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The Constant Buzz

The Constant Buzz
Related:  Blog Photos

Be Inspired - On the Road Somewhere on your journey don't forget to turn around and enjoy the view.Idea to InspireI love to travel by car. The easiest way to clear your mind and be inspired is to hop in a car and enjoy the views from the road. Photo's to Inspire Enjoy these amazing shots of roads from Flickr. The road to... by gutter Uneasy Roads by ifiamblue High Lonesome Road by Eric Vondy Inspiration can come from anywhere, I hope today's post inspires you to find a new idea.

TechCrunch - The latest technology news and information on startups PROJECT 365 TEMPLATES: SKETCHED THEME - eyecandyoverlays Please be aware that this is a VERY large file (sized at 1.30 GB when unzipped) please make sure you have the room on your computer before agreeing to purchase. :) ♥ Each template is sized at 12"x12" ♥ Less is more: I designed these with those very words in mind. ♥ Templates are in fully editable .psd format. ♥ Several different 7 photo 2 page spread combinations are possible using these pages. ♥ For these templates I used the font Myriad Web Pro. Q: Are the templates easy to use? They are! Q: Are there any groups supporting project 365? There are many MANY different 365 groups on flickr. Q: Do I have to start on January 1st? Absolutely not! I recommend opening an account with blurb (It is completely free) soon after starting your project. Because the pages are sized at 12x12" Blurb's Lare 12x12 square format book is an ideal size to choose. These Templates are really versatile! Of course there are many many other uses for these that should fit your business or personal needs.

Damien elroy Vignaux blabla, etc Allthebeautifulthings Garde ca pour toi | Ce que j'aime mis en blog Le laboratoire - Sandrine Derselle Photo-Graphe Sébastien De Danieli | Photographie Nature & Environnement – Made in Alpes 8 rue caffarelli | a photography blog: A (Rainy) Walk in Paris | La Coulée Verte Won't you join me for a rainy walk in Paris?So far, we've wandered the charming streets of Montmartre, and breathed in the sweet perfume of roses at Albert Kahn's garden oasis. This afternoon I thought I'd show you The City of Lights from a new perspective, thirty feet up and eye level with the treetops. Stretching 4.5 km from Bastille to the Bois de Vincennes, the Coulée Verte is a hidden garden high in the sky, perched on an abandoned elevated railway. Directions: From the metro station at Bastille, exit at rue de Lyon, continue down Avenue Daumesnil and you'll come across a flight of stairs leading up to the promenade.

Garde ca pour toi | Ce que j'aime mis en blog Erik Johansson Édouard - Blogueur Voyage & Outdoor Trace Ta Route Savoyard, passionné de voyage, d’art et de montagne, j’aime autant partir en road trip qu’à la découverte d’une ville, visiter les musées ou les montagnes. Je vise principalement les endroits qui me dépaysent… complètement ! J’affectionne plus particulièrement les vastes paysages, les coins reclus et un tant soit peu désertiques… ou désertés. Ce blog est mon violon d’Ingres dans lequel je prends plaisir à partager mes périples de voyage ou en montagne à côté de chez moi, illustrés de mes images ➤ retrouver tous mes articles site perso : L’Oeil d’Édouard réseaux : Facebook – Instagram mes dilatateurs de pupille Parmi les petits plaisirs simples de la vie, je citerais la contemplation des montagnes avec en bonus la lumière colorée après un orage, bivouaquer sous les étoiles, assister à un lever de soleil, s’endormir (à l’abri !) mes voyages Barcelone, Madrid, Séville, Bilbao, Malaga Porto, Lisbonne, Sintra Bruges, Gand, Bruxelles, Anvers, Liège, Ostende, Doel Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht
