 NCTE Richard W. Twitter as an Advocacy Tool, Literacy & NCTE Blog
